Added: May 16, 2024

In this podcast episode, Sharon Osbourne, a well-known television personality, joins Sage Steele to discuss her experiences and challenges in the entertainment industry, her views on societal issues, and her personal life. The conversation covers a wide range of topics, including Sharon's time in the music industry, her love for California, the current state of politics and society, her experience on 'The Talk,' and the pressures faced by working mothers.

Challenges in Music Industry and Society

Sharon begins by reflecting on her time working in the music industry, where she struggled with the environment and the challenges it presented. Despite her love for California, she highlights the issues she sees in the state, particularly in terms of governance and infrastructure. The discussion then shifts to the current state of politics and society, with both Sharon and Sage expressing concerns about the lack of respectful dialogue and open conversation. They discuss the polarization of opinions, cancel culture, and the importance of diversity of thought.

Sharon's Experience on 'The Talk'

The podcast delves into Sharon's experience on 'The Talk' and the fallout that occurred after a controversial incident. Sharon reveals her feelings of betrayal by former colleagues and friends, as well as the impact it had on her mental health. She discusses the lack of communication and support from those she thought were on her side, highlighting the cutthroat nature of the entertainment industry. She emphasizes the importance of seeking therapy to work through her emotions and not carry the burden of victimhood. She acknowledges the support she received from her children and close friends, including Cindy Lauper, who stood up for her publicly. Sharon also addresses the fear and reluctance of others to speak out in her defense due to the risk of being canceled.

Challenges of Working Mothers

Sharon shares a personal story about the difficulties she faced when her daughter Amy decided to leave the family reality show because she felt uncomfortable being in the spotlight. Sharon acknowledges that she did the best she could at the time and that she wishes she could have made different choices in hindsight. The conversation delves into the pressures and judgments that working mothers face, with Sharon and Sage sharing their own experiences of feeling guilty for not being able to be present for every school event or activity. They discuss the societal expectations placed on mothers and the challenges of juggling work and family responsibilities.

Early struggles in music industry

Sharon also talks about her early days in the music industry, where she and her husband Ozzy Osbourne struggled financially and lived on a tour bus with their three young children. She reflects on the sacrifices they made to build their careers and provide for their family, highlighting the resilience and determination required to succeed in a competitive industry. The conversation touches on the importance of self-care for mothers and the need to prioritize one's well-being amidst the demands of parenting and work. She shares that she coped with the stress by eating and indulging in unhealthy habits, acknowledging that she did not always prioritize her own mental and physical health.

Changing Roles of Women

The discussion also addresses the changing roles of women in the workforce and the progress that has been made in creating more opportunities for women to pursue their careers while also raising a family. Sharon reflects on the shifts she has seen in society's attitudes towards working mothers and the importance of women being able to balance their professional and personal lives. She shares a humorous anecdote about her past behavior, revealing that she used to engage in provocative antics, such as flashing in public places when she was drunk. She reflects on her wilder days and the freedom she felt to express herself in unconventional ways.

Sharon's Reflections on Weight Loss Medication and Relationship Challenges

The conversation then shifts to Sharon's thoughts on the dangers of using weight loss medication, especially for young girls who may feel pressured to lose weight. She shares her own experience with the medication and how it helped her control her eating habits but also acknowledges the negative impact it can have on one's health. She reflects on her relationship with her husband, Ozzy Osbourne, and how they have weathered many challenges together. She talks about the difficulties they faced early in their relationship, including opposition from her family, but emphasizes the strength of their bond and their ability to overcome obstacles.

Reconciliation and Family Bonds

The conversation delves into Sharon's strained relationship with her father, who resented her success and caused her a great deal of pain over the years. She shares how she eventually reconciled with her father, even as he battled Alzheimer's disease, and the emotional toll it took on her to care for him in his final years. Sharon discusses the importance of family and the pride she takes in her close-knit relationships with her children and grandchildren. She reflects on the lessons she learned from her own family struggles and how she has worked to create a supportive and loving environment for her own family.

Embracing Authenticity in Public Life

The conversation shifts to Sharon's experiences with being true to herself in the public eye. She shares her decision to speak out about her beliefs and experiences, even when it meant facing backlash and criticism. She talks about the challenges of working in a corporate environment where she felt stifled and unable to express her true thoughts and feelings. She expresses her frustration with the pressure to conform to corporate expectations and the fear of speaking out against injustices. She emphasizes the importance of being true to oneself and not compromising one's values for the sake of pleasing others or maintaining a certain image.


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