Kimbal Musk: The Art of Cooking, Tesla, SpaceX, Zip2, and Family | Lex Fridman Podcast #417

Added: Mar 11, 2024

In this episode of the Lex Fridman podcast, Kimbal Musk, an entrepreneur, chef, author and brother of Elon Musk, shares his experiences and insights. Growing up in South Africa during the apartheid era, Musk recalls the violence and lack of value for human life in his community. Witnessing a brutal incident at a young age shaped his perspective on the importance of human life and the value of living in a country like America where human life is highly valued.

Key takeaways


Kimbal Musk's traumatic childhood experience shaped his perspective on the value of human life and the importance of living in a country where human life is highly valued.


Musk's passion for cooking started at a young age and has led him to create spaces in his restaurants where people can come together and engage in meaningful conversations.


Musk emphasizes the power of food in bringing people together, creating moments of joy and connection, and nourishing both the body and soul.


Musk appreciates good ingredients, such as peaches, cherries, and Granny Smith apples and highlights the importance of building relationships with farmers to source quality ingredients.


Musk's journey in entrepreneurship, from co-founding Zip2 with his brother to his involvement with Tesla and SpaceX, showcases his adaptability and entrepreneurial spirit.

Relationship with his Father

Musk reflects on his complex relationship with his father, who alternated between affection and verbal abuse. He acknowledges the impact his father had on him, both in terms of learning what not to do and in trying to make up for his father's mistakes. This dynamic has influenced Musk's approach to life and relationships.

Passion for Cooking

Cooking has been a passion for Musk since he was 11 years old. He recalls his first successful cooking experience with a roast chicken, which sparked his love for cooking. The act of preparing and sharing meals with family and friends became a way for Musk to connect and create meaningful moments. He emphasizes the power of food in bringing people together and fostering genuine connections.

Releasing a Cookbook

Musk recently released a cookbook titled "The Kitchen Cookbook: Cooking for Your Community," which aims to inspire people to cook and share meals with others. He believes that food is a gift we give ourselves three times a day and emphasizes the importance of making each meal a special experience. He sees food as a way to nourish not only the body but also the soul, creating moments of joy and connection.

Musk's Restaurants

In his restaurants, such as The Kitchen in Boulder, Denver, and Chicago, Musk creates spaces where people can come together and engage in meaningful conversations. He believes that the energy and atmosphere of a restaurant, with its mix of strangers and familiar faces, adds to the dining experience. He values the communal aspect of dining out and the opportunity it provides for people to connect and engage with one another.

As Musk plans to open a new restaurant in Austin, he looks forward to engaging with the vibrant and eclectic community in the city. He appreciates the unique characters and diverse viewpoints that he encounters in Austin, and he is excited to create a space where people can come together to share meals and stories.

The Power of Vulnerability

Musk discusses the art of conversation and the power of vulnerability in fostering deep connections. He shares his approach to hosting Jeffersonian-style dinners, where guests are encouraged to engage in meaningful dialogue by asking thought-provoking questions. By creating a space for open and honest communication, he believes that people can explore diverse perspectives and connect on a deeper level.

Inspiration from Anthony Bourdain

Musk reveals that Anthony Bourdain was one of his heroes who inspired him to pursue a career in the culinary world. Bourdain's book, "Kitchen Confidential," romanticized cooking in restaurants and sparked his interest in the industry. He admired Bourdain's love for food and his advice to "cook with love."

The power of good ingredients

Having learned from Chef Hugo at the French Culinary Institute, Musk emphasizes the value of sourcing good ingredients and building relationships with farmers. He appreciates the uniqueness of vegetables from different farms and the impact of quality ingredients on the final dish. His favorite ingredient to cook with is peaches, especially the ones from Colorado in August.

When it comes to fruits, Musk enjoys cherries and Granny Smith apples. He also mentions his love for smoothie bowls, incorporating berries and other fruits. In terms of vegetables, Musk appreciates the versatility of carrots and the different varieties available from various farms.

Lessons from the French Culinary Institute

Musk describes his time at the French Culinary Institute as a challenging yet rewarding experience. He recalls the intense training, including being berated by chefs and the pressure to excel in a competitive environment. One memorable lesson was learning to make a French omelette in 90 seconds with total focus and precision.

Cooking Techniques and Salt Varieties

In his book, Musk dedicates a page to salt, emphasizing the significance of using the same type of salt consistently to understand its flavor profile. He explains how different salts can impact the taste of a dish and recommends getting to know your salt through repeated use. He prefers using kosher salt in his cooking and occasionally adds a sprinkle of Maldon salt for texture. He emphasizes the importance of learning how to salt a steak by sight and taste, rather than relying on specific measurements. Musk encourages building a relationship with ingredients, such as salt, to enhance the cooking experience.

Appreciation for Steak and Barbecue

As a fan of New York strip steak, Musk appreciates the simplicity and versatility of this cut of meat. He also praises the diverse barbecue culture in Austin, Texas, where different establishments offer unique styles and flavors. He enjoys the communal atmosphere of barbecue joints and the authenticity of their culinary traditions.

Life-Altering Accident

In 2010, Musk suffered a life-threatening accident while snowboarding, resulting in a spinal injury that left him paralyzed. During his recovery, he had a profound realization that he wanted to work with kids and food. Despite not being religious, he describes a clear inner voice guiding him towards this new path, leading to a significant transformation in his career and outlook on life.

Meditation and Self-Reflection

Musk practices meditation as a way to calm his mind and connect with his inner self. He describes the experience of being the "Watcher" of his thoughts and feelings, recognizing a consistent presence beyond his thoughts. This introspective practice has helped him gain clarity and peace amidst life's challenges.

Early Entrepreneurial Ventures

Kimbal Musk recalls his early interest in entrepreneurship, influenced by books like "Liar's Poker" that romanticized the world of finance. He pursued a summer job at a bank in Toronto, only to be disappointed by the lack of innovation and drive he observed. This experience led him to cancel his business classes and shift his focus towards a franchise for house painting. His early success in running a house painting business during college laid the foundation for his entrepreneurial endeavors.

Entrepreneurial Journey with Zip2

In 1994, Musk and his brother co-founded Zip2, a company that revolutionized online mapping by introducing vector-based mapping for the first time. While coming up with the idea of Zip2, the brothers embarked on a road trip across the United States to brainstorm ideas for their venture. The road trip exposed Musk to the kindness of strangers and the beauty of human connections in times of distress. He reflects on the value of experiencing life beyond tourist sites and embracing the authenticity of different places and people. Musk's road trip adventures shaped his perspective on entrepreneurship and the importance of building relationships with others.

Musk shares how they obtained data from Navtech and created a macro to streamline the process, despite facing challenges in monetizing the service.

Involvement with Tesla

Musk reflects on his journey with Tesla, from joining as a founding board member to witnessing the development of the Model 3. He emphasizes the importance of taking an electric motor and placing it in a sports car to appeal to consumers, highlighting the transformative impact of the Model 3 in making electric vehicles more accessible. He also praises Tesla's approach to continuous improvement through software updates and the over-the-air capabilities of their vehicles.

Challenges and Successes at SpaceX

Musk shares a poignant moment from his time at SpaceX, recalling a difficult period when rockets were failing to launch successfully. He describes a moment of communal bonding over a meal in the midst of setbacks, emphasizing the power of food to bring people together during challenging times. He also discusses the highs and lows of his journey with SpaceX, supporting Elon Musk through various milestones and setbacks.

Hope for the Future

Kimbal Musk expresses optimism for the future of humanity, citing improvements in poverty rates, infant mortality, and overall quality of life over the past few decades. He emphasizes the importance of perspective and reflection in recognizing progress amidst the challenges faced by society. He also advocates for celebrating successes and acknowledging the efforts of individuals making a positive impact in their communities.


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