Kevin Bacon on Overcoming Self-Sabotage, Manifesting His Dreams, and the Key to His 35 Year Marriage

Kevin Bacon on Overcoming Self-Sabotage, Manifesting His Dreams, and the Key to His 35 Year Marriage thumbnail

Added: Sep 25, 2023

In this podcast episode, the host welcomes actor Kevin Bacon to discuss his career, relationships, and personal growth. Bacon reflects on his journey as an actor and the challenges he faced along the way. He shares insights into building relationships, navigating fame, and finding fulfillment in his work.

Bacon begins by discussing the financial struggles that many actors face, living paycheck to paycheck and constantly worrying about when the next job will come. He acknowledges the uncertainty of the industry and the constant pressure to find new roles. Despite these challenges, Bacon emphasizes the importance of having a dream and staying motivated.

The conversation then shifts to Bacon's reputation as a kind and respectful person in the industry. He attributes this to the values instilled in him by his parents, particularly his mother, who taught him to be compassionate and understanding towards others. Bacon acknowledges that he is not always perfect and has had moments where he may not have been as kind as he could have been. However, he believes that his upbringing and inherent kindness have shaped his interactions with others.

The host recalls seeing Bacon in a restaurant early in his career and being struck by his connections and success. Bacon humbly acknowledges that he has worked hard to build relationships and create opportunities for himself. He credits his drive and work ethic to his desire for fame and success. However, he also recognizes the importance of honing his craft and becoming a better artist.

Bacon reflects on the lessons he learned from his parents. His mother taught him to be a good person and to consider the perspectives of others. She was involved in social activism and instilled in him a sense of compassion and empathy. His father, on the other hand, was drawn to fame and recognition. Bacon admits that he wanted to be more famous than his father and sought external validation through his career.

The conversation then delves into the moment when Bacon realized the importance of building relationships and connecting with others. He recalls moving to Los Angeles and seeing the impact of his fame and connections. He acknowledges that being well-known can be both a blessing and a curse, as it can lead to isolation and a loss of touch with reality. However, he also acknowledges the positive aspects of fame, such as the love and adoration from fans.

Bacon discusses the challenges of fame and success, particularly the pressure to maintain a certain image and make good choices. He admits that he made poor decisions in his career, choosing projects that ultimately flopped. He reflects on the importance of taking advice and being open to guidance from others, something he struggled with in his younger years.

The conversation then turns to the pursuit of money, fame, and success. Bacon acknowledges that while these things can bring temporary happiness, they are not the key to true fulfillment. He emphasizes the importance of finding something outside of money and fame that brings joy and connection, such as family, nature, or hobbies.

Bacon also discusses the dark side of fame, including the risks and challenges that come with it. He acknowledges that many actors have struggled with addiction, mental health issues, and personal turmoil. He attributes this to the strange and isolating nature of fame, as well as the pressure to constantly perform and meet expectations.

The host asks Bacon about how he has maintained his core values and identity throughout his career. Bacon emphasizes the importance of leaving work at the office and not letting the characters he plays consume him. He acknowledges that playing certain roles can have a psychological impact, but he has learned to separate himself from the characters once the project is finished. He also credits his wife for keeping him grounded and reminding him of who he is outside of his work.

Bacon further emphasizes the importance of change and learning from new information. He mentions that politicians often face criticism for changing their opinions, but he believes that changing one's mind is a positive trait. He states that as new information becomes available, it is essential to reevaluate one's beliefs and perspectives. Bacon gives examples such as the Me Too movement and Black Lives Matter, which have led to shifts in his own understanding and viewpoints. He believes that change is necessary for personal growth and that those who resist change are stagnant.

The conversation then shifts to Bacon's new podcast, "Six Degrees with Kevin Bacon," which is an extension of his foundation, Six Degrees. The podcast aims to highlight celebrities who are involved in charitable work and have organizations or causes they deeply care about. Bacon interviews these celebrities and also speaks with the unsung heroes who run their foundations. He hopes to showcase the genuine care and dedication these celebrities have towards their charitable endeavors, debunking the notion that their involvement is solely for self-promotion.

The host praises Bacon for his open-heartedness and generosity in sharing his stories, knowledge, and wisdom. Bacon mentions that he finds it fascinating to explore a life of service, as it is far from what initially drove him to pursue his career. He expresses his admiration for celebrities who prioritize giving back and hopes to shed light on their genuine intentions through his podcast.

Towards the end of the podcast, the host asks Bacon a hypothetical question called "The Three Births." In this scenario, Bacon is given the opportunity to create an experience for the rest of his life but must leave behind three lessons or truths from his experiences. Bacon's three truths are to take care of each other, take care of the planet, and floss. He explains that flossing is a metaphor for taking care of oneself and emphasizes the importance of self-care.


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