Harris COLLAPSES On National Television…AGAIN

Added: Sep 27, 2024

In this podcast episode, Ben Shapiro discusses the current political landscape as the 2024 election approaches, emphasizing the tight race between Kamala Harris and Donald Trump. With just 39 days until the election, Shapiro expresses skepticism about the accuracy of polling data, suggesting that many polls may be artificially constructed to reflect a dead heat. He notes that while Harris appears to have a slight edge in some swing states, there are indicators that suggest Trump may be gaining ground.

Eric Adams Indicted

Shapiro begins by addressing breaking news regarding New York City Mayor Eric Adams, who has been indicted on federal criminal charges. The details of the indictment remain sealed, but Adams has publicly stated that the charges are false and based on lies. Shapiro humorously suggests that Adams should consider committing a crime in public to avoid prosecution, referencing a perceived leniency in the justice system for certain individuals in New York City.

The Election Landscape

As Shapiro delves into the election, he reflects on the conflicting feelings he has about the candidates. Initially, he believed Trump would win, but he now feels that Harris has gained some momentum. He points to polling data that shows Harris leading in key swing states, although the margins are slim. He expresses concern about the Democrats' ability to mobilize voters, particularly through ballot harvesting and outreach efforts on college campuses.

However, he also raises doubts about the reliability of the polls, suggesting that they may be constructed with a predetermined outcome in mind. He highlights a significant shift in polling from the Teamsters Union, which previously favored Biden but now shows Trump leading Harris by a substantial margin. This shift, according to Shapiro, indicates a potential change in voter sentiment that may not be fully captured by traditional polling methods.

Kamala Harris's Campaign Struggles

Shapiro then turns his attention to Kamala Harris's campaign, which he describes as lacking substance and coherence. He critiques her recent speeches and interviews, particularly her economic policy address in Pittsburgh, where she attempted to position herself as a pragmatic leader. He argues that her rhetoric is filled with platitudes and vague promises, lacking the specifics necessary to convince voters of her competence.

Shapiro points out that Harris's focus on issues like affordable housing and economic equity fails to resonate with many voters, particularly men, who perceive her campaign as anti-male. He believes that Harris's reliance on identity politics and her failure to connect with a broader audience could hinder her chances in the election.

The Biden-Harris Connection

Shapiro also discusses the complicated relationship between Harris and President Biden. He notes that Biden's recent comments on The View inadvertently tied Harris to his administration's policies, which she is trying to distance herself from. This creates a dilemma for Harris, as she must navigate the challenges of being both the Vice President and a candidate seeking to establish her own identity.

Foreign Policy and the Middle East

The podcast shifts to foreign policy, particularly the ongoing conflict in the Middle East. Shapiro criticizes the Biden administration's handling of the situation, arguing that their approach lacks decisiveness and clarity. He highlights the administration's call for a ceasefire and diplomatic negotiations, which he believes are ineffective given the nature of the conflict.

Shapiro emphasizes that the best way to achieve peace is through a credible threat of force, suggesting that the Biden administration's reluctance to support Israel militarily is detrimental to both American and Israeli interests. He expresses frustration with the administration's failure to recognize the realities of the situation and its tendency to prioritize political optics over effective policy.


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