The Formula To Break 100 Million Views On Shorts (ft/ Jenny Hoyos)

Added: May 4, 2024

In this podcast episode, Jenny Hoyos, an 18-year-old short form video creator, who is known for generating viral content that garners millions of views, shares her insights and strategies on creating engaging and viral content. She explains that she started as an introvert but worked on building her charisma and personality by practicing stand-up comedy and recording videos to get comfortable in front of the camera. She emphasizes the importance of storytelling in videos and how weaving personal stories into content can make it more relatable and engaging for viewers.

Key takeaways


The importance of a strong video hook cannot be overstated; it's crucial for grabbing attention and retaining viewers.


Storytelling, especially when it involves personal stories and character development, significantly enhances engagement and relatability.


Creating curiosity through novelty, uncertainty, and knowledge gaps makes content more engaging and shareable.


Key success metrics for video content include viewer swipe away percentage and retention rate, indicating the effectiveness of hooks and overall engagement.


The concept of 'stealing like an artist' for content creation emphasizes the importance of drawing inspiration from various sources while adding a unique twist.

The Importance of Strong Video Hooks

One of the key strategies Hoyos discusses is the concept of hooks in videos. She explains that a strong hook is essential to grab the viewer's attention and keep them engaged. Power words, progression in the video, and foreshadowing the end result are crucial elements of a successful hook. Hoyos also highlights the importance of simplicity in visuals, using high brightness and saturation to make the content visually appealing.

Creating Engaging and Shareable Video Content

When it comes to generating ideas for videos, Hoyos suggests focusing on novelty, uncertainty, knowledge gaps, and complexity. By adding layers to the content and creating curiosity gaps, creators can make their videos more engaging and shareable. Hoyos gives examples of how she has turned mundane ideas into viral content by adding personal stories, contrasting elements, and unique angles.

Key Video Success Metrics

In terms of metrics, Hoyos mentions that viewer swipe away percentage and retention rate are key indicators of a video's success. A high swipe away percentage indicates that the hook is effective in capturing the viewer's interest, while a high retention rate shows that the content is engaging and keeps viewers watching till the end.

The Power of Foreshadowing

Hoyos also talks about the significance of foreshadowing in storytelling. By hinting at what's to come, she creates anticipation and keeps the audience interested in watching till the end. Additionally, she stresses the importance of providing a clear payoff or resolution at the end of the video to satisfy viewers and encourage them to rewatch the content.

The Power of Storytelling for Change

The guest explains the concept of storytelling as change, highlighting the need for progression and character development in videos. By introducing conflict and obstacles throughout the narrative, Hoyos keeps the audience engaged and invested in the story. She also discusses the use of stakes to add tension and create a sense of urgency in the content.

Stealing like an artist strategy

Hoyos shares her strategy for generating ideas by "stealing like an artist," which involves taking inspiration from various sources and adding a unique twist to create original content. She discusses the process of analyzing data from her videos to understand viewer psychology and improve subscriber conversions. By identifying outliers in her content, she can determine what resonates with her audience and tailor future videos accordingly.

The Future of Short-Form Content

The guest also touches on the evolving landscape of short-form content and predicts a shift towards extremes in video length, with either very short or very long-form content gaining popularity. She emphasizes the importance of creating content that appeals to a wide audience, striking a balance between entertaining kids and engaging adults.

Inspiring frugal living through creativity

In terms of her personal goals, Hoyos expresses a desire to inspire others to appreciate the value of money and live a fulfilling life without excessive spending. She aims to provide fun and engaging experiences on a budget, encouraging viewers to be resourceful and creative in their pursuits.


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