THE BIOHACKING EXPERT: NEW Research On How To Live Past 100 Years Old | Dave Asprey

THE BIOHACKING EXPERT: NEW Research On How To Live Past 100 Years Old | Dave Asprey thumbnail

Added: Nov 20, 2023

Dave Asprey, a New York Times bestselling author and biohacking expert, appeared on the Jay Shetty podcast to discuss the latest research on how to live past 100 years old. As the founder and CEO of Bulletproof Coffee, Asprey has been at the forefront of the biohacking movement, which focuses on taking control of our own biology to improve health and longevity.

During the podcast, Asprey shares valuable insights on various topics related to biohacking, including the importance of addressing emotional stress and the role of nutrition in achieving optimal health. He emphasizes that 70% of the emotional stress we experience on a daily basis is due to our bodies being malnourished. Asprey highlights the significance of addressing nutritional deficiencies, particularly in minerals, to support overall well-being.

One of the key takeaways from the podcast is the concept of "tapping into the power of laziness." Asprey explains that our bodies have an innate desire to conserve energy, and this can often be perceived as laziness. However, he encourages listeners to understand and embrace this natural inclination, using it as a motivation to find more efficient ways to achieve their health and fitness goals. By optimizing exercise routines and focusing on high-impact, time-efficient workouts, individuals can work with their body's natural tendencies to achieve better results.

Asprey also discusses the importance of removing friction in our daily routines to support our health goals. By streamlining processes and eliminating unnecessary obstacles, individuals can make it easier to prioritize their health and well-being. This can include organizing workout gear, meal planning, and creating a supportive environment for healthy habits.

Furthermore, Asprey outlines the core target areas for achieving optimal health, including strength, cardiovascular fitness, energy metabolism, brain function, and stress resistance. He emphasizes the need to identify specific areas for improvement and focus on targeted strategies to address them. By setting clear goals and tracking progress in these key areas, individuals can work towards enhancing their overall health and longevity.

In addition to addressing physical health, Asprey delves into the importance of mental and emotional well-being, particularly in managing stress. He introduced the concept of the "reset process," a technique designed to help individuals release emotional triggers and find peace and forgiveness. By practicing gratitude, forgiveness, and empathy, individuals can free themselves from the burden of past traumas and achieve a greater sense of emotional resilience.

Asprey also highlights the role of advanced technologies and techniques in biohacking, such as neurofeedback and breathwork, to optimize brain function and stress management. He emphasizes the rapid advancements in neuroscience and the potential for leveraging these tools to enhance mental and emotional well-being.

Asprey also emphasizes the significance of forgiveness and its impact on overall health. He discusses the importance of resolving unresolved forgiveness to lead a stress-free life and make the world a better place. Asprey introduces the concept of the reset process, a powerful technique to let go of grudges and unresolved forgiveness, leading to spiritual growth and a more peaceful state of mind.

The conversation then shifts to the topic of protein intake. Asprey highlights the importance of consuming high-quality protein and the differences between animal and plant-based proteins. He emphasizes the need for adequate protein intake for optimal health and suggests consuming 0.8 to 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight. Asprey also discusses the challenges of obtaining sufficient protein from plant-based sources and recommends hemp protein as a viable option for those following a plant-based diet.

The discussion also touches on the topic of milk and its alternatives. Asprey provides insights into the different types of milk, including dairy, almond, oat, and coconut milk. He emphasizes the importance of choosing high-quality fats and proteins, highlighting the benefits of coconut milk and the potential drawbacks of almond and oat milk. Asprey also discusses the environmental and health implications of palm oil and its use in food products.

Lastly, Asprey delves into the impact of different oils on health, particularly focusing on the detrimental effects of omega-6 fats found in canola, corn, soybean, and safflower oils. He emphasizes the importance of consuming stable, saturated fats such as coconut oil and palm oil for optimal health and metabolism.


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