“Happiness is a CHOICE!” - Instantly Fix Your Stress & Anxiety | Mo Gawdat (E042)

In this podcast episode, Mo Gawdat, the former Chief Business Officer of Google X and author of the best-selling book "Solve for Happy," shares his mission to help a billion people find happiness in the world. His journey towards this mission began after the tragic loss of his mother when he was just 11 years old, which shaped his perspective on life and led him to explore the concept of happiness. In his latest book, "Unstress," Gawdat delves into the prevalent issue of stress in today's society, highlighting that stress is not necessarily caused by external events but rather by the way individuals perceive and deal with these events.

Key takeaways


Mo Gawdat emphasizes that happiness is a fundamental aspect of human existence and believes it is attainable for everyone, highlighting the importance of prioritizing personal well-being.


Gawdat's approach to stress management involves understanding that stress is more about perception than external events, advocating for a mindset shift to handle life's challenges more effectively.


Embracing moments of stillness and calm amidst the chaos of modern life is crucial, according to Gawdat, who practices this by going on a 40-day silent retreat to recharge.


The concept of continuous improvement and learning from mistakes is likened to gaming, where the goal is to become the best version of oneself and contribute positively to the world.


Gawdat believes in the power of happiness, compassion, and love as universal values that can guide individuals towards a more fulfilling and harmonious life, emphasizing the importance of cultivating these qualities.

Managing Stress for Well-Being

Stress triggers a biological response in the body known as the fight or flight response, which can be beneficial in certain situations. However, chronic stress can lead to burnout and various health issues. Gawdat emphasizes the importance of managing stress effectively to prevent long-term negative consequences. He shares his personal experience of going on a 40-day silent retreat in nature every year to reflect, write, and recharge. This practice allows him to disconnect from the hustle and bustle of everyday life and focus on his well-being.

Embracing Stillness in Modern Life

Gawdat believes that everyone can benefit from finding moments of stillness and calm amidst the chaos of modern life. Despite his busy schedule, he is selective about the projects he takes on, prioritizing those that align with his mission of spreading happiness and reducing stress. He values deep, meaningful conversations, as they have the potential to reach and impact a larger audience.

Gawdat's Focus on Happiness

When asked about his preference between solving the happiness issue or ensuring AI doesn't get out of control, Gawdat leans towards solving the happiness issue as his primary focus. While he acknowledges the potential risks associated with AI, he sees happiness as a fundamental aspect of human existence that can have a profound impact on individuals and society as a whole. He explains that his purpose in life is not to fix the world but to change his little world, starting with himself and expanding to those around him.

Gawdat's Perspective on Happiness

Gawdat shares his perspective on happiness, stressing that it is attainable and a birthright for everyone. He encourages individuals to prioritize their happiness and well-being, emphasizing that it is achievable through effort and mindset. He also discusses the importance of managing expectations and setting realistic goals to avoid disappointment. 

Preventing Burnout and Trusting Intuition

Gawdat emphasizes the importance of identifying and addressing stressors to prevent burnout. He encourages individuals to sit down and make a list of everything that stressed them out in the past week, then analyze each stressor to see if it can be eliminated, reduced, or made more manageable. He also delves into the concept of intuition and how it can guide us in making decisions. He advises listeners to pay attention to their intuition and use it as a signal to reflect on their actions and decisions.

Following Intuition for Fulfillment

Gawdat shares his personal journey of following his intuition and aligning his mind, heart, and actions. He talks about how he transitioned from focusing on coaching startups, which he was good at but didn't enjoy, to pursuing a mission that aligned with his heart and intuition. By listening to his intuition and taking action based on that guidance, he found greater fulfillment and success in his endeavors.

Gawdat's "Fruit Salad" Religion

Gawdat discusses his religious beliefs, noting that while he was born into Islam and has studied various religions deeply, he considers himself to follow a "fruit salad" religion that incorporates elements from different faith traditions. He emphasizes the core teachings of love, compassion, and non-violence that are present in all religions, while also acknowledging the cultural and historical influences that shape religious beliefs.

The Human Element in Religion

He reflects on the human input in shaping religious beliefs and practices, highlighting the influence of cultural and historical factors on religious interpretations. He emphasizes the importance of focusing on the fundamental teachings of compassion, love, and resilience that are present in all religions, rather than getting caught up in dogma and rituals.

The Game of Life: Continuous Improvement

Gawdat draws parallels between life and gaming, highlighting the importance of playing the game to become the best version of oneself. By focusing on continuous improvement and learning from mistakes, he believes individuals can achieve their full potential and contribute positively to the world around them.

The Future of Humanity

The conversation shifts towards the current global challenges facing humanity, including economic instability, geopolitical tensions, and technological disruptions. Gawdat predicts a turbulent future marked by increasing uncertainty and stresses the importance of returning to core human values to navigate these challenges effectively.

The Power of Happiness and Love

He emphasizes the significance of happiness, compassion, and love as universal values that can guide individuals towards a more fulfilling and harmonious life. Gawdat suggests that focusing on personal well-being, cultivating compassion towards others, and nurturing loving relationships are essential in facing the complexities of the modern world.

The Joy of Minimalism

Gawdat delves into the concept of minimalism and decluttering, sharing his practice of getting rid of 10 things every Saturday to simplify his life. He emphasizes the joy of letting go of unnecessary items and how clutter can negatively impact one's well-being. He also discusses the importance of curating one's social media feed to avoid unnecessary information overload.

Key Elements of Healthy Relationships

The conversation shifts towards relationships and love, with Gawdat sharing insights from his upcoming book, "Finders Keepers." He explains the seven key elements people look for in relationships, such as partnership, passion, romance, friendship, companionship, tenderness, and support. He stresses the importance of fierce communication in maintaining healthy relationships and how working on oneself is crucial in finding a compatible partner.

Long-Distance Relationship Success Strategies

Gawdat shares his personal experience of being in a long-distance relationship with his wife, Hannah, and how they make it work by prioritizing communication and understanding each other's needs. He discusses the challenges of maintaining passion and romance in long-term relationships and how deliberate efforts are required to keep the spark alive. He also touches on the idea of finding a partner who enriches one's life and makes their favorite place on Earth the square foot next to them.

Mo Gawdat's Path to Happiness

In conclusion, Mo Gawdat's journey towards spreading happiness and reducing stress is rooted in personal experiences and a deep understanding of human nature. He emphasizes the importance of managing stress effectively, following intuition, and aligning mind, heart, and actions to achieve personal fulfillment and contribute positively to the world. By prioritizing happiness, compassion, and love, he believes individuals can navigate the complexities of the modern world and lead more fulfilling lives.


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