“This Keeps 99% of People Single” (ATTRACT Your PERFECT Relationship & Find Love) | Dr Joe Dispenza

“This Keeps 99% of People Single” (ATTRACT Your PERFECT Relationship & Find Love) | Dr Joe Dispenza thumbnail

Added: Dec 4, 2023

In this podcast episode, Lewis Howes interviews Dr. Joe Dispenza, a renowned speaker, author, and expert in the fields of neuroscience, epigenetics, and quantum physics. The episode delves into the topic of love, self-love, and relationships, and explores the concept of how to love oneself better in order to attract and manifest healthy relationships.

Dr. Dispenza begins by discussing the idea that in order to find love, a part of us must die. He explains that anything that is not love within us must be overcome and transformed in order to experience true love. He emphasizes the importance of understanding the difference between knowing the path and walking the path, and how the journey to love involves overcoming negative emotions and conditioning.

The conversation then shifts to the topic of forgiveness, with Dr. Dispenza highlighting the significance of forgiveness in cultivating love. He explains that holding onto resentment and anger prevents individuals from experiencing love, and that forgiveness is essential for overcoming past hurts and traumas. He emphasizes that the love we withhold is the pain we experience, and that mastering our emotions allows us to master our creations.

Dr. Dispenza also discusses the role of oxytocin, which is referred to as the "love chemical," in creating bonds and connections. He explains that practicing self-love and overcoming negative emotions can lead to elevated levels of oxytocin, resulting in a profound sense of love and connection with oneself and others. He emphasizes the importance of practicing self-love and building a strong relationship with oneself in order to attract healthy and fulfilling relationships.

The conversation also touches on the concept of pleasure versus love, with Dr. Dispenza explaining that pleasure is temporary and based on external factors, while love is a deeper, more profound feeling that comes from within. He emphasizes the importance of overcoming oneself and reaching personal goals in order to experience true love and fulfillment.

Dr. Dispenza explains that when we are in survival mode or feeling stressed, we are unable to feel self-love and are altered in some way. He encourages listeners to overcome this altered state by learning to live in the present moment and liberating energy in the body. By doing so, we can show up differently and create the life we want.

One of the key points Dr. Dispenza makes is the idea of creating from the field instead of from matter. He explains that by sending an intention with a signal from our thoughts out into the field and drawing this intention from the physical world to us physically, we can manifest our desires. This process involves having a coherent brain and a magnetic heart, which allows us to attract great opportunities and find our tribe.

Dr. Dispenza provides examples of how this process can be applied to various aspects of life, such as finding love. He explains that by being in a state of wholeness and sending out a clear intention from a coherent brain, we can draw the experience of love to us with the magnetic field of the heart. This approach allows us to create from a place of wholeness rather than from a place of lack or separation.

He explains that when individuals are able to tap into a state of wholeness and abundance, they no longer feel the need to seek external validation or material possessions. Instead, they become more focused on giving and contributing to others, which in turn leads to a greater sense of fulfillment and joy.

The podcast also delves into the concept of the unknown and the power of tapping into the unifying field of energy that exists beyond our senses. Dr. Dispenza discusses the brain's ability to become highly organized and coherent when we shift our attention from the known to the unknown. This shift in awareness can lead to profound moments of love and ecstasy, as well as the ability to create from a place of pure consciousness.

Dr. Dispenza also delves into the role of the brain and heart coherence in creating a "Wi-Fi signal" that connects individuals to the field of infinite possibilities. By practicing meditation and tuning into the frequency of love and abundance, people can shorten the distance between their thoughts and their experiences, leading to more rapid and profound manifestations in their lives.

One of the central themes of the podcast is the idea of overcoming the self in order to become something greater. Dr. Dispenza emphasizes the importance of letting go of past traumas, fears, and limiting beliefs in order to step into a new, more empowered version of oneself. This process of reinvention and relearning is not always easy, but it is essential for creating lasting change and experiencing true wholeness.

He encourages listeners to ask themselves, "What would love do?" as a guiding principle for making decisions and taking action in their lives. By aligning with the frequency of love and practicing self-love and compassion, individuals can tap into a powerful force for healing and growth.


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