Manifest EFFORTLESSLY + Align Your TRUE PURPOSE w/ Human Design (You are UNIQUE!) | Jenna Zoe

Manifest EFFORTLESSLY + Align Your TRUE PURPOSE w/ Human Design (You are UNIQUE!) | Jenna Zoe thumbnail

Added: Oct 24, 2023

In this podcast episode, Lewis Howes interviews Jenna Zoe, an expert in human design, to discuss how understanding and aligning with your human design can help you manifest effortlessly and live your true purpose. Jenna explains that human design is a practical and personalized manual that helps individuals understand their unique energy type and how to use their energy to achieve the most fulfillment and success in their lives.

Jenna shares her personal journey of spiritual searching and self-discovery, where she read numerous books and sought information to find alignment and live her purpose. However, it was only when she had her human design chart done that she realized the practicality and effectiveness of this system. Human design is based on the measurement of neutrinos, subatomic particles generated by the planets in our solar system, which carry energy and influence our lives. By measuring the position of the planets at the time and place of our birth, human design can determine our unique energy type and provide a customized manual for living in alignment with our true selves.

There are five energy types in human design: generators, manifestors, manifesting generators, projectors, and reflectors. Each energy type has a specific way of using their energy to achieve the best results. Generators, the most common energy type, are here to lift the energy of the world by doing what lights them up. They generate energy for others when they are engaged in activities that bring them joy. The key for generators is to listen to their gut, which speaks in black and white, and make decisions based on what excites them. By following their joy, generators can lift others and make a positive impact.

Jenna emphasizes that it is important for individuals to trust their own unique gifts and passions, even if they don't align with societal expectations or traditional notions of success. She encourages people to tap into their hidden gifts and pursue what truly excites them, as these underappreciated talents can lead to fulfillment and success. Even without knowing their human design, individuals can still trust their gut and follow their intuition to make decisions that align with their true selves.

The conversation also touches on relationships and how human design can provide insights into compatibility and understanding between individuals. Jenna explains that anyone can be compatible with anyone if there is chemistry and a mutual understanding of each other's unique design. By learning and honoring each other's differences, individuals can avoid judgment and conflict and appreciate the value that each person brings to the relationship.

Jenna continues by explaining that manifesting is not about forcing something to happen, but rather aligning with what the universe is already guiding you towards. She emphasizes the importance of distinguishing between ego desires and soul desires. Ego desires are driven by external validation or the belief that something will make you happier or more accepted, while soul desires come from a deep inner knowing that cannot be explained. She encourages listeners to focus on manifesting their soul desires, as these are the things that will truly bring fulfillment and purpose.

The conversation then shifts to relationships, specifically how women can make better decisions in choosing the right male partner. Jenna challenges the idea that a relationship must last forever to be considered successful. Instead, she suggests that the most important aspect of a relationship is feeling love and joy every day. She shares her own experience of a relationship that ended, but still brought growth, love, and happiness into her life. She advises women to focus on being happy in the present moment and trusting that the future will unfold in the best way possible.

Lewis and Jenna discuss the challenges of finding happiness and self-love. Jenna explains that many people struggle with happiness because they believe they have to please others or meet certain societal expectations. She encourages listeners to embrace their unique qualities and desires, even if they don't fit into societal norms. She also emphasizes the importance of self-acceptance and being proud of who you are. Jenna shares her own journey of learning to embrace her emotions and not suppress them, as she was conditioned to do growing up in England.

The conversation then delves into the concept of human design and how it can help individuals understand their unique energy type and purpose. Jenna explains that there are different types of energy, such as emotional and non-emotional. Emotional beings feel and absorb the emotions of others, while non-emotional beings reflect and observe the emotions of others. She emphasizes the importance of understanding and embracing one's own energy type, as well as respecting and setting boundaries with others.

Jenna also discusses the keys to manifesting, which include aligning with your soul desires, cultivating self-esteem, and being open to the guidance of the universe. She encourages listeners to believe in their natural inclinations and take risks to make themselves proud. She also advises against comparing oneself to others or seeking external validation, as true fulfillment comes from within.

In the final segment of the podcast, Lewis asks Jenna to share three truths that she would leave behind if it were her last day on Earth. She encourages listeners to embrace their uniqueness, stretch themselves to become more proud of who they are, and take action in the real world to experience growth and transformation.


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