How to Know They’ll Cheat on You - Cheating Expert Reveals Warning Signs! - Neil Strauss

Added: May 14, 2024

In this podcast episode, renowned pickup artist and author Neil Strauss opens up about his personal journey from cheating in relationships to finding healing and growth through therapy and self-reflection. He candidly discusses his past behavior, including cheating in a relationship, which ultimately led him to seek help and attend sex addiction rehab. Strauss emphasizes the importance of doing the inner work to understand the root causes of one's behavior, highlighting that rehab alone is not enough and that healing takes time and effort to rewire patterns built up over years.

Key takeaways


Understanding enmeshment and its impact on relationships can illuminate the root causes of unhealthy dynamics and personal behaviors.


Open communication and emotional maturity are foundational to building and maintaining healthy relationships.


The cycle of cheating highlights the importance of taking responsibility for one's actions and committing to personal growth to break harmful patterns.


Addressing childhood trauma is crucial for healing and improving adult relationships, as early experiences can significantly influence one's behavior and relationship choices.


Learning from manipulation techniques used by professionals, like spies, can offer insights into the importance of self-security and discernment in personal relationships.

Key Takeaways from Therapy Group Experience

One of the key takeaways from his therapy group experience is the concept of enmeshment, which refers to a lack of boundaries between individuals often stemming from childhood wounds. This lack of boundaries can lead to unhealthy relationship dynamics and behaviors. Strauss also stresses the importance of having a support system of friends or therapy groups to provide feedback and accountability. He highlights the value of discussing personal challenges and insecurities with trusted individuals who can offer constructive criticism and support.

Keys to Healthy Relationships

In terms of relationships, Strauss believes that individuals need to focus on their own happiness and the happiness of their partner. He emphasizes the importance of communication, emotional maturity, and self-reflection in maintaining a healthy relationship. He suggests that changing oneself can lead to positive changes in the relationship dynamic. He also shares his experience of feeling insecure in a relationship after the birth of his first child, acknowledging the challenges of adjusting to parenthood and the strain it can put on a relationship.

The Cycle of Cheating

Regarding cheating, Strauss explains that the cycle of cheating often involves getting caught, feeling guilty, making promises to change, and then repeating the behavior. He stresses the need for individuals to take responsibility for their actions, understand the underlying reasons for cheating, and commit to personal growth and healing. He also touches on the topic of open relationships and polyamory, noting that healthy relationships of this nature require strong communication, emotional maturity, and a focus on the well-being of all parties involved.

Exploring Childhood Trauma and Healing

Strauss shares his personal experience of growing up in an enmeshed family dynamic, where he felt the need to take care of his parents' emotional needs from a young age. This experience led him to seek out extreme personalities in his journalism work, possibly as a way to understand and normalize his own upbringing. He delves into the impact of childhood trauma on adult relationships, highlighting the importance of recognizing and addressing these wounds. He emphasizes the need for self-awareness and the willingness to do the inner work to heal from past traumas.

Preventing Infidelity Through Boundaries

The conversation shifts towards signs of potential cheating in a relationship, with Strauss suggesting that individuals who have experienced enmeshment with a parent may be more prone to seeking validation and attention outside of the relationship. He emphasizes the importance of setting clear boundaries and agreements in a relationship to prevent infidelity. Strauss and the host discuss the significance of therapy in relationships and the value of creating agreements and intentions together. They share personal experiences of setting boundaries and communicating openly to maintain harmony and peace within the relationship.

Practice of Check-Ins for Relationship Growth

Strauss introduces the concept of check-ins, where partners take turns sharing their thoughts and feelings uninterrupted. This practice allows for open communication and understanding without the need for immediate defense or validation. The conversation continues with the idea that inner peace and growth are essential in relationships, with both Strauss and the host emphasizing the importance of ongoing self-work and communication to foster a healthy and harmonious partnership.

Former Russian Spy Manipulation Techniques

In Strauss' new podcast "To Die For," he interviewed a former female Russian spy who was trained to seduce men for their secrets and manipulate them for her country's benefit. The spy shares insights into her training, which included techniques like the "circles of hell," where she used punishment and reward to control individuals. She also used flattery and compliments to manipulate men, exploiting their vulnerabilities for information. One of the spy's techniques involved anchoring, where she would touch men at their most vulnerable moments, such as during intimate encounters, to implant suggestions in their minds. She also used the push-pull method to keep men hooked, alternating between being nice and distant to maintain control over them.

Lessons on Relationships and Self-Security

Strauss reflects on the lessons he has learned from the spy, emphasizing the importance of being aware of warning signs in relationships and being discerning about others' intentions. He highlights the need for self-security and self-love to avoid falling into manipulative traps. In discussing the current landscape of relationships, he touches on the fear of commitment in modern society, attributing it to the paradox of choice and the abundance of options available through dating apps. He emphasizes the importance of trust in relationships while being mindful of warning signs that may indicate manipulation or ulterior motives.


In reflecting on his own journey and growth, Strauss shares his perspective on personal truths and the importance of living authentically. He encourages listeners to seek their own truths through lived experiences and self-discovery, rather than relying on external sources for validation or guidance.


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