How to Become A BADASS At Making Money | Jen Sincero

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Added: Aug 31, 2023

In this podcast episode, Jen Sincero discusses the importance of overcoming limiting beliefs when it comes to money. She explains that many people have a negative perception of money, associating it with greed and immorality. This belief can hold people back from pursuing financial abundance and feeling deserving of wealth.

Sincero suggests that it is essential to challenge these beliefs and recognize that desiring money does not make someone greedy. She emphasizes the need to separate the desire for money from negative connotations and societal judgments. By doing so, individuals can begin to shift their mindset and open themselves up to the possibility of financial success.

Shifting Mindset Around Money

Sincero shares her personal journey of shifting her mindset around money. She grew up in a household where money was considered a taboo topic, and she had no education or understanding of it. She believed that wanting to make money was not cool and associated it with selling out.

However, as she started reading self-help books and working with a life coach, Sincero realized that her negative beliefs were holding her back. She began to adopt new mantras and affirmations, such as "money flows to me easily and freely." Through this process, she started to see a shift in her financial situation and tripled her income in just three months.

Dealing with Societal Judgments

Sincero acknowledges that there is a societal judgment around people who desire wealth. She explains that this judgment stems from a perception that those who want to make money will do anything to achieve it, even if it harms others. The media often focuses on the negative actions of the wealthy, reinforcing this belief.

To combat this judgment, Sincero suggests sharing about one's giving and philanthropy. By talking openly about the positive ways in which money can be used, individuals can challenge the stereotype that all wealthy people are greedy. She also encourages people to embrace their desire for wealth and not be ashamed of it.

Embracing Desires for Wealth

Sincero emphasizes the importance of embracing one's desires for wealth. She believes that wanting to make money is not inherently bad or selfish. Instead, it is a natural desire that can lead to freedom and options in life. Sincero encourages individuals to focus on their dreams and goals, rather than worrying about societal judgments.

She also advises people to focus on the positive aspects of money and its ability to create opportunities for personal growth and contribution. By shifting one's mindset and embracing their desires for wealth, individuals can open themselves up to new possibilities and experiences.

Importance of Investing in Oneself

Sincero highlights the importance of investing in oneself, both financially and emotionally. She shares her own experience of hiring a life coach and investing in her personal development. Sincero believes that making the decision to invest in oneself is a powerful step towards growth and success.

She also emphasizes the need to surround oneself with supportive and inspiring people. Sincero encourages individuals to let go of relationships that do not support their growth and seek out those who are on a similar path. By investing in oneself and surrounding oneself with positive influences, individuals can create a supportive environment for their personal and financial growth.

Finding Joy and Meaning in Financial Success

Sincero believes that finding joy and meaning in financial success is essential. She encourages individuals to focus on activities and pursuits that bring them joy and give them energy. By aligning one's financial goals with their passions and values, individuals can find fulfillment and purpose in their financial success.

She also suggests that individuals focus on the meaning behind their financial goals. By understanding the impact that financial success can have on their lives and the lives of others, individuals can find deeper motivation and satisfaction in their pursuit of wealth.

Abundant Mindset

Sincero discusses the importance of having an abundant mindset when it comes to money. She emphasizes the need to appreciate money and speak about it in a positive and loving way. She believes that being generous with money is also crucial, as it shows a belief in the abundance of money and a willingness to share it with others. Sincero suggests that when people are afraid to give generously, it is a sign that they have a scarcity mindset and believe that there is not enough money to go around.

Taking Risks

Sincero believes that in order to change one's life and achieve financial success, it is necessary to take risks. She encourages people to step outside of their comfort zones and do things they have never done before. Sincero explains that if people want to see different results, they need to do things differently. Taking risks is a way to challenge oneself and break through limiting beliefs.

Learning About Money

Sincero emphasizes the importance of learning about money and focusing on it. She shares her own experience of avoiding thinking about money when she was broke, but realizing that it was necessary to change her mindset in order to attract wealth. Sincero encourages people to be realistic about their income streams and to focus on how they can make more money. She believes that by being proactive and knowledgeable about money, people can attract more of it into their lives.

Facing Fears and Doing Things That Scare You

Sincero believes that in order to achieve financial success, it is important to face fears and do things that scare you. She suggests that by doing something that scares you every day, you can quickly change your life. Sincero explains that fear is a sign that you are stepping outside of your comfort zone and moving in the direction of where you want to go. By facing fears and taking action, people can overcome limiting beliefs and achieve their goals.

Having Fun

Another important aspect that Sincero highlights is the importance of having fun. She believes that life is meant to be enjoyed and that having fun should be a priority. Sincero encourages listeners to find joy in their lives and to prioritize activities and experiences that bring them happiness. She believes that having fun is an essential part of living an awesome life.

Investing in Coaching

Sincero believes that investing in coaching can be extremely beneficial for personal growth and success. She compares coaching to the way Olympic athletes have coaches to help them achieve their goals. Sincero encourages listeners to seek out coaches or mentors who can guide them on their path and help them achieve their goals. She believes that a good coach can save time and money in the long run and can provide valuable insights and guidance.

Options and Freedom

Sincero believes that having options and freedom is essential for happiness and fulfillment. She believes that money can provide options and freedom, allowing individuals to live the life they desire. Sincero acknowledges that money is not the sole source of happiness, but she believes that it can provide the means to pursue one's passions and live a fulfilling life. She encourages listeners to embrace the opportunities that money can provide and to seek financial freedom.


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