6 Simple Science-Backed Hacks That Will Make Your Life Better

Added: May 13, 2024

In this podcast episode, Dr. Adam Alter, a psychology expert and professor at NYU's Stern School of Business, delves into the unexpected forces that shape our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors in our daily lives. He emphasizes the importance of understanding these factors to enhance our success, happiness, and overall well-being. One key aspect he explores is the influence of our environment on our mental and physical health.

Key takeaways


The natural environment has a profound restorative effect on our mental and physical well-being, helping to replenish energy and improve overall health.


Colors significantly influence our mood, behavior, and even physical strength, with different colors eliciting different responses, such as red enhancing dominance and blue promoting calmness.


Excessive screen time is linked to various negative outcomes, including diminished social relationships, increased anxiety, and a decline in physical activity, highlighting the importance of managing our digital consumption.


The presence of mirrors and the human face, especially eyes, can lead to more ethical and introspective behavior, suggesting the power of self-awareness in influencing our actions.

Screens affect our perception of time, leading to a sense of time contraction and a decrease in engagement with activities that require intense concentration or are more meaningful and enriching.

The Restorative Power of Nature

Dr. Alter highlights the restorative power of natural environments on our well-being. Spending time in nature, even for a few minutes a day, can replenish our energy and improve our overall health. He discusses attention restoration therapy, which suggests that being in natural settings can help restore our attention and energy levels, which are often depleted in our modern, screen-focused lives.

The Impact of Colors

The discussion also touches on the impact of colors on our mood, behavior, and physical strength. Dr. Alter explains that colors like red can make us feel more dominant and attractive, while blues and greens are generally calming and soothing. He shares research on how the color of clothing worn by athletes can affect their performance and how others perceive them.

The Power of Drunk Tank Pink

One intriguing topic Dr. Alter explores is the concept of "drunk tank pink," a bright pink color used in certain settings to calm aggressive individuals. The color pink has a calming effect on people, leading to its use in various contexts, including sports locker rooms and medical facilities.

Mirrors Influence Behavior

Another interesting point discussed is the use of mirrors to influence behavior. Dr. Alter explains that seeing a human face, particularly eyes, can make us feel like we are being watched, leading to more introspective and thoughtful behavior. Mirrors can be used to deter shoplifting and encourage individuals to behave more ethically by making them confront their actions.

The Detrimental Effects of Excessive Screen Time

Dr. Alter also highlights the detrimental effects of excessive screen time, especially on children and teenagers. He notes that while many individuals, particularly young people, are aware of the negative consequences of spending too much time on screens, they find it challenging to break away from the habit due to social pressures and the fear of missing out. This dilemma is further exacerbated by the collective nature of the issue, where individuals feel isolated if they try to limit their screen usage while others around them continue to be heavily reliant on digital devices.

He points out that screen addiction manifests in various ways, including excessive sedentary behavior, negative psychological consequences such as anxiety and loneliness, overspending on online platforms, and a decline in social relationships. Dr. Alter draws parallels between screen addiction and other forms of addictive behavior, such as overindulging in candy, where the immediate gratification is followed by negative consequences.

Tech Executives and Schools Limiting Screen Exposure

Dr. Alter also discusses the actions taken by tech executives and schools to limit screen exposure for children. He mentions instances where prominent figures in the tech industry, including Steve Jobs, restricted their own children's access to screens, recognizing the potential harm associated with excessive screen time. He highlights the case of a school in the Bay Area that prohibits phone and screen usage until 9th grade, with a significant portion of the student body comprising children of tech executives who understand the implications of screen addiction firsthand.

Embracing Timeless Activities for Meaningful Connection

Throughout the discussion, Dr. Alter emphasizes the need for individuals to prioritize timeless activities that have been part of human existence for centuries. By engaging in nature, face-to-face interactions, physical activity, and moments of introspection, individuals can break away from the constant digital distractions and reconnect with aspects of life that hold deeper meaning and significance. He underscores the importance of creating environments that foster focus, clarity, and meaningful connections, away from the overwhelming presence of screens and technology.

The Impact of Screen Overload

Dr. Alter explains that the constant bombardment of interesting content on screens has led us to seek entertainment in every moment, even in situations where we could be engaging in more meaningful activities. This has made us less inclined to put in the effort required for tasks that involve intense concentration and hard work. The excessive time spent on screens also comes at the cost of missing out on other enriching experiences such as spending time with loved ones, being in nature, or engaging in physical activities.

The allure of doom scrolling

He delves into the concept of "doom scrolling," where individuals mindlessly scroll through content on their phones, seeking a sense of comfort and numbness at the end of a long day. This behavior is akin to the soothing effect experienced by individuals sitting in front of a slot machine. The absence of stopping cues in modern technology, such as social media platforms, makes it challenging for people to disengage and move on to other activities.

Cultivating Screen-Free Habits for Enrichment

Dr. Alter emphasizes the importance of cultivating habits that involve designated screen-free times during the day. By setting aside an hour each day to disconnect from devices and engage in more enriching activities, individuals can reclaim years of their lives that would have otherwise been spent mindlessly scrolling. He suggests finding activities that bring joy and fulfillment, whether they involve screens or not, as long as they leave individuals feeling content and fulfilled.

The Impact of Screens on Time Perception

The conversation shifts to the impact of screens on our perception of time. Dr. Alter explains how the fast-paced nature of digital content and the constant stream of notifications have led to a sense of time contraction, where every moment is filled with brief, fleeting interactions. He highlights the value of engaging in activities that stretch time, such as taking long drives or immersing oneself in nature, to reset one's perception of meaningful chunks of time.

The impact of screen interaction

Dr. Alter also discusses the difference between interacting with screens on phones versus television. While TV screens provide more stopping cues due to the passive nature of content consumption, phone screens, with their interactive features, are designed to keep users engaged and scrolling. This constant engagement with screens has led to a rise in distractions and a shift towards expecting short, fast-paced content.

Emphasizing Human Connection in Mornings

In terms of morning routines, Dr. Alter emphasizes the importance of starting the day without immediately reaching for a screen. He values the time spent with his family in the morning, engaging in simple yet meaningful conversations that set a positive tone for the day. By prioritizing human connection and avoiding screens in the early hours, individuals can cultivate a sense of presence and mindfulness.

Take Action for Screen-Free Time

In conclusion, Dr. Alter urges listeners to take action by setting aside designated screen-free time each day. By disconnecting from devices for an hour and engaging in activities that bring joy and fulfillment, individuals can reclaim years of their lives that would have otherwise been spent on mindless scrolling. He encourages listeners to make small changes in their daily routines to create a more meaningful and enriching life.


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