Confronting Ben Shapiro: Cancel Culture, Getting Rich, & Going Broke

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Added: Sep 4, 2023

In this podcast episode, Ben Shapiro discusses cancel culture, which refers to the practice of boycotting or ostracizing individuals or organizations that are deemed to have engaged in offensive or controversial behavior. Shapiro expresses his frustration with cancel culture, stating that it has become difficult to find places for open discussion and unbiased media in today's media landscape. He believes that traditional values have become something that people have to whisper about and that there is a difference between offending people by saying things that are true and offending people because of one's beliefs.


Shapiro shares his journey to becoming a successful media entrepreneur. He explains that success does not come overnight and that it often requires multiple failures and setbacks. Shapiro started his career as a columnist at the age of 17 and went on to write books and work in various media outlets. He emphasizes the importance of pursuing multiple opportunities and finding the one that works best for you. Shapiro also discusses the role of luck in business and the need to have a strong foundation and strategy.

Shapiro recounts a time when he and his business partner, Jeremy Boreing, were jobless and had new mortgages. They had pitched an idea to a family office and received an initial investment of $4.8 million. However, their original business plan did not go as expected, and they had to pivot their strategy. Shapiro highlights the importance of being adaptable and willing to change course when necessary. He also emphasizes the need to have a specific ask when meeting higher-level individuals and to show them what they will gain from the partnership.

Power and Influence of the President

Shapiro acknowledges that the President is the most powerful person on the planet, but emphasizes that this power is limited by the constitutional structure and the checks and balances in place. Shapiro argues that the legislature, particularly Congress, has become a vestigial organ of government, with most of the power and implementation resting with the executive branch. He points out that executive orders signed by one President can be rejected and reimposed by another, highlighting the significant power the President holds in shaping domestic and foreign policy.

While Shapiro acknowledges the power of the President, he also recognizes the importance of Congress in the US government. He notes that Congress has the authority to pass legislation and make decisions that impact the country. However, he argues that in recent years, Congress has become less effective and has delegated much of its power to the executive branch. Shapiro believes that this trend is problematic and highlights the need for a stronger and more active legislature.

Importance of Values in a Relationship

Shapiro discusses the importance of shared values in a relationship, particularly in the context of marriage. He believes that values should be a central consideration when choosing a partner, as they form the foundation for a lifelong commitment. Shapiro emphasizes the need for alignment in religious beliefs, family aspirations, and ethical values. He argues that while physical attraction and compatibility are important, they are only the initial conditions for a successful relationship. The true test lies in the shared values and the ability to navigate challenges and hardships together.

Determining the Right Person to Marry

Shapiro shares his perspective on determining the right person to marry. He believes that it is possible to determine if someone is the wrong person within the first 10 minutes of meeting them. However, determining if someone is the right person requires more time and understanding. Shapiro suggests that spending a significant amount of time together, discussing important topics such as religion, family, and aspirations, can help determine compatibility. He also emphasizes the importance of being open to change and growth, particularly when marrying at a young age.

Family life

Shapiro discusses the range of emotions experienced in different stages of life, particularly in the context of marriage and raising a family. He shares that becoming a parent has expanded his range of emotions, from extreme joy to deep sorrow. Shapiro believes that the range of emotions expands as one goes through different life stages, with the highest highs and lowest lows experienced in parenthood. He acknowledges that while there are challenging moments, the joy and love experienced with family outweigh any difficulties.

Shapiro shares his approach to balancing family and work responsibilities. He emphasizes that his children and wife always come first, and he prioritizes spending time with them. Shapiro describes his daily schedule, which involves waking up early to prepare breakfast for his children, getting them ready for the day, and dropping them off at school. He then focuses on work until it is time to pick up his children from school, at which point he devotes his attention to them until they go to bed. Shapiro acknowledges that there are exceptions, such as business calls, but he strives to be present and available for his family during their designated time.

Unpaid Internships and Opportunities for Financial Support

Shapiro expresses his support for unpaid internships, arguing that they are vital for gaining experience and learning on the job. He believes that the push for paid internships is misguided, as it limits opportunities for individuals to gain valuable experience and prove themselves in the workforce. Shapiro argues that unpaid internships provide a chance for individuals to showcase their skills and work ethic, which can lead to future employment opportunities. He also highlights the importance of having a support structure, such as family or community, to provide assistance and opportunities for financial support when needed.

Assumptions about Wealth and Success

Shapiro mentions that because he is an orthodox Jew and attended Harvard, people assume he must come from a wealthy family. However, he clarifies that he grew up in a modest household, sharing a bedroom with his three younger sisters and having only one bathroom for six people until he was 11 years old. He emphasizes that his upbringing does not make him poor, but it also doesn't make him rich.

Steps to Becoming Rich

Shapiro outlines the basic steps he believes are required to become rich. He states that one must finish high school, avoid having children before getting married, and get a job. He argues that by following these three steps, one will not be permanently poor in the United States, according to available metrics and evidence. However, he also acknowledges that to actually become rich, one needs to develop a skill set that people want and be passionate about it. He believes that wealth lies at the nexus of three things: being good at something, having a skill set that people want, and being passionate about it. He emphasizes the importance of finding the sweet spot where these three elements intersect.

Changing Opinions and Beliefs

When asked about the mission statement of The Daily Wire, Shapiro explains that while he would love to convince everyone that he is right, he understands that not everyone will agree with him. He aims to reach people who are open-minded and willing to consider different perspectives. He believes that some people are implacably opposed to his views, while others are apathetic. However, he hopes to engage with those who are in the middle and willing to listen to both sides. He also mentions that he frequently invites guests who disagree with him on his show and engages in wide-ranging and respectful conversations with them.

The Trendiness of the Right

Shapiro discusses the trendiness of the right and attributes it to the shift in cultural dynamics. He explains that in the past, the right was the dominant culture, while the left represented the counter-culture. However, the counter-culture has now become the culture, and traditional values are often whispered about. He believes that there is something attractive about going against the grain and saying things that are considered politically incorrect. However, he cautions against being oppositional for the sake of it and emphasizes the importance of saying things that are true and well thought out.

Dealing with Hate and Criticism

Shapiro acknowledges that he receives an inordinate amount of hate and criticism, particularly online. He shares that he used to obsess over Twitter and the negative comments he received. However, he eventually realized that Twitter is just a giant ego machine and that most people in real life have no idea what is being said about him online. He also mentions that he spends a significant amount of money on personal security due to death threats and other forms of harassment. He explains that security is not just about physical safety but also about preventing incidents that could be used against him.

Recognizing and Avoiding Evil

Shapiro discusses the importance of recognizing and avoiding evil. He believes that the best protection against evil is to recognize it in one's own heart. He emphasizes the need to be aware of the temptation to justify evil actions for the sake of achieving certain ends. He cautions against making excuses for bad behavior and urges individuals to constantly evaluate their own actions and motivations.

Being a Good Dad

Shapiro shares his perspective on being a good dad. He believes that it is essential to respect and treat children as individuals with valid desires and opinions. He emphasizes the importance of setting rules and boundaries while also respecting their autonomy. He encourages parents to think about what they want their children to be like as adults and use that as a guide for their parenting. He also mentions the significance of having father figures in children's lives and the negative impact of single motherhood on boys' development.

Shapiro mentions several individuals whom he considers to be good parents. He cites his own father as an example and praises his parenting skills. He also mentions Joe Rogan and Brett Weinstein as individuals who he believes are good at what they do and have effective parenting styles. He emphasizes the importance of having role models and learning from their examples.

Shapiro discusses the importance of father figures in children's lives, particularly for boys. He argues that boys need male role models to learn what it means to be a good man. He believes that removing father figures from children's lives, as often happens in single mother households, is detrimental to their development. He acknowledges that women can be amazing mothers and fill certain gaps, but they cannot replace the role of a father.

Defining Political Independence

Shapiro addresses the concept of political independence and how it is often misunderstood. He mentions individuals like Joe Rogan, who are considered independent but still hold liberal views on social issues. He argues that true political independence is not about aligning with a specific ideology but rather about being open-minded and willing to consider different perspectives. He encourages people to listen to both sides and make informed decisions based on their own values and beliefs.

Religion and Spirituality

The conversation then shifts to the topic of religion and spirituality. Shapiro, who is not religious himself, acknowledges that he cannot speak for every individual but believes that a religious life leads to a better understanding of the world. He argues that religious beliefs provide a moral system that goes beyond personal opinions and acknowledges a higher goal in life. Shapiro also questions the value of human life without a religious framework, stating that without religious beliefs, there is no logical reason to consider human life more valuable than that of animals.

Investing and Financial Advice

Shapiro discusses his approach to investing and mentions that he has a diversified portfolio. He emphasizes the importance of mitigating downside risks and looking for potential upsides when investing. Shapiro mentions that he has financial advisors who manage his investments, but he personally picked one stock based on his knowledge of the CEO and the undervaluation of the company. He follows a strategy similar to Benjamin Graham and David Dodd, focusing on long-term investments rather than day trading.

Finding Happiness and Meaning in Life

The conversation concludes with a discussion on finding happiness and meaning in life. Shapiro advises individuals to actively engage in activities that give them a sense of purpose and accomplishment. He mentions the importance of doing small things, such as making your bed or volunteering, to cultivate a sense of activity and purpose. Shapiro also highlights the value of religious practices in providing a framework for daily activities and cultivating virtue. He encourages individuals to focus on doing things well, even if they are not in the mood, as it can lead to a more meaningful and fulfilling life.


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