I Couldn't Stop Crying... The Most Emotional Interview I've Ever Done with GRANGER SMITH

I Couldn't Stop Crying... The Most Emotional Interview I've Ever Done  with GRANGER SMITH thumbnail

Added: Nov 8, 2023

Granger Smith, a country music star, experienced a tragic event in his family just a few years ago when his three-year-old son, River, drowned in the family pool in Texas. Granger and his wife, Amber, shared the heartbreaking news on social media, describing the unimaginable horror of finding their son lifeless in the pool. Despite their efforts and the medical team's intervention, they were told that there was a 0% chance of River's brain functioning correctly ever again.

The family made the difficult decision to donate River's organs, finding some purpose in the midst of their grief. They also had a touching moment as they wheeled River to the operating room for organ retrieval, where the hospital staff cheered him on, giving him one last ride.

Granger shares that he initially turned to various coping mechanisms, including self-help tools, therapy, and even using a weed pin to dull the pain. However, he reached a breaking point in Boise, Idaho, where he found himself contemplating taking his own life. In that moment, he called out to Jesus for help, and he experienced a profound shift in his thoughts and emotions.

This experience led Granger to question the type of Christian he had been before, referring to it as a "dog tag Christian" where he wore the label but didn't fully understand the power of his faith. He embarked on a new mission to understand the real Jesus and deepen his relationship with God.

He shares how he turned to the Bible and the teachings of influential Christian leaders like Billy Graham and John Piper to find solace and guidance.

One of the key takeaways from Granger's story is the idea that the journey of faith is not a one-time event, but an ongoing process. He emphasizes that finding faith and strength does not mean that the challenges and struggles disappear entirely. Instead, it means finding a source of comfort and peace when those challenges resurface.

Granger also highlights the importance of seeking support from fellow believers and surrounding oneself with a community of like-minded individuals. He encourages listeners to reach out to others and engage in conversations about faith, as it can provide a sense of connection and support.

Another significant takeaway from Granger's story is the idea of surrendering to God and trusting in His plan. He shares how his faith has given him a sense of purpose and fulfillment, leading him to make significant life changes, including stepping away from his music career to focus on sharing his message of faith with others.

Granger's story serves as a reminder that faith can be a source of strength and resilience in the face of adversity. His journey reflects the transformative power of faith and the impact it can have on one's life.


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