The Discipline Expert: 2,000 Years Of Research PROVES Successful People Do One Thing! - Ryan Holiday

The Discipline Expert: 2,000 Years Of Research PROVES Successful People Do One Thing! - Ryan Holiday thumbnail

Added: Aug 24, 2023

In this podcast episode, Ryan Holiday discusses the importance of discipline in achieving success and living a meaningful life. He emphasizes the need to prioritize our health and the things we know we should do, as we all have a terminal diagnosis and should not waste our lives. Holiday believes that discipline is the ability to do hard things that we don't want to do for long-term benefits. He argues that almost all successful people have this form of discipline, which provides a sense of freedom that many people have never experienced.

Holiday suggests that physical discipline is essential and that both a strong mind and a strong body are necessary for success. He advises doing something physically difficult every day to build discipline and struggle against our own limitations. He also highlights the importance of self-discipline, which involves setting and living up to our own standards rather than trying to control others. He believes that the highest form of discipline is the ability to adjust, be flexible, and adapt to different people and situations. The podcast also explores the concept of discipline as a means of gaining freedom. Holiday references the Stoic philosopher Epictetus, who believed that true freedom comes from being in control of our desires and aversions. He argues that if we are not in control of ourselves, it doesn't matter what our legal status or external circumstances are; we are not truly free. Therefore, creating structure and rules through discipline can actually lead to greater freedom and choice in our lives. Holiday acknowledges that many people struggle with discipline and often fail to keep commitments to themselves. He advises against identifying with these failures and instead encourages individuals to focus on the person they want to be and the commitments they want to keep. He suggests that even when we mess up or break promises, we can always get back on track and start building discipline again. It's important to view discipline as a muscle that needs to be exercised and developed over time. The podcast also touches on the relationship between beliefs and discipline. Holiday suggests that beliefs about ourselves can impact our discipline and confidence. He encourages individuals to focus on doing the things they want to be rather than trying to be a certain type of person. By taking action and making positive contributions every day, we can shape our beliefs and develop discipline. Holiday continues by highlighting the significance of living through historical events, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, and how they shape our perception of our own capabilities. He notes that when faced with adversity, people often underestimate their ability to overcome challenges. However, by adapting and adjusting to each obstacle, individuals can discover their true capacities and grow stronger. Holiday then delves into the practice of asking oneself important questions to stay on track in life. He shares that one of the most crucial questions he asks himself as a parent is whether a particular issue truly matters. By gaining perspective and realizing that many things are insignificant in the grand scheme of things, he is able to let go of unnecessary arguments or insecurities. Holiday also discusses the role of relationships and love in stoicism. He emphasizes that philosophers like Seneca were not only theorists but also experienced the challenges and complexities of romantic relationships. He shares an anecdote about his wife reminding him that he is responsible for his own emotions, highlighting the importance of taking ownership of one's feelings and reactions. The conversation then shifts to the topic of social media, particularly Twitter, and its impact on happiness and well-being. Holiday expresses his concerns about how people voluntarily seek out conflict and become consumed by outrage on these platforms. He shares that he has removed social media apps from his phone and limits his exposure to them, recognizing the need to protect his mental space and cultivate stillness. The podcast continues with a discussion on the power of reading and how it allows individuals to live multiple lives and gain wisdom from various perspectives. Holiday notes that despite the vast diversity of books, there are common themes that emerge, particularly in Eastern and Western philosophy. He highlights the importance of focusing on what is within one's control, the benefits of water and long walks for mental health, and the practice of doing something physically difficult every day. The speaker then introduces the concept of service and contribution to the common good as a key aspect of living a good life. He emphasizes that meaning and purpose come from making a positive impact on others and leaving the world better than one found it. Lastly, Holiday discusses the practice of memento mori, which is the awareness of one's mortality. He emphasizes the urgency and perspective that this awareness brings, as it reminds individuals not to procrastinate or take life for granted. By acknowledging the finite nature of life, individuals can prioritize what truly matters and make the most of their time.


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