Table of contents
• Mouth Breathing and its Detrimental Effects • The Lost Art of Proper Breathing • The Impact of Breathing on ADHD, Diabetes, and Child Sickness • Conscious Breathing Practices for Improved Health • Breastfeeding and Facial Development • The Correlation between Breathing and ADHD • The Importance of Lung Capacity and Health Outcomes • The Impact of Stress and Shallow Breathing on the Body • The Effects of Wearing Masks and Indoor CO2 Levels • The Importance of the Bolt Score • Challenging the Misconception about Asthma • The Benefits of Nasal Breathing during Sleep • The Physiological and Psychological Effects of Intense Breathwork ExercisesMouth Breathing and its Detrimental Effects
According to Nestor, mouth breathing is a major problem that many people are unaware of. He explains that even if you exercise, eat healthy, and get enough sleep, if you are not breathing correctly, you will still be susceptible to sickness. Nestor emphasizes that breathing is not just an unconscious act, but something that can be consciously controlled and improved.
Nestor points out that our modern environment is conspiring to make us sick. He mentions that sitting all day, poor sleeping habits, and unhealthy diets are all contributing factors to breathing dysfunction. He also highlights the impact of pollution and noise pollution on our breathing.
The Lost Art of Proper Breathing
Nestor believes that as a species, we have largely lost the ability to breathe correctly. He has traveled the world to understand what went wrong and how to fix it. He states that 99% of people are breathing dysfunctionally without realizing the damage they are doing to their bodies and brains.
Nestor explains that our facial structure plays a significant role in our ability to breathe properly. He mentions that our modern lifestyle, including sitting for long periods and poor posture, inhibits our diaphragmatic movement and prevents us from breathing deeply. He also notes that our noses are designed for breathing, and breathing through the nose has numerous benefits, such as filtering air, capturing moisture, and releasing nitric oxide.
The Impact of Breathing on ADHD, Diabetes, and Child Sickness
Nestor asserts that breathing is a pillar of health and that it is directly related to various diseases and conditions. He mentions that poor breathing habits, especially at night, can trigger the onset of diabetes. He also explains that autoimmune issues and metabolic problems can be caused by chronic inflammation due to dysfunctional breathing.
Nestor highlights the impact of breathing on children's health, particularly in relation to ADHD. He states that many children with ADHD have poor breathing habits, which can contribute to their symptoms. He advises parents to pay attention to their children's breathing while they sleep, as loud or labored breathing can be a red flag.
Conscious Breathing Practices for Improved Health
Nestor believes that everyone can become a good breather and improve their health through conscious breathing practices. He suggests several steps that can be taken to reset unhealthy breathing habits. These include practicing slower and deeper breathing, breathing through the nose, and focusing on carbon dioxide levels.
Nestor explains that carbon dioxide is often seen as a poison, but it is essential for proper bodily functions. He mentions that high levels of carbon dioxide can have serious cognitive and physical effects. He encourages people to become aware of their carbon dioxide levels and to practice breathing techniques that help maintain a healthy balance.
Nestor also discusses the benefits of humming, which can increase nitric oxide production and help calm the body. He recommends humming through the nose as a simple and effective way to improve breathing and overall health.
Breastfeeding and Facial Development
According to James Nestor, experts in the field have suggested that breastfeeding can have a positive impact on facial development. Nestor emphasizes that this is not his personal opinion, but rather information he has gathered from numerous experts. He explains that the stress and chewing required for breastfeeding can help pull the face out and develop a larger airway. This, in turn, can lead to proper facial structure and development. Nestor clarifies that he is not shaming modern mothers who choose to bottle-feed, but he believes that breastfeeding can have certain benefits for facial development.
The Correlation between Breathing and ADHD
Nestor discusses the correlation between breathing and ADHD, stating that some researchers believe there is no such thing as ADHD and that it is actually related to sleep-disordered breathing. He explains that breathing patterns, especially during sleep, can have a significant impact on overall health and cognitive function. Nestor suggests that children who have sleep apnea or snore may be more susceptible to ADHD-like symptoms. He acknowledges that this view may be an exaggeration, but believes that breathing patterns can play a role in ADHD and other related issues.
The Importance of Lung Capacity and Health Outcomes
Nestor highlights the importance of lung capacity and its impact on health outcomes. He explains that studies have shown that individuals with healthier and larger lungs tend to live longer. Lung size and health have been identified as the greatest indicators of lifespan. Nestor emphasizes that lung capacity can be maintained and improved through exercise, proper breathing techniques, and stretching. He suggests that paying attention to lung function and capacity is crucial, especially as individuals grow older.
The Impact of Stress and Shallow Breathing on the Body
Nestor discusses the impact of stress and shallow breathing on the body. He explains that stress can lead to dysfunctional breathing patterns, such as shallow breathing or breath-holding. These patterns can have negative effects on overall health, including high blood pressure, metabolic dysfunctions, and chronic inflammation. Nestor emphasizes the importance of taking control of breathing as a way to manage stress and improve overall well-being. He suggests simple breathing exercises, such as deep breaths and extended exhales, to help activate the parasympathetic nervous system and promote relaxation.
The Effects of Wearing Masks and Indoor CO2 Levels
Nestor addresses the controversy surrounding the effects of wearing masks and indoor CO2 levels, particularly in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. He acknowledges that wearing masks can help reduce the transmission of viruses when worn properly. However, he points out that many masks are of poor quality and may contain chemicals that can be harmful when inhaled. Additionally, Nestor highlights the issue of improper mask usage and the false sense of protection it can create. He raises concerns about the high levels of CO2 in indoor environments, particularly in buildings with limited ventilation. Nestor explains that high CO2 levels can lead to various health issues, including cognitive decline and chronic inflammation. He suggests that proper ventilation and fresh air are essential for maintaining a healthy indoor environment.
The Importance of the Bolt Score
Nestor introduces the concept of the Bolt score, also known as the Body Oxygen Level Test. This test measures breath hold time and serves as a diagnostic tool to assess breathing function. He explains that the Bolt score is determined by taking a calm breath in and exhaling until a neutral point is reached. The timer is started at this point, and the breath is held until the first sign of discomfort or resistance. The goal is to achieve a breath hold time of 40 seconds or more. Nestor emphasizes that the Bolt score is not a competition but rather a starting point to improve breathing function.
Challenging the Misconception about Asthma
Nestor challenges the common misconception that asthma is a lifelong condition. While some individuals may be genetically predisposed to asthma, he argues that it is not a life sentence. Nestor highlights the importance of addressing breathing dysfunction as the root cause of asthma symptoms. He shares a personal anecdote about a friend's three-year-old child who was diagnosed with asthma and was scheduled for adenoid and tonsil removal. Nestor suggests that instead of immediately resorting to surgery, it is crucial to address the underlying breathing dysfunction and improve nasal breathing.
The Benefits of Nasal Breathing during Sleep
Nestor discusses the benefits of nasal breathing during sleep and the use of mouth tape. He explains that nasal breathing provides a consistent and fluid signal to the brain, promoting better sleep quality and overall well-being. Nestor recommends using mouth tape, such as Myo tape, to gently remind individuals to keep their mouths closed during sleep. He shares anecdotal evidence from his partner, who experienced improved heart rate variability and sleep efficiency after using mouth tape.
The Physiological and Psychological Effects of Intense Breathwork Exercises
Nestor delves into the physiological and psychological effects of intense breathwork exercises. He explains that these exercises involve rapid and forceful breathing, often through the mouth, to elicit a stress response in the body. By intentionally inducing stress during these exercises, individuals can learn to control their nervous system's response and subsequently reduce stress in their daily lives. Nestor clarifies that these exercises temporarily inhibit blood flow to the brain, leading to sensations like light-headedness and tingling in the fingers. He emphasizes the importance of proper guidance and foundational breathing techniques before engaging in intense breathwork exercises.