Added: May 4, 2024

In this podcast episode, Ben Shapiro delves into the ongoing protests on college campuses across America, highlighting the stark divide between those who despise America and the West and those who support and appreciate it. Shapiro presents two contrasting clips to illustrate this divide, one from a UCLA protest spokesperson criticizing the University of California for its colonialist and imperialist roots, and another from University of Mississippi Frat Boys singing the Star Spangled Banner in support of America.

Key takeaways


Shapiro highlights a deep divide on college campuses between those who criticize America and the West for its colonialist and imperialist roots, and those who express patriotic support.


The involvement of university administrators and faculty in supporting leftist activism and protests is criticized by Shapiro, pointing to a broader issue of ideological bias within educational institutions.


The lack of condemnation from Joe Biden towards anti-Semitic and violent protests, especially against Jewish students, is seen as a failure to address and mitigate growing unrest.


Shapiro emphasizes the importance of free speech, even for controversial figures, as a fundamental principle that should be upheld to ensure diverse viewpoints are heard and debated.


Criticism is directed towards Joe Biden's foreign policy and public comments, which Shapiro argues undermine the United States' relationships with key allies and could impact Biden's re-election campaign.

Shapiro criticizes privileged protesters

Shapiro argues that the protesters who despise America are privileged individuals who have adopted a victim mentality and align themselves with groups like Hamas and the Palestinian cause. He criticizes their lack of understanding and sympathy for the true victims of oppression and terrorism, pointing out the hypocrisy of supporting marginalized groups while ignoring the violence and terrorism perpetuated by those groups.

The Role of Administrators and Faculty

Shapiro also delves into the role of administrators and faculty members in supporting these protests, noting their complicity in allowing the corruption of universities and promoting leftist activism. He highlights the influence of outside agitating groups, some of which are funded by individuals like George Soros who have anti-American and anti-Israel agendas.

Joe Biden's Lack of Condemnation

The podcast also touches on the lack of condemnation from political leaders like Joe Biden, who fail to take a strong stance against the anti-Semitic and violent nature of the protests. Shapiro criticizes Biden for trying to appease both sides and failing to address the root cause of the issue, which is the hatred and violence directed towards Jewish students on college campuses.

Stand up for America

Shapiro emphasizes the importance of picking a side in this debate, urging Americans to stand up for their country and values. He calls out the protesters for their misguided beliefs and actions, and challenges political leaders to defend free speech and uphold the rule of law in the face of growing unrest and division.

Shapiro criticizes left's support

Shapiro goes on to criticize the left for their support of radical movements and their lack of clarity on issues such as the conflict in the Middle East. He praises Donald Trump for his moral clarity on the situation in the Middle East and his support for Israel. Shapiro also addresses the controversy surrounding an anti-Semitism bill, clarifying that the bill does not ban Christianity or the New Testament as some critics have claimed.

Support for Free Speech

The discussion then shifts to Elon Musk's decision to reinstate Nick Fuentes, a self-declared anti-Semite, on his platform. Shapiro acknowledges Fuentes' controversial views but supports Musk's decision to uphold free speech principles. He emphasizes the importance of allowing differing viewpoints to be heard and challenged in the public sphere.

Shapiro criticizes Biden's foreign policy

Shapiro also criticizes Joe Biden for his recent comments insulting Japan and India, suggesting that it is dangerous to be an ally of the United States under Biden's leadership. He points out Biden's lack of clarity on key issues such as immigration and the economy, which could impact his re-election campaign.

Shapiro praises Trump's disciplined campaigning

In contrast, Shapiro praises former President Trump for his disciplined approach to campaigning. He highlights Trump's focus on issues such as inflation and interest rates, which he believes could resonate with voters and potentially lead to a successful re-election bid.


Full episode

Episode summary