George Clooney BLASTS Biden, Calls For His Ouster!

Added: Jul 12, 2024

Ben Shapiro begins by discussing his recent trip to Capitol Hill, where he testified at a House Judiciary Committee hearing about issues surrounding the Global Alliance for Responsible Media (GARM). GARM is described as a consortium controlling 90% of the advertising market, setting standards for what can be advertised on various platforms. Shapiro argues that these standards are biased against conservatives, targeting sites like Daily Wire, shows like his own and Joe Rogan's, and platforms like X (formerly Twitter). He presents this as part of a larger trust crisis in media, where legacy media has lost credibility due to perceived bias and inaccurate reporting, particularly regarding President Biden's mental fitness.

Shapiro recounts his opening statement at the hearing, where he highlighted the informal pressure system created by Democratic legislators, the White House, legacy media, advertisers, and brand safety organizations. This system, he argues, ensures advertising dollars flow primarily to left-wing media brands. The hearing lasted from about 10 AM to 2:30 PM and became contentious when some Democrats shifted focus away from the main topic to other issues, particularly "Project 2025."

Project 2025 and Democratic Distractions

Shapiro criticizes Democrats for repeatedly bringing up Project 2025 during the hearing, viewing it as a distraction from more pressing issues. He notes that this project, which he admits to not having read in detail, has become a focal point for Democrats attempting to shift attention away from concerns about President Biden's fitness for office. Shapiro engages in a heated exchange with Representative Eric Swalwell, who questions him about various aspects of Project 2025, including immigration policy, abortion, same-sex marriage, and Social Security.

Biden's Mental Fitness and Democratic Party Concerns

The podcast then shifts to discussing President Biden's recent performances at NATO and other public events. Shapiro plays clips of Biden stumbling over words and appearing confused, using these as evidence of declining mental acuity. He also mentions a fundraiser hosted by George Clooney, where Obama had to guide Biden off stage, suggesting this as further proof of Biden's diminished capacity.

Shapiro then delves into the growing concerns within the Democratic Party about Biden's ability to win the 2024 election. He cites George Clooney's New York Times op-ed calling for Biden to step aside, as well as similar sentiments expressed by other prominent Democrats and media figures. He argues that this represents a significant shift in the party's stance and highlights the internal struggle Democrats face in addressing Biden's perceived weaknesses.

Democratic Leadership's Dilemma

Shapiro discusses the "prisoners' dilemma" facing Democratic leadership, where many want Biden to step aside but are hesitant to be the first to openly call for it. He cites examples of Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, and other Democratic leaders making subtle suggestions that Biden should reconsider running, while publicly maintaining support for the president. He characterizes this as a lack of courage and a fear of political backlash.

Polling Data and Electoral Concerns

The podcast presents recent polling data showing Trump leading Biden in key battleground states and even competitive in traditionally Democratic strongholds like New York. Shapiro argues that these numbers are disastrous for Biden and the Democratic Party, potentially indicating a landslide victory for Trump if the trends continue. He cites Nate Silver's forecast giving Trump a 70% chance of winning and notes the historical tendency for polls to undersample Trump voters.

Trump's Strategy and VP Selection

Shapiro analyzes Trump's current strategy, noting that the former president is staying relatively quiet and allowing the Democrats to struggle with their internal issues. He discusses speculation about Trump's potential VP announcement, suggesting that Trump might wait until the Republican National Convention to make this decision. He argues that Trump is positioning himself as a candidate of stability and moderation, contrasting with the perceived radicalism of the Democratic Party.

Democratic Party's Continued Radicalism

Shapiro criticizes the Democratic Party for what he sees as continued radicalism, particularly in their opposition to voter ID laws and citizenship verification for voting. He discusses a recent House bill, the Safeguard American Voter Eligibility Act, which most Democrats opposed. He argues that this stance is politically unwise and out of touch with public opinion, potentially benefiting Trump in the upcoming election.

Cultural Divide and Hollywood Intolerance

The podcast concludes with a discussion of a controversy surrounding the film "Sound of Hope," which the Daily Wire helped distribute. Shapiro criticizes actress Letitia Wright, an executive producer of the film, for publicly distancing herself from the Daily Wire's involvement. He argues that this incident exemplifies the left's intolerance in the cultural arena, even on issues where there should be bipartisan agreement, such as improving the foster care system.

Shapiro presents this as a broader problem in American culture, where even non-partisan issues become politicized, making it difficult for people with different political views to work together on common goals. He expresses disappointment that such division exists even on issues like helping foster children, which he believes should transcend political differences.


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