Old Soul REVEALS Our Holographic Universe, Power of Consciousness & Quantum Healing | Gabi Kovalenko

Old Soul REVEALS Our Holographic Universe, Power of Consciousness & Quantum Healing | Gabi Kovalenko thumbnail
In this podcast episode, transformational thought leader and spiritual teacher Gabi Kovalenko delves into the importance of perception, consciousness, and the impact of early childhood experiences on our present reality. Kovalenko emphasizes the idea that our perception shapes our reality and that by changing our perspective, we can change the energy surrounding our experiences.

Kovalenko discusses the concept of consciousness as the ground of all being, highlighting the idea that we are vehicles of consciousness and fractals of the universal mind. She explains that by changing our perspective, we can change the way we experience reality, ultimately altering the output of our physical experience. This shift in perspective can lead to a deeper understanding of our past and present reality, allowing for a more integrated and loving experience.

The conversation also delves into the concept of the ego and spiritual ego, highlighting the slippery nature of the ego and its role in creating a sense of separation from reality. Kovalenko emphasizes the importance of tapping into the soul and understanding the true nature of the self, beyond external labels and attachments. She encourages listeners to question their sense of self and explore the concept of non-duality, where individuals can tap into deep states of empathy and compassion.

The discussion also touches on the impact of early childhood experiences on our sense of self and perception of reality. Kovalenko explains how early childhood experiences can shape our subconscious programming and influence our beliefs about self-worth, love, and connection. She emphasizes the importance of understanding and integrating these early experiences to transcend trauma and move towards a more loving and integrated reality.

Kovalenko also addresses the concept of narcissism and its roots in early childhood experiences, highlighting the impact of conditional love and the lack of empathy on an individual's sense of self. She encourages listeners to explore their inner child and understand the origins of their beliefs and behaviors, ultimately leading to a deeper sense of self-awareness and integration.

The conversation also explores the concept of quantum jumps and the role of acceptance in transcending trauma. Kovalenko emphasizes the idea that by accepting and integrating all parts of our experience, we can move towards a more loving and abundant reality. She encourages listeners to view reality as a mirror of consciousness and to explore the concept of manifestation from a place of being, rather than doing.

Kovalenko emphasizes the importance of tapping into a deeper intelligence that is intrinsic to each individual, rather than relying solely on accumulated information and intellectual growth. She discusses the difference between thinking and knowing, highlighting the significance of tapping into the heart's knowing and the deeper wisdom that comes from a place of humility and self-love.

One of the key points that Kovalenko touches upon is the idea of integrating different perspectives and seeing the truth in all things. She emphasizes the importance of embracing diversity and individual perspectives, rather than claiming to possess all the answers. Kovalenko warns against the dangers of projecting a sense of knowing everything, as it can lead to a closed-minded approach and hinder further integration and growth.

She also reflects on her own experiences growing up, sharing how she always felt different and had a deep sense of empathy and compassion from a young age. She discusses her early fascination with healing and the human body, as well as her journey of self-discovery and self-expression through writing and public speaking.

Kovalenko also touches upon the concept of spirituality as a process of letting go, rather than accumulating more knowledge. She emphasizes the importance of tapping into a deeper intelligence that is already within each individual, rather than seeking external validation or recognition.

Furthermore, Kovalenko discusses the perils of attaching to any one way, system, philosophy, or religion, and the importance of embracing omnism – the concept of seeing the truth in all religions and integrating different belief systems. She emphasizes the need to move past the constructs that have been designed to trap consciousness and to embrace a more inclusive and open-minded approach to spirituality.

Kovalenko also explores the idea that human consciousness is a dynamic and ever-expanding force. She emphasizes that consciousness is not just a mental phenomenon but also encompasses the heart-based aspects of our being. By integrating both the masculine and feminine aspects of consciousness, individuals can tap into a deeper understanding of their own existence and the world around them.

Kovalenko also discusses the concept of a new Earth awakening, suggesting that there is a potential for a split in human experience. She describes a vision of two parallel realities coexisting on the planet: one characterized by love, healing, and higher consciousness, and the other marked by fear, limitation, and a deterministic mindset. According to Kovalenko, individuals have the power to choose which reality they align with through their thoughts, beliefs, and actions.

Throughout the conversation, Kovalenko encourages listeners to open their minds and hearts to new possibilities. She challenges individuals to question their current beliefs and consider how they might approach life differently if they viewed themselves as expressions of source consciousness. By doing so, she suggests that people can tap into their innate power as creators of their own reality.

Kovalenko also emphasizes the importance of empathy and self-awareness in the journey toward higher consciousness. She encourages individuals to explore their own inner landscape and to consider how they might transcend limitations and embrace a more loving and expansive way of being.

In addition to her insights, Kovalenko shares her own journey of stepping into her voice and expressing herself authentically. She discusses the challenges of navigating societal expectations and the importance of aligning with one's true purpose and passion. Through her own experiences, she exemplifies the power of living from the heart and thinking outside the box.


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