The Happiness Expert: STOP Chasing Money! 8 Ways To Build True WEALTH | Robin Sharma

Added: Apr 8, 2024

In this podcast episode featuring international best-selling author and leadership expert Robin Sharma, the discussion revolves around the concept of wealth beyond money and the importance of pursuing personal growth, relationships, and meaningful work. Sharma emphasizes the idea that true wealth encompasses various aspects of life, not just financial success.

Key takeaways


Success should not be measured solely by material possessions but by the richness of one's life experiences and the quality of personal relationships.


Holding onto resentment can block personal growth and happiness, while forgiveness fosters inner peace and emotional freedom.


Start by identifying and pursuing ambitions that align with your authentic self and values, rather than seeking external validation.


Recruit a 'dead board of directors' by studying the lives and teachings of historical figures you admire to gain insights and inspiration.


Cultivate deep and meaningful relationships by focusing on quality over quantity, and surround yourself with people who uplift you.

Reevaluating the Definition of Success

Sharma challenges the conventional notion that success is solely defined by financial wealth and material possessions. He shares insights from his experience mentoring billionaires and high achievers who, despite their financial success, often feel unfulfilled and lonely. He introduces the concept of the eight forms of wealth, highlighting growth, family, and personal development as essential components of a rich and fulfilling life.

Balancing Ambition and Attachment

The conversation delves into the delicate balance between ambition and attachment. Sharma encourages individuals to pursue their ambitions from a place of authenticity and service rather than seeking external validation or material gain. He emphasizes the importance of self-awareness and intentionality in one's pursuits, urging listeners to align their ambitions with their values and purpose.

Overcoming Resentment and Embracing Forgiveness

One of the key points discussed is the detrimental impact of holding onto resentment. Sharma explains how harboring resentment can hinder personal growth and prevent individuals from fully embracing their potential. He advocates for the practice of forgiveness as a means of releasing negative emotions and fostering inner peace. By letting go of past grievances, individuals can free themselves from emotional burdens and cultivate healthier relationships.

Starting Small and Embracing Failure

Sharma emphasizes the power of taking small steps towards one's goals and dreams. He encourages listeners to overcome the fear of failure and rejection by simply starting and making incremental progress. By adopting a mindset of continuous improvement and resilience, individuals can navigate challenges and setbacks with grace and determination. Sharma underscores the importance of perseverance and self-belief in the face of adversity.

Cultivating a Positive Social Circle

The discussion touches on the significance of surrounding oneself with supportive and uplifting individuals. Sharma highlights the impact of one's social circle on personal growth and well-being, emphasizing the need to cultivate relationships that align with one's values and aspirations. He advises listeners to assess their social connections and prioritize relationships that nurture their growth and happiness.

Finding Joy in Work and Mastery

Sharma shares insights on finding fulfillment in one's work and embracing the pursuit of mastery. He underscores the importance of viewing work as a craft and an opportunity to make a meaningful impact. Drawing from personal experiences, he illustrates how passion, dedication, and attention to detail can elevate one's work to a higher level of excellence. He encourages listeners to approach their work with joy, purpose, and a commitment to continuous learning and growth.

Rewiring Your Relationship with Money

Sharma discusses the need to reevaluate one's relationship with money, as many people hold limiting beliefs about wealth. He encourages individuals to shift their mindset from viewing money as the sole measure of success to seeing it as a tool for personal growth and contribution. By understanding the true value of money and its role in a holistic life, individuals can break free from scarcity mindset.

Recruiting a Dead Board of Directors

Sharma suggests the idea of recruiting a "dead board of directors," which involves seeking guidance from influential figures through their writings and teachings. By studying the actions and habits of historical figures and mentors, individuals can gain valuable insights and inspiration for personal growth. This practice helps in overcoming scarcity and limiting beliefs that hold people back from achieving their full potential.

Building Meaningful Relationships

Sharma emphasizes the importance of cultivating deep and meaningful friendships. He suggests focusing on quality over quantity when it comes to friendships, highlighting the value of having a few close friends who support and uplift you. By surrounding yourself with positive influences, you can create a strong support system that enhances your well-being and personal growth.

Balancing Kindness and Boundaries

Sharma addresses the need to balance kindness with setting boundaries. While it is essential to be compassionate and generous, it is equally important to assert your boundaries and not allow others to take advantage of your kindness. By practicing self-respect and standing up for yourself, you can maintain healthy relationships and avoid being treated as a doormat.

Creating Perfect Moments

Sharma shares the story of Eugene O'Kelly, who reevaluated his life after being diagnosed with a terminal illness. O'Kelly focused on creating perfect moments in his final days, cherishing time with loved ones and embracing the beauty of life. Sharma encourages listeners to adopt a similar mindset of creating meaningful and memorable moments in their daily lives, appreciating the present moment and fostering deeper connections with others.

Embracing Others' Success

Sharma challenges the common mindset of viewing others' success as a threat or reflection of one's inadequacy. He advocates for seeing others' victories as opportunities for growth and inspiration. By shifting from a scarcity mindset to one of abundance and generosity, individuals can celebrate the success of others and use it as motivation to pursue their own goals.


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