Arnold Schwarzenegger ON How To Change The Trajectory of Your Life! ”I was unhappy with reality…”

Arnold Schwarzenegger ON How To Change The Trajectory of Your Life! ”I was unhappy with reality…” thumbnail

Added: Oct 9, 2023

In this podcast episode, Arnold Schwarzenegger shares his insights on how to change the trajectory of your life. He begins by discussing his childhood and the experiences that shaped him into the person he is today. Schwarzenegger grew up in Austria after World War II, where there was a scarcity of food and a strict upbringing. He credits these experiences, along with the presence of the British military in his area, for his drive and fascination with big cars and tanks.

Schwarzenegger also talks about his father, who was a complicated man and a victim of the war. He suffered from post-traumatic stress disorder and had various health issues. Schwarzenegger reflects on how his father's experiences influenced his own drive and determination.

The conversation then shifts to Schwarzenegger's early experiences in bodybuilding. He recalls his first glimpse of America when he competed in Miami and was amazed by the high rises, beautiful hotels, and boats. However, his initial impression of Hollywood was disappointing, as it did not live up to his expectations. He also discusses his fascination with bodybuilding and how he visualized himself becoming a champion.

Schwarzenegger credits his first bodybuilding coach, Mr. Austria, for inspiring him and introducing him to the world of bodybuilding. He talks about the importance of having a clear vision and how he visualized himself becoming a champion. He emphasizes the need to have a purpose and a direction in life, as it gives you something to strive for and makes every step of the journey enjoyable.

The conversation then delves into the sacrifices Schwarzenegger made throughout his life. He talks about the sacrifices he made as a father and husband when he ran for governor of California. He acknowledges the pain of seeing his children upset when he couldn't attend their events due to his political commitments. However, he also recognizes that he made a choice to pursue his goals and that sacrifices were necessary.

Schwarzenegger also discusses the importance of discipline and hard work. He challenges the notion that discipline is a sacrifice, as he always looked forward to his workouts and enjoyed the process. He believes that having a clear vision and a goal makes the hard work enjoyable and fulfilling.

The conversation continues with Schwarzenegger discussing the importance of shooting for big goals and never thinking small. He encourages listeners to have a clear vision and to pursue their dreams with passion and determination. He advises against listening to naysayers and not having a plan B, as it can undermine one's commitment to their goals.

He highlights the need for effective communication and promotion in order to succeed. Schwarzenegger recalls his early experiences in sales and how he learned the art of selling by understanding the needs and desires of the customer. He emphasizes the importance of promoting oneself and one's work, as even the best product or idea is useless if no one knows about it. He shares examples from his own career, such as promoting his book and his movies, and how he used various strategies to reach a wider audience.

Schwarzenegger also discusses the challenges he faced in balancing his professional and personal life. He talks about the importance of finding a compromise and making time for family, even in the midst of a demanding career. He credits his wife and children for their support and acknowledges the importance of being a present and involved parent.

The conversation then shifts to the topic of audacity and having a clear vision. Schwarzenegger shares his belief that successful people have audacity and can see their goals as a reality, even when others cannot. He talks about the privilege he feels in having lived a life filled with diverse experiences, from bodybuilding to movies to politics. He emphasizes the importance of giving back to the community and helping others, as he believes that no one is self-made and that everyone has received help along the way.

Schwarzenegger discusses his current focus on bringing together his various talents and interests, such as show business, fitness, and politics, to make a positive impact on the world. He talks about his involvement in environmental issues, healthcare, aging, and entertainment, and how he aims to use his platform to address these issues and make a difference.

The podcast continues with a final five segment, where Schwarzenegger answers a series of rapid-fire questions. He shares the best advice he has ever received, which is to believe in oneself, and the worst advice he has received, which is that something cannot be done. He talks about his ongoing pursuit of mastering the integration of his various talents and interests. He reflects on his biggest personal success, which is being able to turn his visions into reality, and his biggest personal failure, which he believes is his marriage.

Schwarzenegger continues by talking about his journey from bodybuilding to becoming an actor and eventually the Governor of California. He emphasizes the importance of setting big goals and constantly pushing oneself to achieve more. He believes that life is like climbing a mountain, where each peak represents a new challenge or goal to conquer.

He also highlights the significance of curiosity and learning from others. Schwarzenegger mentions that he enjoys meeting scientists and experts who provide different perspectives on important issues. He believes that by listening to others, we can gain new insights and expand our knowledge.

The conversation then shifts to the topic of Schwarzenegger's book, "Be Useful: Seven Tools for Life." He explains that writing the book allowed him to reflect on his own experiences and share valuable life lessons. He believes that storytelling is an effective way to convey important messages and make them relatable to readers.

Schwarzenegger also discusses his passion for environmental issues and the importance of transitioning to renewable energy sources. He mentions that pollution is a major cause of health problems and believes that implementing laws to promote alternative energy can save lives.

The guest also talks about his involvement in the plant-based movement and his decision to reduce his meat consumption. He explains that he was influenced by filmmaker James Cameron, who educated him about the environmental impact of animal agriculture. Schwarzenegger now eats meat only once a week and promotes the benefits of a plant-based diet.

The conversation then touches on Schwarzenegger's meditation practice. He shares that he learned transcendental meditation in the 1970s and found it helpful in calming his mind and improving focus. He emphasizes the importance of focusing on one task at a time and approaching problems systematically.

Schwarzenegger concludes by expressing his gratitude for the opportunities and experiences life has brought him. He encourages listeners to set big goals, stay curious, and constantly learn from others. He believes that by taking these steps, anyone can change the trajectory of their life and make a positive impact on the world.


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