The Inner Work of An Artist: Healing Through Vulnerability, Creativity and Self Care | 6LACK

Added: Sep 25, 2024

In this podcast episode, the host interviews 6LACK, the Atlanta-based artist known for his introspective approach to music and life. He delves into his journey of self-discovery, the importance of mental health awareness, the transformative role of fatherhood, and the power of vulnerability in fostering genuine connections.

Early Life and Musical Solace

Reflecting on his early life, 6LACK recalls a time when material possessions were scarce. Despite these challenges, he found solace in music and the access he had to studios. This environment became a sanctuary for him, allowing him to express himself creatively. Over the years, he transitioned from merely enjoying his songs to experiencing profound moments in the studio that solidified his commitment to music as a lifelong pursuit.

While he was signed to a label that prioritized commercial hits, 6LACK remained focused on creating music that resonated with his personal experiences and emotions. He understood that his art could serve as a source of healing for himself and others, even if it didn’t align with mainstream popularity.

The Power of Writing and Vulnerability

6LACK's journey of self-discovery began in childhood, particularly during a time when communication with his family diminished. Writing became a crucial outlet for him, allowing him to articulate feelings that were difficult to express verbally. This vulnerability in his music has not only facilitated personal growth but has also fostered connections with listeners who relate to his experiences.

He advises aspiring artists to find their "why" for creating art. Understanding the purpose behind their work can provide guidance during challenging times and help them stay true to their vision.

Embracing Discomfort and Trusting the Process

The early years of 6LACK's career were filled with struggles, including couch-hopping and living in studios without financial stability. Despite these hardships, he found joy in creating music with friends and embraced discomfort as a catalyst for growth. He emphasizes the importance of trusting the process, acknowledging that while immediate results may not have been evident, those early experiences were crucial for his development as an artist.

As he transitioned from his debut album, "Free 6LACK," to his sophomore project, "East Atlanta Love Letter," 6LACK experienced significant personal growth, including the transformative experience of becoming a father. This new perspective enriched his music, allowing him to express a broader range of emotions and relatability.

Collaboration and the Impact of Authenticity

Collaboration with artists like J. Cole has been a surreal experience for 6LACK, who admires their authenticity and relatability. He values the connections he makes with other artists and recognizes the impact they can have on each other's work. However, he also acknowledges the pressure that comes with success and the responsibility he feels to create uplifting and inspiring music.

Mental Health Awareness in the Music Industry

6LACK is candid about the mental health challenges faced by artists, citing a study that highlights the high prevalence of anxiety and depression among independent musicians. He shares his own experiences with mental health, particularly the pressure he felt after releasing "Free 6LACK." He learned that expressing emotions through music does not equate to resolving underlying issues, emphasizing the importance of addressing personal struggles.

Therapy has played a significant role in his growth, helping him confront stubbornness and arrogance that hindered his relationships. This journey of self-discovery has allowed him to embrace his identity beyond music, exploring other passions and interests.

The Role of Fatherhood in Personal Growth

Becoming a father has profoundly impacted 6LACK's values and sense of responsibility. He emphasizes the importance of honesty and integrity in parenting, noting that having a child looking up to him has motivated him to raise his standards and become a better person. This experience has also made him more attuned to his relationships, allowing him to embrace a softer side that he believes is essential for effective parenting and personal connections.

Navigating Imposter Syndrome and Burnout

6LACK opens up about his struggles with imposter syndrome as an artist, acknowledging that moments of self-doubt can be overwhelming. He shares how these feelings often remind him to turn inward and prioritize self-care. He recounts a period of excessive work in the studio that led to burnout and a creative block. Recognizing the need to step back, he focused on his well-being and engaged in practices like meditation and physical exercise, which ultimately helped him regain his creative flow.

He emphasizes the importance of committing to the process of creation, even when it feels uncomfortable, as this dedication often leads to artistic breakthroughs.

Redefining Success and Authenticity

When discussing success and expectations, 6LACK reflects on the pressure artists face regarding commercial performance. He shares that while his first album did not chart at the top, it eventually achieved platinum status, which he did not anticipate. In contrast, his second album met commercial expectations but did not resonate with him creatively. For his most recent project, he consciously decided to release music without the burden of expectations, focusing instead on authenticity and personal expression. He believes that true success lies in being honest and true to oneself rather than adhering to external metrics.

The Importance of Self-Care and Routine

Meditation and daily self-care practices play a significant role in 6LACK's life. He discusses how establishing a routine that includes physical activity, writing, and meditation has helped him maintain mental clarity and emotional stability. He highlights the power of silence, which serves as a backdrop for creativity, allowing him to process thoughts and emotions more effectively. This practice of sitting in silence has become essential for his creative process, enabling him to navigate the chaos of life and find inspiration.

Spirituality and the Creative Process

6LACK touches on the spiritual side of music, describing moments when songs seem to come through him rather than from him. He recounts experiences in the studio where, after dedicating time to self-reflection and care, he felt a surge of creativity that led to the creation of impactful songs. He emphasizes the importance of being open to these moments and trusting the process, as they often yield the most profound artistic expressions.

Healing Through Creativity

In discussing his lyrics, 6LACK reflects on the healing power of creativity. He shares a particularly vulnerable verse from a collaboration that encapsulates his struggles with identity, love, and personal growth. Writing this verse allowed him to confront uncomfortable feelings and express truths that he had previously struggled to articulate. He acknowledges that creating music serves as a form of therapy, helping him process emotions and experiences.

Fostering Vulnerability Among Men

The conversation also delves into the need for safe spaces for men to express vulnerability. 6LACK notes that men often struggle to communicate their feelings and experiences, leading to a culture of deflection and humor rather than genuine connection. He emphasizes the importance of fostering environments where men can share their struggles and support one another, drawing inspiration from the open communication often seen in women's communities.

Life-Changing Experiences and Perspective Shifts

6LACK recounts a life-changing car accident that shifted his perspective on life. He describes the moment of the crash, the feeling of time slowing down, and the realization that he was not ready to die. This experience reinforced the importance of living fully and appreciating every moment. He expresses gratitude for surviving the accident and how it motivated him to take his life and career more seriously.

The Ripple Effect of Authenticity

Throughout the podcast, 6LACK emphasizes the importance of making the most of one's time on Earth. He encourages listeners to honor themselves, practice gratitude, and pursue their passions with authenticity. He believes that by doing so, individuals can create a ripple effect that positively impacts those around them, fostering a community of growth and support.


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