"Instantly Put Toxic People In Their Place!" - Show Your Worth Without Saying A Word | Terri Cole

Added: May 13, 2024

In this podcast episode, Terri Cole discusses the importance of setting boundaries in relationships, especially in toxic ones. She emphasizes the need for women to take back their power by clearly defining their boundaries, preferences, limits, and deal breakers. Cole explains that healthy boundaries are essential in various aspects of life, including physical, emotional, mental, and material boundaries.

Importance of Physical Boundaries

She delves into the five categories of boundaries, starting with physical boundaries, which encompass both physical and sexual boundaries. Cole stresses the importance of consent and the right to say no to any unwanted physical contact or sexual advances. She highlights the significance of healthy sexual boundaries, such as using protection and communicating preferences.

Importance of Emotional Boundaries

Emotional boundaries are also crucial, as they involve taking responsibility for one's feelings and not allowing others to manipulate or guilt-trip them. Cole advises not to take on other people's emotions and to stand firm in expressing one's own feelings and preferences.

Setting and Maintaining Mental Boundaries

Mental boundaries involve knowing one's opinions and thoughts and being able to hold onto them, even in the face of disagreement. Cole suggests using humor or direct communication to navigate conversations with family members or acquaintances who may challenge your beliefs or opinions.

Importance of Material Boundaries

Material boundaries, such as respecting personal belongings and space, are also essential in maintaining healthy relationships. Cole shares a personal example of setting a boundary with her sister who would borrow clothes without permission, leading to a lack of consideration and trust. By establishing consequences for boundary violations, she was able to improve her relationship with her sister and create a mutual understanding of respect and consent.

Addressing Boundary Violations Effectively

Cole also discusses the concept of boundary offenders and boundary destroyers, highlighting the importance of addressing repeated boundary violations. She advises reminding the individual of the established boundaries, communicating any changes or concerns, and implementing consequences if necessary. By setting clear boundaries and enforcing them consistently, individuals can protect their privacy, autonomy, and emotional well-being in relationships.

Recognizing and Addressing Abusive Behaviors

In cases of potential abuse, Cole identifies intrusive behaviors such as invading privacy, checking personal devices without consent, and controlling behavior as red flags. She emphasizes the need to recognize and address these abusive behaviors by setting firm boundaries, seeking support from trusted individuals or professionals, and prioritizing one's safety and well-being.

Warning Signs of Love Bombing

She also talks about the issue of love bombing, where a partner overwhelms you with affection and attention in the beginning of a relationship. While it may feel good initially, Cole warns that it can be a manipulation tactic used to control and trap you in the relationship. She advises taking things slow and paying attention to any sense of urgency or pressure from the other person.

Recognizing Emotional Abuse Patterns

Another red flag Cole discusses is the cycle of fighting and making up in a relationship. If a partner is constantly blaming you, causing fights, and then apologizing, it can be a sign of emotional abuse. She stresses the importance of setting boundaries and consequences for repeated boundary violations, especially in situations where explosive anger is involved.

Threats of self-harm and manipulation

Cole also addresses the issue of threats of self-harm or harm towards you if you try to leave the relationship. She emphasizes the need to take such threats seriously and to have a safety plan in place if you feel unsafe. Additionally, she talks about the manipulation tactics used in abusive relationships, such as threatening self-harm to keep you in the relationship out of guilt.

Importance of Financial Transparency

The guest also touches on financial abuse, where a partner controls the finances and limits your access to money. She advises having open discussions about finances and ensuring that both partners are fully aware of the financial situation in the relationship. Cole stresses the importance of being a full partner in a relationship and not being manipulated by money or other resources.


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