“Why 99% of Relationships FAIL” (Do THIS Today to Find Lasting Love!) | Michael Todd

“Why 99% of Relationships FAIL” (Do THIS Today to Find Lasting Love!) | Michael Todd thumbnail

Added: Oct 2, 2023

In this podcast episode, Pastor Michael Todd discusses the reasons why many relationships fail and offers insights on how to find lasting love. He emphasizes the importance of self-reflection, healing, and personal growth in order to have successful relationships.

Pastor Todd believes that relationships are a fundamental part of human interaction and that they are meant to bring joy, connection, and fulfillment. However, he acknowledges that many people struggle in relationships because they are not bringing their full selves to the table. Instead, they present versions of themselves that are influenced by past traumas and hurts. This can hinder the ability to truly love and be loved.

He suggests that in order to have healthy relationships, individuals need to take the time to heal and work on themselves. This involves looking at past patterns and traumas and addressing them head-on. It may be difficult and scary, but it is necessary for personal growth and the ability to love others at a deeper level.

Pastor Todd also addresses the question of whether it is possible to heal and mend a broken relationship. He believes that it is never too late to repair a relationship, as long as both parties are willing to do the work. He emphasizes the importance of making a decision to change and then turning that decision into a discipline. Consistency and effort are key in transforming a broken relationship into a healthy and fulfilling one.

The conversation then shifts to the topic of personal health and well-being. Pastor Todd shares his own journey of overcoming emotional eating and prioritizing his physical health. He explains that taking care of oneself is essential for overall success and happiness. He encourages listeners to examine their own habits and make a decision to prioritize their health.

Pastor Todd also delves into the concept of trauma and its impact on our lives. He believes that we cannot run away from our past or our traumas, as our bodies store the memories and experiences. Instead, he encourages individuals to face their traumas and work through them in order to find healing and freedom.

He shares a personal story from his childhood that shaped his mindset and motivated him to always strive for greatness. He realized that he had become allergic to being good and believed that he had to be great in order to be seen and valued. This mindset drove him to achieve success in various areas of his life, but it also caused him to overlook the goodness and blessings around him. Through self-reflection and healing, he was able to shift his perspective and appreciate the good in his life.

The conversation continues with Pastor Todd discussing the importance of dealing with past traumas and working on personal growth. He believes that all the damage and pain individuals have experienced can actually be transformed into their destiny. By addressing and healing from past traumas, individuals can turn their pain into a platform for growth and connection with others.

Pastor Todd emphasizes the need to prioritize inner peace over the opinions of others. He shares his own experience of canceling speaking engagements to focus on his family's well-being. He believes that making choices that align with one's inner peace and values is essential for personal growth and success.

Lewis and Pastor Todd then discuss the transformation of emotional eating and insecurity into security and conscious eating. Pastor Todd explains that his previous value system was based on caring about people's thoughts of him. However, he has now shifted his focus to caring about his own inner peace. He encourages individuals to choose inner peace over people-pleasing, as it is essential for personal growth and well-being.

The conversation then shifts to the topic of choosing the right partner. Pastor Todd advises individuals to choose partnerships based on purpose rather than pleasure. He explains that compatibility is important, but it is crucial to ensure that both partners are going in the same direction and have a shared purpose. He suggests that individuals take the time to reflect on their values and vision for the future before entering into a partnership.

Lewis shares his own experience of going on a vision and values retreat with his fiancee. They individually wrote down their values and vision for the future and then came together to discuss and align their goals. This exercise helped them ensure that they were on the same page and had a shared vision for their relationship.

Pastor Todd emphasizes the importance of revisiting and revising the vision and values of a relationship as it evolves over time. He suggests that couples regularly take the time to reflect on their values and goals to ensure that they are still aligned.

The conversation then delves into the topic of service and purpose. Pastor Todd believes in living a life of service and helping others, even when it may not be popular or well-received by others. He shares his belief that it is his responsibility as a Christian to reach out and help those who are hurting or in need. He believes in being authentic and showing love to others, regardless of their circumstances.

Lewis acknowledges Pastor Todd for his commitment to service and authenticity. He commends him for doing things that are in alignment with his values and purpose, even when it may not be popular or well-received by others.

In the final segment of the podcast, Lewis asks Pastor Todd to share three truths that he would leave behind if he could only leave three lessons. Pastor Todd's three truths are: "God is love," "You're valuable," and "Let your family be your greatest achievement." He believes that these truths are essential for living a fulfilling and purposeful life.

The podcast concludes with Lewis expressing his gratitude to Pastor Todd for sharing his wisdom and insights on relationships and personal growth. He acknowledges Pastor Todd's dedication to helping others and creating positive change in the world.


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