32 Principles For Unlocking Inner Peace And Unleashing Confidence | Rener Gracie

32 Principles For Unlocking Inner Peace And Unleashing Confidence | Rener Gracie thumbnail

Added: Aug 24, 2023

In this podcast episode, Lewis Howes interviews Henner Gracie, a third-generation Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu master from the legendary Gracie family. Gracie discusses the principles of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and how they can be applied to life, relationships, and business.

Gracie begins by explaining that Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu reprograms the practitioner's brain in three key areas: how they face problems, how they face adversaries, and how they face themselves. Jiu-Jitsu teaches individuals to be comfortable and win in worst-case scenarios, which is a profound psychological shift. It also enables practitioners to defeat larger, stronger opponents by using leverage and timing rather than brute strength. Additionally, Jiu-Jitsu helps individuals overcome their own insecurities and realize their full potential. Gracie emphasizes that Jiu-Jitsu is addictive because it makes the impossible possible. Every time a person steps on the mat, they are being reprogrammed to face adversity in their life more effectively. Initially, this reprogramming occurs through learning techniques, but eventually, practitioners realize that there are fundamental principles that underlie all techniques. Gracie identifies 32 principles that form the foundation of Jiu-Jitsu and enable practitioners to create techniques on the spot. These principles are not limited to combat situations but can be applied to all aspects of life. The conversation then shifts to the history of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. Gracie explains that his great uncle, Carlos Gracie, was introduced to Jiu-Jitsu in Brazil by a Japanese immigrant. Carlos and his brothers started teaching Jiu-Jitsu in Brazil, and his younger brother, Helio Gracie, became the family champion. Helio adapted the techniques to suit his smaller physique, and the Gracie family began challenging fighters from various martial arts disciplines. This led to the birth of the UFC and the recognition of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu as the most effective martial art. Gracie also discusses his own experiences with Jiu-Jitsu. He shares that his biggest fear is letting his sons down and not living up to his potential as a father and husband. Professionally, he is proud of his achievements and the success of his businesses. Gracie notes that Jiu-Jitsu has a positive impact on intimate relationships, as it teaches individuals patience, humility, and problem-solving skills. He mentions that many men return to Jiu-Jitsu classes at the urging of their wives. Gracie's book, "32 Principles for Unlocking Inner Peace and Unleashing Confidence," explores how the principles of Jiu-Jitsu can be applied to life, relationships, and business. He shares several stories and examples to illustrate the power of these principles. One of the principles discussed is the Clock Principle, which emphasizes the importance of timing. Gracie explains that in a fight, the right move at the wrong time is the wrong move. He shares a story about a student who suffered from severe social anxiety and how he used the Clock Principle to help her overcome her fears. Another principle discussed is the Kazushi Principle, which involves seeking first to understand before seeking to be understood. Gracie explains that in Jiu-Jitsu, you must understand your opponent's balance in order to off-balance them. He shares a story about a negative review he received and how he used the Kazushi Principle to address the customer's concerns. The Acceptance Principle is also explored, which involves recognizing when it's better to yield than to resist. Gracie shares a personal story about a disagreement he had with his wife about parenting and work responsibilities. He explains how he initially resisted her perspective but eventually accepted it, leading to a stronger and more balanced relationship. The next principle discussed is the Grand Master Principle, which involves applying all the principles and constantly evolving their application in one's own life. Gracie explains that his grandfather, the founder of Gracie Jiu-Jitsu, had to become his own teacher and constantly adapt and evolve the techniques. He encourages listeners to do the same in their own lives, using the principles as a guide for personal growth and development. Gracie continues by talking about the significance of the black belt in Jiu-Jitsu. He explains that achieving the black belt is not the end, but rather the beginning of a new phase of learning and innovation. Gracie believes that he has learned and grown more from black belt to the present than he did from white to black belt. Gracie also urges readers to give Jiu-Jitsu a try, as he believes it can do the most for people with the least physical attributes in the least amount of time. He acknowledges that injuries are common in Jiu-Jitsu and advises caution when choosing a teacher or school. Gracie recommends finding a school that focuses on teaching beginners the mechanics of movement and safety before engaging in sparring. Gracie expresses his passion and commitment to bringing Jiu-Jitsu to the world. He shares his personal experiences of how Jiu-Jitsu has impacted his life and the lives of others. He believes that Jiu-Jitsu can deliver freedom, confidence, and truth to people, and he wants to share this with as many people as possible. Gracie has created schools and an online platform to make Jiu-Jitsu accessible to everyone. In the final part of the podcast, Gracie shares his three truths. The first truth is to help enough people get what they want, and you can have anything you want. The second truth is that whoever manages the distance manages the damage, emphasizing the importance of maintaining boundaries and managing relationships. The third truth is to love and trust fully, as a life without love and trust is not truly lived. Gracie concludes by defining greatness as the progressive realization of a worthy ideal. He believes that greatness is pursuing the path that one sets for themselves, based on what they determine to be meaningful and fulfilling. He encourages listeners to turn their passion into their profession and take deliberate steps towards their goals. Overall, this podcast episode explores the principles of Jiu-Jitsu and how they can be applied to various aspects of life. Gracie's passion for Jiu-Jitsu and his desire to share its benefits with others shines through in his discussion. He encourages listeners to become their own teachers, embrace continuous learning, and pursue their own path to greatness.


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