The Evolution Of Long-Term Intimacy: Wisdom From 23 Years of Marriage | Julie Piatt X Rich Roll

The Evolution Of Long-Term Intimacy: Wisdom From 23 Years of Marriage | Julie Piatt X Rich Roll thumbnail

Added: Nov 2, 2023

In this podcast episode, Rich Roll and his wife Julie Piatt discuss the evolution of long-term intimacy in their 23-year marriage. They explore the importance of recommitting and redefining their relationship as they enter a new phase of life with their children growing up and leaving the house. They emphasize the need to give themselves permission to explore new possibilities and to truly see and be seen by each other.

Julie shares her desire to know Rich at a deeper level and to be known by him in the same way. She expresses her willingness to go through the discomfort and challenges that may arise in order to create a stronger and more intimate connection. Rich, on the other hand, admits to feeling scared and resistant to fully opening up, but recognizes the opportunity for growth and is willing to explore it.

They discuss the importance of ritual and intentionality in deepening their connection. Julie shares how they recently performed a fire ceremony to symbolize their commitment to each other and their willingness to let go of old patterns and expectations. They also discuss the need to invest in the necessary work to create a new way forward in their relationship.

They reflect on the challenges of maintaining intimacy in a long-term relationship, especially when routines and responsibilities can overshadow the connection between partners. They acknowledge the need to prioritize their relationship and to be present with each other, rather than getting caught up in logistical details.

Julie and Rich also discuss the fear of being truly known by their partner. Rich shares his fear that if Julie truly knows him, she may find him unlovable. Julie reassures him that true intimacy requires embracing each other's shadows and vulnerabilities, and that it is through this process that deeper love can be found.

They offer advice to others who may be seeking deeper intimacy in their own relationships. They emphasize the importance of desire and the willingness to redefine the relationship. They encourage couples to be present with each other, to communicate openly, and to explore new possibilities together.

They shift the conversation to a lighter topic and discuss their shared love for the band Wilco. Rich shares how he recently became a fan after attending one of their concerts, and Julie expresses her appreciation for his newfound interest.

Julie continues by explaining how their move to Memphis came about and how it aligns with their vision for the future. She highlights the unique combination of Todd Richardson, an art professor with a PhD in Renaissance art, and the Cross Town Concourse project, which aims to transform a historic building into a symbol for the future of Memphis. Julie emphasizes the importance of the arts and community in this project, as well as the nonprofit nature of the endeavor.

She also discusses the challenges and lessons she has learned as an entrepreneur, particularly in moving her business to a new city. Julie reflects on the need to transition from a more nurturing, motherly leadership style to a more focused and responsible approach. She acknowledges the difficulty of moving to a new city without knowing anyone but expresses gratitude for the support she has received from business leaders in the Memphis community.

Rich and Julie also discuss the creative and artistic community in Memphis, including filmmakers like Craig Brewer and music producer Matt Ross Spang. They highlight the abundance of creativity and innovation in the city, as well as the parallel with the city of Memphis in Egypt, which adds a mystical element to their experience.

Julie shares her plans for the future, including opening a Shrimu Shack in Loten, a resort in the Arctic Circle, and organizing a Shrimu music festival. She also mentions her desire to collaborate with surfers and create a documentary to raise awareness about the plight of whales. Julie's vision extends beyond simply selling cheese; she aims to foster a sense of community and provide value beyond the product itself.

Rich takes a moment to acknowledge Julie's growth and evolution as a person, noting her unique and powerful perspective on relationships and life. He expresses his pride in her accomplishments and the impact she has had on others.


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