Meet The James Bond of Filmmaking | Louis Psihoyos x Rich Roll Podcast

Meet The James Bond of Filmmaking | Louis Psihoyos x Rich Roll Podcast thumbnail

Added: Nov 6, 2023

In this episode of the Rich Roll Podcast, host Rich Roll interviews Louis Psihoyos, a renowned filmmaker and director. Louis is known for his work as a photographer for National Geographic and his award-winning documentaries, including "The Cove," "Racing Extinction," and "The Game Changers." He is also the executive director of the Oceanic Preservation Society.

Louis describes himself as a photographer, filmmaker, and writer who is passionate about using art and media to create social change. He believes in the power of storytelling to not only change people's minds but also their actions. He discusses the importance of combining the right words, visuals, music, and story to captivate an audience and inspire them to make a difference.

The conversation delves into Louis' career and his courageous filmmaking style, which often puts his life and the lives of his crew at risk. He shares his experiences working on projects that involve illegal activities and the development of special cameras and gadgets to capture footage. Louis likens his role to that of a first mate with a drunken captain, taking control and steering the ship towards positive change when given the opportunity.

The discussion also focuses on Louis' activism and environmentalism. He emphasizes the need for conservation and the preservation of the ocean and its inhabitants. Louis believes that social change occurs when 10% of the population is fully committed to the truth. He highlights the importance his documentaries in raising awareness and inspiring action.

Louis shares his perspective on the power of storytelling and its ability to influence people's behavior. He discusses the concept of neuroplasticity, which suggests that it only takes about 90 minutes to change the way someone thinks and acts. He believes that by creating compelling narratives and visuals, filmmakers can tap into the audience's minds and inspire them to make positive changes.

Louis then delves into the making of his first documentary, "The Cove." He explains how he became aware of the dolphin hunting industry in Japan and the inspiration behind the film. Louis recounts his experiences filming undercover in Taiji, Japan, and the challenges he faced in exposing the brutal reality of dolphin hunting. He also discusses the impact the film had on raising awareness and changing attitudes towards dolphin captivity and consumption.

The conversation then shifts to Louis' second film, "Racing Extinction," which focuses on the mass extinction of species caused by human activity. Louis explains how the film explores the interconnectedness of various environmental issues, such as overfishing and climate change. He discusses the importance of finding emotional hooks in storytelling to engage audiences and drive change.

Louis also addresses the corruption and challenges he has faced in dealing with governing bodies such as the International Whaling Commission and the Marine Stewardship Council. He highlights the progress that has been made in reducing dolphin hunting in Japan but acknowledges that there is still work to be done, particularly in the captive dolphin industry.

He emphasizes the power of film as a tool for social change. He discusses the impact his films have had on raising awareness and inspiring action, and he shares his optimism for the future. Louis believes that by focusing on specific issues and finding emotional hooks, filmmakers can create a sense of urgency and drive meaningful change.

Louis believes that the documentary genre is facing challenges in the current streaming landscape, as streamers are more focused on attracting new subscribers and are hesitant to take on controversial or politically sensitive documentaries.

Despite these challenges, Louis is currently working on a new series for Netflix called "Food 2.0." The series explores the impact of food choices on personal health, the environment, and animal welfare. Louis explains that he wanted to address the idea that people's genetics determine their dietary needs by conducting an experiment with identical twins. The series will examine the effects of a healthy vegan diet versus a healthy omnivore diet on various health markers.

Louis also discusses the importance of making documentaries entertaining and engaging for audiences. He believes that it is crucial to find ways to connect with viewers emotionally and create visually stunning scenes that capture their attention. Louis emphasizes the need to balance important messages with entertainment value in order to reach a wider audience.

Louis also reflects on the impact of his previous documentary, "The Game Changers," which explored the benefits of a plant-based diet for athletes. He explains that the film had a significant influence on the plant-based movement, with 75% of worldwide interest in plant-based diets attributed to the film. Louis acknowledges that some viewers may have tried a vegan diet for a short period but fell off the wagon, and he hopes that his new series will provide more scientific evidence to support the health benefits of plant-based eating.

The conversation then delves into the topic of legacy and how Louis thinks about the impact he wants to leave behind. He discusses his involvement in the "Book of Joy" project with Desmond Tutu and the Dalai Lama, which explores the concept of joy and its connection to service and compassion.

Louis also talks about his other projects, including a film about female big wave surfers and a documentary on plastic pollution solutions. He discusses the challenges of funding and the potential of virtual reality to create immersive experiences that inspire action.

The interview concludes with Louis expressing his gratitude for the opportunity to pursue his passion and make a difference. He emphasizes the importance of collaboration and teamwork in his filmmaking process and encourages listeners to find their own North Star and align their actions with their values.


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