HACK Your Brain Chemistry For Peak Performance | Dr. David Spindler x Rich Roll

Added: Jul 12, 2024

Dr. David Spindler is a neuroscientist and cognitive performance strategist who works with elite athletes, particularly in cycling. He specializes in creating optimal brain function and central nervous system performance to produce better athletic results. Spindler's approach combines neuroscience and psychology, focusing on the pathways that neurotransmitters elicit rather than just the neurotransmitters themselves.

Mental Health and Performance

Spindler emphasizes the importance of mental health in athletic performance. He notes that external pressures, particularly from social media, can significantly impact an athlete's mental state and performance. He recommends limiting screen time, especially before competitions, to reduce stress and improve sleep quality.

The documentary "Never Enough" featuring Mark Cavendish highlights Spindler's work in helping athletes overcome mental health challenges. Spindler stresses that elite performers are human beings who struggle like everyone else, and there's always a path forward regardless of one's current situation.

Trust and Oxytocin

Spindler discusses the crucial role of trust in team dynamics and performance. He explains that trust is essentially the release of oxytocin, a neurotransmitter that bonds people together. Building trust within a team can lead to better performance as individuals become more willing to give their all for their teammates.

To build trust, Spindler recommends exercises that release oxytocin. This can include being vulnerable with team members, doing challenging tasks together, and creating an environment where individuals feel safe to express themselves. He notes that good leaders understand how to create situations that promote oxytocin release and trust-building.

Neurotransmitters and Behavior

Spindler emphasizes the importance of understanding the pathways that lead to certain behaviors rather than focusing solely on neurotransmitters. He explains that dopamine, for instance, doesn't create thoughts or behaviors on its own; instead, it's the result of electrical impulses in the brain. Understanding these pathways can help address the root causes of behaviors rather than just treating symptoms.

Allostatic Load and Performance

Spindler introduces the concept of allostatic load, which refers to the cumulative stress on an individual. He explains that reducing this load is crucial for optimal performance. This involves managing both physical and mental stressors, as the brain doesn't differentiate between the two types of stress.

Working with Elite Athletes

Spindler shares insights from his work with elite athletes like Mark Cavendish and Chelsea Sodaro. He describes how he helps athletes manage stress, improve communication with their coaches, and create a supportive performance bubble. His approach often involves addressing behaviors that lead to stress rather than just treating the symptoms.

Mental Strategies for Performance

Spindler discusses various mental strategies he uses with athletes, including box breathing for stress reduction. He explains how this technique helps calm the fight-or-flight response and regulate the central nervous system. He also emphasizes the importance of self-regulation, which involves understanding one's emotions and how they affect performance.

Balancing Life and Performance

Spindler talks about the importance of athletes having a life outside of their sport. He notes that athletes who have a clear idea of what they'll do after their career tend to perform better. This broader perspective can help reduce stress and improve overall well-being.

Characteristics of Top Performers

When discussing what sets apart top performers like Tadej Pogačar, Spindler highlights traits such as intense focus, self-regulation, and the ability to switch off when needed. He notes that these athletes often have superior abilities to understand their bodies and regulate their emotional states.

Personal Challenges and Growth

Spindler shares his own experiences with mental health challenges and how they've informed his work. He emphasizes the importance of having a support network and being willing to seek help when needed. He also discusses the challenges of balancing his work, which involves extensive travel, with his family life, including caring for a child with special needs.

Applying Elite Performance Principles to Everyday Life

Spindler offers advice on how ordinary people can apply principles from elite athletics to improve their lives. He emphasizes the importance of having a purpose, even if it's a small daily goal. He recommends "chunking" larger goals into smaller, more manageable pieces to create a sense of progress and activate reward pathways in the brain.

Keys to Lasting Change

When discussing what enables people to make lasting positive changes in their lives, Spindler highlights three key factors: self-awareness, self-regulation, and vulnerability. He notes that the ability to be vulnerable is particularly crucial, as it allows individuals to honestly assess their situation and seek help when needed.


The conversation with Dr. David Spindler provides valuable insights into the intersection of neuroscience, psychology, and athletic performance. His work demonstrates the importance of mental health and cognitive strategies in achieving peak performance, not just in sports but in all areas of life. By focusing on building trust, managing stress, and developing self-awareness and self-regulation, individuals can improve their performance and overall well-being. Spindler's approach, which combines cutting-edge neuroscience with practical psychological techniques, offers a comprehensive framework for understanding and enhancing human performance.


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