The Anti-Ageing Expert: "I Have The Erection Of An 18 Year Old!". Eat THIS Food! - Bryan Johnson

The Anti-Ageing Expert: "I Have The Erection Of An 18 Year Old!". Eat THIS Food! - Bryan Johnson thumbnail

Added: Nov 9, 2023

Bryan Johnson, a billionaire who is investing $2 million a year to stay young forever through algorithmic precision, has made significant strides in improving his health and wellness. He has extended his lifespan by over 30%, reduced his age by 12 years, and increased muscle and strength. Johnson has also achieved six months of perfect sleep, demonstrating the potential for reliable high-quality sleep and its impact on cognitive and emotional performance.

Johnson emphasizes the importance of prioritizing sleep, stating that it is the single most important thing any human does on any given day. He believes that reliable high-quality sleep is achievable and can lead to the best cognitive and emotional performance of one's life. He also highlights the societal pressure to prioritize work over sleep and the need to shift the cultural norms around sleep.

In his pursuit of longevity and optimal health, Johnson has launched his own private equity fund called Flight Fund, which focuses on high-growth companies in Europe. He also founded Kernel, a company that uses science and data to build the best cognitive existence. Kernel's technology allows for the measurement of brain patterns and the impact of experiences such as psychedelics on the brain.

Johnson has also experimented with psychedelics, such as mushrooms, and has had profound experiences that have changed his perspective on reality and the fragility of perception. He emphasizes the need for objective data to support the potential benefits of psychedelics for mental health and well-being.

One of the key takeaways from the conversation is Johnson's unwavering belief in the potential for human life extension. He discusses the use of gene therapy and CRISPR genetic engineering as potential tools for extending human lifespan and improving overall health and wellness. Johnson himself has undergone gene therapy to increase the expression of a specific protein in his body, and he is actively involved in measuring and monitoring various aspects of his health and wellness to track the impact of these interventions.

Another important topic of discussion is the impact of air quality on human health. Johnson emphasizes the importance of monitoring and maintaining high air quality in both indoor and outdoor environments. He has implemented air quality monitors and filters in his own home to ensure that he and his family are breathing clean, healthy air.

One of the most intriguing aspects of the conversation is Johnson's discussion on the impact of various therapies on his sexual health, including shock wave therapy for erectile dysfunction and the use of platelet-rich plasma for hair restoration.

The conversation also delves into the impact of the Blueprint protocol on Johnson's life and the potential for extending human lifespan. Johnson's Chief Marketing Officer, Kate, also joins the conversation to discuss her own experiences with the Blueprint protocol. She shares her journey of following the protocol and the impact it has had on her lifestyle and overall well-being.

The program is personalized to each individual's data, and Kate's results showed significant improvements in her restorative sleep, flexibility, strength, and cardiovascular health. She also mentions the existential crises she faced during the process and the realization that she had neglected her own well-being in favor of helping others.

Johnson emphasizes the importance of prioritizing health and wellness, stating that the program is a full-time endeavor and requires a commitment to making positive lifestyle changes. He also discusses the development of a new product stack for Blueprint, which includes dietary protocols, exercises, supplements, and extra virgin olive oil. The goal is to make the product stack available for free to people all over the world, with the aim of improving overall health and well-being.

The conversation delves into the concept of self-destruction and the need to purge society of harmful habits and traditions. Johnson expresses his belief that the future of humanity requires a shift in mindset and a focus on prioritizing health and wellness. He also discusses the impact of societal norms, such as Halloween traditions that involve giving children sugary treats, and the need for a change in these practices.


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