Added: May 15, 2024

In this podcast episode, Ben Shapiro delves into two contrasting visions of Western society that are currently being debated. The first vision is a meritocracy where individuals are rewarded based on their skills and abilities, creating positive externalities as those who excel benefit society as a whole. The second vision, which Shapiro dubs the "army of losers" society, disregards merit in favor of victimhood and offense, elevating and rewarding those who are unsuccessful, leading to negative externalities for everyone.

Key takeaways


Ben Shapiro discusses two competing visions of Western society: a meritocracy that rewards skills and abilities, and an 'army of losers' mentality that prioritizes victimhood and offense.


Shapiro cites the University of North Carolina's budget reallocation from diversity to public safety and Disney's removal of Tinkerbell from meet and greets as examples of these societal visions in action.


Shapiro argues that prioritizing equity over meritocracy, as seen in President Biden's policies, leads to economic failures, increased illegal immigration, and other negative outcomes.


Shapiro criticizes the use of false casualty figures by the UN and the Biden Administration to condemn Israel, and discusses the complex challenges Israel faces in dealing with Hamas.


Tyler Fisher shares how his political views have affected his career, noting that being perceived as moderate can now make one appear right-wing, and discusses the support he receives from audiences who appreciate his comedy.

Examples of Vision in Current Events

Shapiro provides examples of how these visions are playing out in current events. He mentions the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill's decision to transfer $2.3 million from diversity and inclusion spending to public safety priorities, signaling a shift away from the "army of losers" mentality towards a meritocracy. He also discusses Disney's decision to remove Tinkerbell from meet and greets at Disney World due to concerns about body consciousness and jealousy, reflecting the influence of the "army of losers" mindset in children's entertainment.

Consequences of Embracing "Army of Losers" Mentality

Shapiro highlights the consequences of embracing the "army of losers" mentality, particularly in politics. He criticizes President Joe Biden for prioritizing equity over meritocracy, leading to economic failures and a surge in illegal immigration. According to Shapiro, Biden's policies have resulted in record levels of inflation, a massive increase in the foreign-born population, and a border crisis driven by open border policies. He also points out that nonprofits are profiting off the border crisis, making billions of dollars from providing services to migrant children.

Meritocracy and Society's Success

Shapiro argues that meritocracy is essential for a successful and healthy society. He emphasizes the importance of rewarding effort and innovation, as these are the drivers of growth and prosperity. The "army of losers" mentality, on the other hand, promotes victimhood and entitlement, leading to negative outcomes for society as a whole. He criticizes Biden for his failure to prioritize meritocracy and instead focusing on policies that benefit a select group of individuals at the expense of the broader population.

False casualty figures in Gaza

The podcast then shifts to the conflict in Gaza, where Shapiro points out that the UN and the Biden Administration have been using false casualty figures to criticize Israel. He mentions that the UN recently admitted to inaccuracies in their casualty numbers, which were based on Hamas's reports. Shapiro criticizes the Biden Administration for relying on these false numbers to condemn Israel and withhold weapons during wartime.

Challenges in Dealing with Hamas

Furthermore, Shapiro discusses the challenges Israel faces in dealing with Hamas in Gaza. He explains that there is no easy solution to the conflict, as staying in Gaza leads to a counterinsurgency, while leaving would result in chaos and Hamas taking over. He emphasizes the radicalized nature of the Gazan population and the lack of viable options for Israel to hand over control to.

Reluctance of Other Countries

Shapiro also touches on the reluctance of other countries, such as the UAE, to get involved in the conflict and help Israel. He mentions how the Palestinian Authority refused control over the Rafa Crossing, highlighting the complexities and challenges of finding a solution in the region. He criticizes the notion that democracy is the answer to the conflict, citing the failures of the Arab Spring and the rise of terrorist groups in democratic processes.

Shapiro criticizes Biden administration

Shapiro also criticizes the Biden administration for considering bringing Palestinians to the United States, stating that the Palestinian population is deeply radicalized and that such a move would not be in the best interest of the country. He points out the dangers of supporting Hamas and emphasizes the need to resist repeating old mistakes in the region.

Shapiro also criticizes the administration for publicly pressuring Israel and leaking information to the press. He highlights the importance of maintaining strong alliances with allies like Israel and condemns the administration's approach to negotiations with Hamas.

Ignoring Polling Data Consequences

Shapiro also discusses the Biden administration's denial of poor polling numbers and its perceived blindness to the political landscape. He criticizes the administration for dismissing the polls and suggests that they are in denial about their standing with the American public. Shapiro emphasizes the importance of paying attention to polling data and the potential consequences of ignoring it.

Tyler Fisher on Voicing Konzi

The podcast then transitions to a discussion with Tyler Fisher, an actor, stand-up comedian, and viral content creator who voices the character Konzi in the animated series Mr. Birchum. Fisher talks about his role as Konzi, a woke and tyrannical character who monitors the school for compliance with woke ideologies. He describes his preparation for the role, drawing on his experiences living in Brooklyn and encountering extreme political views.

Fisher's Political Views and Career Impact

Fisher discusses how his outspoken political views have affected his career, noting that being perceived as moderate now makes him appear right-wing in today's political climate. He talks about the artistic freedom he has gained from being labeled as right-wing and the support he receives from audiences who appreciate his comedy style.

Analysis of VP Picks and Harris's Speech

The podcast concludes with a discussion of Donald Trump's possible VP picks and a speech by Kamala Harris. Shapiro analyzes the potential candidates for Trump's running mate and critiques Harris's speech for lacking substance and inspiration. He highlights the importance of strong leadership and clear messaging in politics.


Full episode

Episode summary