CEO of Testosterone on Making $100K Per Month, Becoming A Man & Having Multiple Women

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Added: Aug 17, 2023

In this podcast, the CEO of Testosterone, Jack Hopkins, discusses his journey to success, the importance of becoming the best version of oneself, and his views on relationships and masculinity. He shares his personal experiences and offers advice to listeners who want to live a fulfilling life.

Jack starts by explaining why people should listen to him. He talks about his own transformation from living a mundane nine-to-five lifestyle to building a successful online business and living the life of his dreams in Thailand. He believes that if he can do it, others can too. He attributes his motivation and drive to his discovery of the power of testosterone. After reading about the hormone's effects on Tim Ferriss, he decided to increase his own testosterone levels. He found that it gave him a newfound drive for life and the ability to change his reality. However, he emphasizes that testosterone is not a magical cure-all and that it should be used in conjunction with other lifestyle changes. Jack believes that to become an elite male, one must assess different areas of their life and set goals for improvement. He offers guidance to listeners on how to improve their physique, emphasizing the importance of weightlifting and a proper diet. He recommends consuming a high amount of steak and eggs to increase calorie intake and promote muscle growth. Another aspect of becoming an elite male, according to Jack, is learning how to fight. He believes that every man should be able to defend himself and recommends boxing as a way to develop physical and mental strength. He shares stories of individuals in his network who have taken up boxing and experienced personal growth as a result. Jack also discusses his beliefs about religion and spirituality. He shares that he has recently become more religious and is exploring different religions, including Buddhism and Islam. He believes in a divine plan for his life and feels guided in his journey. In terms of relationships, Jack emphasizes the importance of setting boundaries and knowing what one wants from a partner. He cautions against getting too attached too quickly and advises men to guard their hearts. He believes that women are often playing a game in relationships and that men need to be aware of this and maintain their power and leadership. Jack also touches on the topic of gender and believes that there are only two genders, male and female. He mentions his experiences in Thailand, where he has encountered ladyboys who identify as women. He views them as normal, feminine individuals and has formed connections with them. He goes on to talk about his belief that Thailand is safer than people think, especially for those interested in transgender individuals. He explains that in Thailand, transgender individuals are open about their identity and are careful not to deceive others. He also expresses his personal acceptance of people's choices, even if they differ from his own. Jack then discusses his belief in the existence of two genders and his skepticism towards non-binary identities. He expresses his concern about people using gender identity as a means to get closer to children and criticizes individuals who pretend to be women but look like men. He believes that such individuals are living their lives in a way that is fundamentally wrong and suggests that their behavior stems from a lack of discipline and purpose. Moving on to investments, Jack reveals that he is currently reinvesting most of his earnings back into his business. He explains that his highest return on investment comes from growing his business and expanding his team. However, he acknowledges the importance of financial security and expresses his openness to exploring traditional investments in the future. Jack also discusses his lifestyle and spending habits. He reveals that he is currently spending around $30K per month, which includes both business expenses and personal expenses. He emphasizes the importance of living life to the fullest and experiencing everything he ever wanted. He believes that taking risks and pursuing one's passions is more fulfilling than investing in traditional assets like the S&P 500. Jack reflects on his personal growth since the last podcast and expresses his satisfaction with the progress he has made. He discusses the importance of surrounding oneself with like-minded individuals and building a strong community. He also mentions his plans to create educational vlogs and organize life-changing events to inspire others.


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