Real Talk with Zuby Ep. 279 - Brad Lea

Real Talk with Zuby Ep. 279 - Brad Lea thumbnail
In this podcast episode, Zuby interviews entrepreneur Brad Lea. Brad is the founder of Lightspeed VT, a web-based training company, and is known for his social media presence where he shares valuable insights and advice. The conversation covers a range of topics including Brad's background, his journey as an entrepreneur, and the challenges he has faced along the way.

Brad begins by describing his childhood, growing up in a blue-collar family in the Pacific Northwest. He shares that at the age of 16, his father kicked him out of the house, which led him to become independent at a young age. Brad reflects on the experiences and challenges he faced during this time, which taught him resourcefulness and shaped his perspective on life.

The conversation then shifts to Brad's role as a father. He reveals that he became a father at the age of 17 and shares the story of how it happened. Brad acknowledges that he was not initially responsible and did not fully understand the implications of fatherhood. However, he eventually learned the importance of taking care of his children and being responsible.

Zuby and Brad discuss the concept of success and how it is often misunderstood. Brad shares that his first taste of success came when he got his first car, which gave him a sense of freedom and independence. He also talks about his natural talent for sales and how he honed his skills over the years. Brad emphasizes the importance of helping others and how it has been a driving force in his entrepreneurial journey.

The conversation then delves into the challenges Brad faced in starting and growing his company, Lightspeed VT. He reveals that he was ahead of his time and faced resistance from people who did not understand the concept of online training. Brad's unwavering belief in his vision and his ability to persevere through setbacks and obstacles allowed him to overcome these challenges and build a successful business.

Brad emphasizes the importance of mindset and perseverance in achieving success. He shares that he always believed he was just 90 days away from winning, which kept him motivated and focused on his goals. Brad also highlights the tendency for people to give up too early and encourages listeners to keep going even when faced with adversity.

He continues by emphasizing the importance of gratitude in life. He believes that being grateful for each day is the secret ingredient to a fulfilling life. He shares an analogy about the value of waking up each day, comparing it to receiving $10 million. He encourages listeners to appreciate the gift of life and be optimistic.

The conversation then shifts to Brad's morning routine, which includes getting his blood pumping, reading, and identifying five revenue-driving activities for the day. He also emphasizes the importance of building and nurturing relationships, as all revenue comes from relationships. Brad believes that focusing on gratitude, relationships, and money can lead to success.

Zuby and Brad discuss the concept of being real and authentic. Brad encourages people to be true to themselves and not seek validation from others. He believes that being real attracts the right people and repels the wrong ones. He also addresses the fear of judgment and the importance of overcoming it to pursue one's goals.

The conversation then delves into the topic of marriage. Brad expresses his belief in commitment but questions the necessity of marriage as a legal institution. He argues that commitment can exist without the need for a marriage certificate. Brad acknowledges that marriage can have legal implications, but he questions the authority of the state in determining the fate of a relationship.

Zuby and Brad then explore the topic of faith and religion. Brad shares his perspective on the Bible and the different interpretations of religious texts. He questions the authority of certain translations and the omission of certain chapters. Brad also discusses the concept of the Trinity and the relationship between God and Jesus. He raises thought-provoking questions about the nature of their relationship and the significance of certain events in the Bible.

The conversation continues with a discussion on humility and open-mindedness. Both Zuby and Brad emphasize the importance of being humble in one's beliefs and acknowledging that there is room for doubt and uncertainty. They encourage listeners to engage in respectful dialogue and to be open to different perspectives.

Brad continues by discussing the concept of faith and how people often choose what to believe. He questions the certainty of scientific claims, particularly regarding the origins of the universe and the evolution of species. Brad argues that while scientists claim to know what happened billions of years ago, they cannot provide concrete evidence for their claims. He challenges the idea of evolution, stating that what is often presented as evolution is actually adaptation. He asks for evidence of a species evolving into a completely different species, such as a human turning into a dog or an ape turning into a human.

The conversation then shifts to the topic of struggle and personal growth. Brad encourages listeners to change their perspective on struggle and see it as an opportunity for learning and growth. He emphasizes the importance of mindset, skillset, and habits in determining one's success. Brad advises young men who are struggling to focus on developing these three areas and to embrace the challenges they face. He also suggests that sales is a valuable skill to acquire, as it can be applied in various areas of life.

The discussion also touches on the role of religion and the existence of a creator. Brad believes that there is truth in all religions and that they all contain valuable insights. He argues that the commonalities between different religions suggest the existence of a creator. Brad encourages individuals to look beyond the details and disagreements and focus on the core teachings of love, compassion, and treating others with respect.

Towards the end of the podcast, Brad shares his morning routine, which includes working out, focusing on revenue-generating activities, reaching out to people, and reading or listening to a book. He emphasizes the importance of relationships and networking in personal and professional growth. Brad also mentions his book, "The Hard Way: Lessons I Learned the Hard Way So You Don't Have To," which shares his personal experiences and lessons learned.


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