Kari Lake | PBD Podcast | Ep. 307

Kari Lake | PBD Podcast | Ep. 307 thumbnail

Added: Sep 27, 2023

In this podcast episode, Patrick Bet-David interviews Kari Lake, a former journalist and media personality who recently ran for governor of Arizona. The conversation covers a range of topics, including Lake's background, her transition from media to politics, her views on election fraud, and her thoughts on the current state of the media.

Lake begins by discussing her upbringing as the youngest of nine children in rural Iowa. She talks about her work ethic and how she got into the field of broadcast journalism. She worked in the media industry for 30 years, starting as a Republican and eventually becoming an independent, a Democrat, and finally a Republican again. She shares her experiences interviewing politicians like Barack Obama and her disillusionment with the media industry during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The conversation then shifts to Lake's political career and her run for governor of Arizona. She discusses her opponent, Katie Hobbs, and the controversial election in 2022. Lake claims that there was widespread election fraud in Arizona and that she was the rightful winner of the race. She talks about the long lines and equipment failures on Election Day and the alleged injection of 300,000 fraudulent ballots into the system. She also criticizes the judiciary for not ruling in her favor and accuses the judges of corruption.

Bet-David asks Lake about the current state of the media, specifically Fox News. Lake expresses her belief that Fox News has shifted away from its conservative values and is now promoting a globalist agenda. She mentions figures like Paul Ryan and Karl Rove as examples of the influence of globalist conservatives at Fox News. She also criticizes the lack of diversity in media ownership and the consolidation of power in a few conglomerates.

The conversation then turns to the topic of election reform. Lake argues that the federal government should not be responsible for improving elections, but rather it should be up to the states and their legislatures. She advocates for a return to paper ballots and one-day voting, with results counted at the precinct level. She believes that the current system is vulnerable to fraud and that stricter laws and procedures are needed to ensure fair elections.

Bet-David raises the question of why the American people have accepted the current state of elections, with long voting periods and potential for fraud. Lake suggests that people have become complacent and that there is a lack of trust in the system. She argues that all 50 states need to improve their elections to restore confidence in the process.

The conversation continues with a discussion of the importance of election integrity and the impact it has on the country. Lake emphasizes that without fair elections, the American people cannot trust their government and that the country is on the verge of a war and economic collapse. She urges people to wake up and demand reform to protect the integrity of the electoral process.

Lake continues by discussing the suspicious nature of mass mail-in voting and the potential for fraud. She questions the motives behind the strategy and expresses her desire to uncover the truth behind the election process. She also highlights the oddities surrounding her opponent's refusal to debate and the media's portrayal of her as an election denier.

The conversation then shifts to the broader political landscape, with Lake speculating on potential future events and the motivations behind them. She suggests that there may be plans in motion for the 2024 election and that certain individuals are trying to keep former President Trump off the ballot. She also mentions the warnings about a potential pandemic and the implications it could have on voting and staying at home.

Bet-David asks Lake why she continues to focus on election denialism despite the potential negative impact on her political career. Lake responds by emphasizing her commitment to fighting for honest elections and reforming the system. She believes that walking away from the fight would be a disservice to the people who stood in line to vote and had their ballots rejected. She expresses her willingness to fight for the truth, even if it means sacrificing her own political career.

Bet-David acknowledges the risks involved in fighting against election fraud and compares Lake's situation to the story of Robert Kearns, who invented the intermittent windshield wiper and faced legal battles to prove his invention. He suggests that whoever proves election fraud will face significant challenges and potential destruction but will ultimately be remembered as a hero who protected the integrity of future elections.

The conversation then turns to Lake's political aspirations and her potential role as a vice presidential candidate. Bet-David praises her strong platform and messaging, particularly regarding immigration, the border, and the woke agenda. He suggests that she would be a formidable VP candidate due to her presence in an important state and her commitment to uncovering the truth about the 2020 election. However, Lake states that her focus is on getting Trump reelected and that she is not currently considering a VP position.

They discuss the importance of securing the border in Arizona and the significant profits that cartels are making from human smuggling operations. Lake shares her border plan, which involves deploying the National Guard to protect the border and implementing Trump's policies to secure the area. She emphasizes the need for strong border governors to take action and protect the country.

Bet-David raises the question of how Lake would handle a situation where she disagrees with President Trump as his vice president. Lake states that loyalty does not mean blindly agreeing with everything the president says, but rather supporting his overall agenda. She acknowledges that she has disagreed with Trump on certain issues in the past and that they have had productive conversations about their differing viewpoints.

The conversation continues with Lake discussing her potential run for Senate in Arizona. She criticizes the current senator, Kirsten Sinema, for voting in lockstep with Joe Biden and Chuck Schumer and not prioritizing border security. Lake expresses her desire to take back the country and ensure that Trump's agenda is implemented by electing strong conservative leaders.

Kari Lake continues by expressing her admiration for Donald Trump, stating that she believes he is a unique and exceptional individual. She mentions that she has spoken to people who have worked in the White House with Trump and describes him as someone who values the opinions of others and seeks input before making decisions. She criticizes the media for what she believes is a slanderous and biased portrayal of Trump, stating that they have engaged in an eight-year smear campaign against him.

When asked about the role of the media in the upcoming 2024 election, Kari Lake believes that the power of the media has diminished and that people have become skeptical of their reporting. She predicts that alternative media outlets will have a greater presence in the White House press pool and that journalists who prioritize truth-telling will have a seat at the table. She expresses hope that the country will turn around but emphasizes the need to elect Trump for that to happen.

The conversation then shifts to California Governor Gavin Newsom and his potential presidential aspirations. Kari Lake strongly criticizes Newsom for his handling of California, describing the state as falling apart with issues such as homelessness, crime, and economic decline. She believes that Newsom will never be president due to the negative impact he has had on California and the dissatisfaction of the people.

The discussion also touches on Florida Governor Ron DeSantis and his potential as a presidential candidate. Kari Lake acknowledges that DeSantis has implemented some policies that she disagrees with, such as mask mandates and vaccine requirements. However, she believes that Florida is a great place to live and that DeSantis has been a strong governor. She expresses concern about DeSantis' loyalty, noting that he turned against Trump after receiving his endorsement and used campaign funds for his own political ambitions.

The conversation then turns to the indictment of Senator Bob Menendez and the calls for his resignation. Kari Lake criticizes Menendez for his alleged acceptance of bribes and accuses him of corruption. She argues that many politicians in Washington, D.C. have engaged in unethical and criminal behavior and calls for their resignation as well.

The podcast also discusses the possibility of Michelle Obama running for president in 2024. Kari Lake believes that it is a serious danger and suggests that Democrats might choose to replace Biden with Michelle Obama due to her popularity among African-American women. She speculates that Michelle Obama could be parachuted into the 2024 Democratic National Convention to avoid a divisive primary and the vetting of candidates.

Lake continues by discussing her decision to leave her job as a news anchor after 27 years. She explains that she became disillusioned with the mainstream media's biased reporting and felt that she could no longer be a part of it. Lake expresses her belief that the media has become more interested in pushing a particular narrative rather than providing objective news coverage.

The conversation then shifts to Lake's decision to run for governor of Arizona. She explains that she was inspired to enter politics after witnessing the decline of her state under the current leadership. Lake expresses her desire to bring about positive change and restore integrity to the office of the governor.

Lake also discusses her views on various political issues. She emphasizes the importance of securing the border and addressing the issue of illegal immigration. Lake argues that the federal government has failed in its duty to protect the border, and she believes that it is the responsibility of individual states to take action.

The conversation then turns to the topic of censorship and cancel culture. Lake expresses her concern about the growing trend of silencing dissenting voices and the impact it has on free speech. She believes that it is essential to have open and honest discussions, even if they are uncomfortable or controversial.

Lake also discusses her experiences with social media censorship. She explains that she has been targeted by platforms such as Twitter and Facebook for expressing her conservative views. Lake argues that this type of censorship is a threat to democracy and calls for greater transparency and accountability from these tech giants.

The conversation then delves into the upcoming gubernatorial race in Arizona. Lake discusses her campaign strategy and highlights the importance of grassroots support. She emphasizes the need for individuals to get involved and make their voices heard in order to bring about meaningful change.

The host and Lake also discuss the role of the media in shaping public opinion. Lake argues that the media has a responsibility to provide unbiased and accurate information to the public. She expresses her concern about the current state of journalism and calls for a return to objective reporting.

The podcast concludes with a discussion about the upcoming presidential debate at the Ronald Reagan Library. The host mentions that he will be attending the debate and may record a reaction podcast afterwards. He also mentions that Marianne Williamson will be a guest on the podcast in the near future.


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