How This Big Wave Surfer Built A +$10 Million Business Empire (#483)

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Added: Aug 9, 2023

In this podcast episode, the host interviews Laird Hamilton, a big wave surfer and entrepreneur, about his journey in building a successful business empire. Hamilton discusses his various ventures and how he approaches business and life.

Hamilton starts by explaining that he has always been interested in health, fitness, and water sports. He emphasizes the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle and being a good example for his children. He also talks about the need to have a balanced life with different aspects, such as business, health, and relationships, all working together. The host admires Hamilton for his ability to balance different aspects of his life and describes him as someone who represents the ideal of living a fulfilling life. Hamilton shares that he has always been entrepreneurial, starting with his early career in the apparel business. He learned about the industry by working in a sweatshop and gained valuable experience in the cut and sew garment business. Hamilton explains that his unconventional approach to surfing, focusing on big wave riding instead of the conventional tour, forced him to be more entrepreneurial and creative in his career. He and his wife, Gabby Reece, had to find ways to subsidize their surfing careers and explore different opportunities in modeling, film work, and endorsements. The conversation then shifts to Hamilton's business ventures, particularly layered superfood. He reveals that the company started with a small investment and went online first, quickly gaining traction and generating significant sales. Hamilton's philosophy behind layered superfood is to use whole plants in their natural form, avoiding the extraction and concentration of elements. He believes in the importance of providing nutrient-dense and authentic products to promote good health. The host asks Hamilton about the challenges of taking the company public. Hamilton admits that it was a lot of work and paperwork, but he wouldn't change the experience. He believes that going public provided valuable knowledge and insights that he wouldn't have gained otherwise. He also mentions that the recent decline in the company's stock value doesn't faze him, as he has a different perspective on success and understands that life is temporary. Hamilton discusses the importance of investing in experiences and cherishing the moments in life. He shares a story about a Korean businessman he worked with who taught him the value of not getting too high during good times or too low during bad times. He believes that experiences are the only things that truly matter in the end. The conversation then turns to Hamilton's famous house and the community he has built around it. Hamilton explains that the house has become a gathering place for athletes and friends, where they can train, work out, and support each other. He emphasizes the importance of having a community and like-minded people to lift each other up and provide motivation. The host asks Hamilton about some of the notable athletes he has worked with in his pool. Hamilton mentions names like Joakim Noah and Grant Hill but emphasizes that he is more impressed by the mindset and mental strength of individuals rather than their physical abilities. He believes that everyone has their own barriers to overcome and that it's important to focus on personal growth rather than comparing oneself to others. Hamilton concludes by discussing the importance of location in real estate and how his house in Malibu has appreciated in value over the years. He shares that he and his wife took a chance on the house when they bought it, and it has turned out to be a great investment. Overall, this podcast episode provides insights into Laird Hamilton's entrepreneurial journey and his philosophy on business, health, and life. Hamilton's focus on authenticity, community, and personal growth shines through in his various ventures and his approach to living a fulfilling life.


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