Who Will Govern the Future of AGI? with Emad Mostaque (Stability AI Founder) | X (Twitter) Spaces

Who Will Govern the Future of AGI? with Emad Mostaque (Stability AI Founder) | X (Twitter) Spaces thumbnail

Added: Nov 24, 2023

In this podcast episode, AI expert Emad Mostaque engages in a thought-provoking conversation about the governance and future of AI. The discussion revolves around the importance of openness, transparency, and alignment in the development and use of AI technologies.

Emad emphasizes the significance of open source models and data sets, stating that they are the foundation of most AI infrastructure. He argues that models built on open source basis, such as the Transformer paper and new models by Kaiu Lee, form the backbone of AI technologies used by major companies. Emad also highlights the need for public goods that are collectively owned and individually owned, suggesting that models and data sets should be made available to the people of each nation to ensure transparency and ownership.

The conversation delves into the concept of alignment, with Emad defining it in terms of the objective function of AI systems. He points out that AI technologies should be aligned with the best interests of individuals, communities, and societies. Emad stresses the importance of transparency in AI, particularly in language models, as it allows users to understand the credentials and training of the models, thereby ensuring safety and alignment with societal interests.

The discussion also touches on the rapid advancement of AI technologies and the potential societal impact. Emad raises concerns about the disenfranchisement of highly educated youth due to the productivity enhancements brought about by AI. He predicts a significant decrease in hiring across various industries, leading to a large population of intelligent but disenfranchised youth. Emad suggests that open innovation and generative jobs through open source technology could mitigate this societal issue.

Furthermore, Emad introduces the concept of stability models, which are designed to be owned by the people of each nation. He proposes that individuals who graduate from educational institutions in a particular country should become owners in the stability system of that nation. This approach aims to incentivize collaboration and innovation while ensuring that the best and brightest from each country can contribute to navigating their respective stability models.

He also discusses the potential of AI technology, particularly in the context of AGI (Artificial General Intelligence). Mostaque acknowledges the difficulty in predicting the timeline for AGI, but he believes that it is a few years away. He emphasizes the need for responsible use of AI technology and the importance of ensuring that it is used in a pro-human and non-disruptive fashion.

The conversation also delves into the potential of generative AI technology, particularly in the context of storytelling and content creation. Mostaque believes that we are just at the beginning of this technology and that it has the potential to revolutionize various industries, including film and music production.

The podcast also touches on the potential impact of AI technology on human purpose and societal growth rates. Mostaque acknowledges the challenges but remains optimistic about the potential for AI to enable a world of true abundance and peace.


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