Why You’ll Never Achieve Your Way To True Fulfilment - Robin Sharma

Added: May 17, 2024

In this podcast episode, Robin Sharma delves into the multifaceted concept of true wealth and fulfillment, emphasizing that it extends far beyond financial success. Sharma, a renowned leadership expert and author, discusses the importance of personal growth, family life, pursuing one's craft, serenity, and making a positive impact on the world. He advocates for a balanced approach to success, warning against sacrificing personal well-being for external achievements.

Key takeaways


Robin Sharma emphasizes that true wealth extends beyond financial success and includes personal growth, family life, serenity, and making a positive impact on the world.


Many successful individuals find themselves unhappy despite their achievements. True happiness comes from addressing internal wounds and insecurities rather than focusing solely on external accomplishments.


Holding onto grudges and resentments can weigh a person down emotionally. Letting go of past hurts and focusing on personal growth and forgiveness can lead to emotional freedom and fulfillment.


Pursuing one's craft for the love of creating beauty, rather than seeking fame or fortune, is essential. Craftsmanship involves intention and effort, and delivering exceptional value to the audience.


Living with integrity and self-respect is more important than material wealth. Being true to oneself and feeling good in one's own skin brings a sense of fulfillment and honor.

The Illusion of Success

Sharma begins by addressing a common phenomenon where successful individuals reach the pinnacle of their industries only to find themselves unhappy and unfulfilled. He shares anecdotes from his experiences working with billionaires who, despite their immense wealth and material possessions, feel lonely and empty. According to Sharma, true happiness and fulfillment come from addressing internal wounds and insecurities rather than solely focusing on external achievements.

Let go of resentments

A significant part of the discussion revolves around the idea of not becoming a "resentment collector." Sharma explains that holding onto grudges and resentments can weigh a person down emotionally and energetically. He encourages listeners to let go of past hurts and focus on personal growth and forgiveness as a pathway to emotional freedom and fulfillment.

Transformative MVP Routine for Life

Sharma shares his MVP (Meditation, Visualization, Prayer) routine, which he believes is essential for reprogramming the mindset, heartset, health set, and soul set. He emphasizes the transformative power of gratitude, self-reflection, and visualization in shaping a positive and fulfilling life. To help individuals cultivate these practices, he provides five journal prompts designed to foster gratitude, self-awareness, and clarity in daily life. These are:

What am I grateful for?

Where am I winning?

What will I let go of today?

What does my ideal day ahead look like?

What needs to be said at the end by the people you love?

The Benefits of One Meal a Day

The concept of one meal a day is introduced as a wellness practice. Sharma discusses the benefits of fasting and autophagy for overall health and well-being. He underscores the importance of prioritizing health and self-care, asserting that true wealth includes both physical and mental well-being.

Importance of Healthy Relationships

Sharma also delves into the challenges high performers face in balancing personal sacrifices for professional success. He highlights the significance of choosing, developing, and maintaining healthy relationships with significant others. He advises listeners to pay attention to red flags in relationships and choose partners who share similar values to avoid unnecessary drama and conflicts. Finding joy and stability in personal relationships, whether with family or friends, significantly impacts one's mental focus, creativity, and overall well-being.

The Importance of Craftsmanship

Craft and mastery are key themes in the podcast. Sharma draws inspiration from artists like Vincent Van Gogh, emphasizing the importance of pursuing one's craft for the love of creating beauty rather than seeking fame or fortune. He encourages individuals to go beyond delivering the minimum viable product and strive to provide exceptional value to their audience. He believes that craftsmanship is not just about the end product but also about the intention and effort put into the work. He shares examples of individuals, such as a dedicated taxi driver, who take pride in their work and go the extra mile to deliver quality and excellence.

Generosity and Personal Fulfillment

Generosity and its impact on personal fulfillment are also discussed. Sharma advocates for a mindset of abundance and generosity, where individuals seek to deliver value and positivity to others. He believes that small acts of kindness and positivity can have a significant impact on people's lives and contribute to a more fulfilling existence.

Living with Integrity and Honor

Integrity is another key value highlighted in the podcast. Sharma emphasizes the importance of integrity over material wealth and underscores the significance of self-respect and honor in one's actions. He believes that living with integrity and a love for mastery not only benefits the world but also brings a sense of fulfillment and self-respect to individuals. He stresses the importance of feeling good in one's own skin and being true to oneself as the ultimate goal in life.

Warning Against Pursuing Wrong Goals

Sharma warns against the dangers of pursuing the wrong goals, using the example of Howard Hughes, a successful businessman who died alone and unhappy despite his wealth and accomplishments. He cautions against letting financial wealth become a master rather than a servant, as many billionaires spend their lives defending and protecting their wealth rather than enjoying it.

Scarcity Mindset

Sharma discusses the role of a scarcity mindset in people's relationship with money and how it can be deprogrammed through self-awareness, meditation, therapy, and practicing generosity. He emphasizes the power of gratitude and appreciation in creating a positive mindset and attracting abundance.

The Power of Community Support

The importance of curating a community of like-minded individuals who uplift and inspire each other is also discussed. Sharma stresses the value of having mentors and building a network of supportive people who encourage personal growth and success.

Finding Joy in Everyday Moments

Sharma introduces the concept of creating perfect moments in everyday life and finding joy in simple experiences. He shares the story of Eugene O'Kelly, a former CEO who reverse-engineered the last 90 days of his life to create perfect moments after being diagnosed with terminal cancer. This story illustrates the importance of living in the present and cherishing meaningful experiences.


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