The Reality Of What It Takes To Become A Better Man - Jimmy Rex

In this podcast episode, Jimmy Rex shares his insights on what it means to be a healthy and successful man. He begins by discussing a quote by Marcus Aurelius, "Waste no more time arguing about what a good man should be. Be one." Jimmy interprets this quote as a call to action, emphasizing the importance of focusing on doing good rather than debating morality. He believes that individuals inherently know what is right and should act on it without overthinking.

Key takeaways


Jimmy Rex emphasizes the importance of taking action and doing good rather than getting caught up in debates about morality. He believes that individuals inherently know what is right and should act on it without overthinking.


The podcast highlights the power of vulnerability and authenticity in relationships. Jimmy shares exercises like listing 50 things that make participants feel badass and the 'Step in the Circle' exercise to foster connection and empathy.


Jimmy discusses the need to release shame and guilt by embracing authenticity and vulnerability. He challenges the idea that individuals need to be 'saved' or repent for their shortcomings, advocating for self-acceptance and self-love.


Jimmy believes that fear can be a powerful teacher and motivator. He shares examples of how confronting fears through activities like cliff jumping and skydiving can build resilience and confidence.


The conversation delves into the balance between striving for excellence and giving oneself grace when falling short. Jimmy emphasizes the importance of finding fulfillment in life and not equating success with happiness.

The Healthy Man's Perspective

Jimmy elaborates on his perspective of being a healthy man, highlighting the importance of being physically and financially capable, not being a liability to others, and having a clear vision and purpose in life. He stresses the significance of being comfortable in one's own skin, knowing one's direction, and enjoying the journey. Feeling safe and secure, both physically and emotionally, are also essential aspects of being a healthy man.

The Power of Vulnerability and Authenticity

The conversation delves into vulnerability and authenticity in relationships. Jimmy shares a powerful exercise he conducts at his events, where men list 50 things that make them a badass and read it aloud to receive cheers and support. This exercise aims to boost self-esteem and create a sense of belonging. He also discusses the importance of creating a safe space for vulnerability and authenticity in relationships, allowing individuals to be themselves without fear of judgment.

'Step in the Circle' Exercise

Another exercise Jimmy introduces is 'Step in the Circle,' inspired by his experience at Pelican Bay prison. This involves asking participants to step into a circle if a question applies to them, ranging from personal struggles to past experiences. The goal is to show that everyone has their own challenges and insecurities, fostering connection and empathy.

The Power of Vulnerability

Jimmy recounts a touching moment where a man at his event opened up about his struggles and received overwhelming support from the group. This highlights the power of vulnerability and the importance of creating a non-judgmental space for sharing innermost thoughts and feelings. He emphasizes the transformative impact of being seen and accepted for who you truly are, allowing for genuine connections and personal growth.

Embracing Authenticity and Vulnerability

The podcast also touches on the theme of shame and guilt, particularly in relation to societal expectations and personal beliefs. Jimmy shares his experience of growing up in a religious household where certain behaviors were deemed sinful or shameful. He emphasizes the need to release shame and guilt by embracing authenticity and vulnerability, paving the way for self-acceptance and genuine relationships.

Embracing Imperfections and Self-Acceptance

Jimmy explains that shame often stems from feeling unworthy or not good enough, leading to a negative self-image. He challenges the idea that individuals need to be "saved" or repent for their shortcomings, advocating for self-acceptance and self-love. By reframing shame as a natural part of the human experience, he encourages listeners to embrace their imperfections and seek support from others without judgment.

Embracing Vulnerability and Connection

Jimmy shares a personal anecdote about overcoming shame and learning to be more open about his struggles. He emphasizes the importance of seeking support from trusted individuals who can offer understanding and compassion. By sharing his story and allowing himself to be vulnerable, he found a deeper connection with others and a sense of self-acceptance.

The Value of Embracing Authenticity

The conversation shifts to the topic of competence and its influence on relationships. Jimmy discusses the allure of competence and the tendency for individuals to cover up their insecurities with a facade of strength. He highlights the value of embracing both strengths and weaknesses, allowing for genuine connections based on authenticity and acceptance. He encourages listeners to be playful and lighthearted, rather than striving for perfection or hiding their vulnerabilities.

Breaking Free from Negative Patterns

Jimmy explores the prevalence of negativity in society and the tendency for people to focus on the shortcomings of others. He explains that negativity often stems from a fear of change and a reluctance to confront one's own shortcomings. By shifting the focus to personal growth and accountability, individuals can break free from negative patterns and cultivate a more positive mindset.

Five Steps to Personal Transformation

Drawing from his experience working with coaches and mentors, Jimmy shares key insights for personal transformation. He outlines a five-step formula for change, starting with taking a moral stand and being honest with oneself about areas that need improvement. Jimmy emphasizes the importance of changing behavior, seeking accountability, and finding support from a community of like-minded individuals. By following these steps, individuals can overcome shame, embrace vulnerability, and cultivate meaningful relationships based on authenticity and self-acceptance.

The Power of Determination and Overcoming Fear

Jimmy shares a powerful story about a man with one leg who embarked on a challenging mountain climb to inspire other military personnel struggling with mental health issues. The man's determination to reach the summit despite numerous obstacles serves as a reminder of the importance of having a strong 'why' behind one's actions. Jimmy discusses the impact of fear on people's lives and how overcoming fear can lead to personal growth and transformation.

Finding Fulfillment Beyond Success

The conversation delves into the balance between striving for excellence and giving oneself grace when falling short. Jimmy reflects on his own experiences of feeling the need to constantly prove himself and how he eventually learned to let go of that mindset. He emphasizes the importance of finding fulfillment in life and not equating success with happiness. He shares how he shifted his perspective from seeking external validation to finding inner peace and contentment.

The Power of Confronting Fear

The podcast also explores the concept of fear and its role in shaping a man's life. Jimmy believes that fear can be a powerful teacher and motivator if approached with the right mindset. He shares examples of how he challenges his coaching program participants to confront their fears through activities like cliff jumping, skydiving, and having difficult conversations. By pushing past their fears, individuals can build resilience and confidence in facing life's challenges.

Male Loneliness and Mental Health

The discussion also touches on the issue of male loneliness in the modern world, with Jimmy noting that many men struggle to find close friendships like he has had since high school. He emphasizes the need for men to seek out community and build deep connections with others, as loneliness can lead to serious mental health issues, including a higher risk of suicide.

Embracing Failure and Taking Risks

Jimmy shares his personal experience of hitting rock bottom financially and realizing that it wasn't as bad as he feared, which empowered him to take risks and try new things. He encourages people to embrace failure and take action, even if it means making decisions that may seem scary or uncertain. He believes that indecision can be more harmful than making the wrong decision, as it prevents growth and progress.

Jimmy and the host highlight the need to frontload pain and pleasure when making decisions, considering the costs of staying in the current situation versus the benefits of making a change. They stress that a decision is not truly made until action is taken to move towards it, no matter how small that action may be.

Alcohol's Impact on Men's Lives

The conversation also delves into the role of alcohol in men's lives, with Jimmy sharing his perspective on the impact of alcohol on decision-making and relationships. While he acknowledges the potential benefits of alcohol in breaking down barriers and fostering connections, he also recognizes the negative effects it can have on mental health and well-being. He notes that alcohol use among women has increased in recent years, which may have influenced men's perceptions of drinking and its consequences.

The Power of Devotion and Commitment

Jimmy highlights the significance of devotion and being fully committed to the things that truly matter. He mentions the importance of choosing worthwhile goals and using one's gifts and talents to pursue them. He believes that when individuals align their actions with their values and focus on things that truly matter to them, everything feels like a passion rather than stress. He encourages individuals to identify their unique gifts and talents by seeking feedback from others, which can help them gain a better understanding of themselves and their strengths.

The Role of Wisdom in Personal Development

The conversation also touches on the role of stoicism in personal development, with a focus on wisdom as the virtue that guides one's actions and decisions. Jimmy discusses the concept of wisdom in choosing what to do with other virtues such as temperance and justice, emphasizing the importance of making informed decisions and pursuing goals that align with one's values and beliefs.

The Challenges of Modern Society

Jimmy shares his insights on the challenges of modern society, including the prevalence of distractions, the constant pursuit of feeling better rather than feeling more, and the impact of social media and technology on our lives. He talks about the importance of being present, disconnecting from distractions, and spending time in nature to cultivate a sense of peace and clarity.

Shift towards plant medicines

The guest also discusses the changing attitudes towards alcohol and other substances, noting a shift towards plant medicines and higher frequency experiences. He reflects on his own experiences with alcohol and personal growth, highlighting the importance of self-awareness, introspection, and making conscious choices about how to engage with substances and vices.

Embracing Purpose and Personal Growth

Jimmy shares his journey of self-discovery and personal growth, including his work with men's coaching groups and the release of his new book. He emphasizes the value of finding one's purpose, using one's gifts to make a positive impact, and living a life aligned with one's values and passions.


Full episode

Episode summary