Emergency Episode: Former CIA Agent On Trump Assassination Attempt - Mike Baker

Added: Jul 18, 2024

In this podcast episode, Mike Baker discusses the recent assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump at a campaign rally. He characterizes it as more of a logistical failure than an intelligence failure, pointing to breakdowns in standard security protocols. Baker emphasizes the importance of waiting for a full investigation before drawing conclusions, but notes that even to the untrained eye, there were clear security lapses, such as not having personnel on rooftops with line of sight to the stage.

Baker explains that in such incidents, it's rarely one single mistake but rather a series of missteps that compound. He highlights potential issues in the command and control structure, communication problems during the rally, and possible delays in decision-making by the counter-sniper team. He also suggests there may have been inadequacies in Trump's security package, given his status as the presumptive Republican nominee and potential threats from groups like Iranian proxies.

Political Discourse and Its Consequences

The conversation touches on the broader issue of political discourse and its potential consequences. Baker notes the danger of demonizing political opponents, referencing how some media outlets have portrayed Trump as Hitler-like. He argues that while rational people might view such comparisons as hyperbole, others may take them literally, potentially inciting violence.

Baker acknowledges that inflammatory rhetoric exists on both sides of the political spectrum but emphasizes the need for more measured discourse. He expresses hope that this incident might lead to a dialing down of rhetoric, at least temporarily, though he remains skeptical about long-term changes in political communication.

Security Failures and Responsibility

Discussing who bears ultimate responsibility for the security breach, Baker points to the Secret Service as having primacy on the ground. He explains that while local law enforcement may have been designated to control areas outside the immediate security zone, it's still the Secret Service's responsibility to ensure comprehensive security measures are in place.

He highlights potential procedural problems, command and control issues, and communication breakdowns between the Secret Service and local authorities. He also notes that there may have been management-level decisions about the allocation of resources for Trump's security detail that contributed to the incident.

Impact on Trump's Image and the Election

Baker discusses how this incident might affect Trump's image and the upcoming election. He suggests that Trump's response to the shooting - standing up and facing the crowd immediately after - demonstrated instincts that can't be taught and may resonate with voters. He notes the stark contrast between this image of Trump and recent portrayals of President Biden as frail or confused.

However, Baker cautions against the Trump campaign overtly using the incident for political gain, given the tragedy of a fatality and injuries to others. He advises that the campaign should let the imagery speak for itself and focus on policy issues moving forward.

Security Measures and Potential Changes

The conversation explores potential changes to security measures in the wake of this incident. Baker dismisses the idea of augmenting Secret Service protection with private security contractors, arguing that this could introduce additional communication and command issues. Instead, he advocates for addressing existing problems within the Secret Service and improving coordination with local law enforcement.

He also touches on the controversy surrounding diversity initiatives in security roles, emphasizing that qualifications and capabilities should be the primary considerations in such critical positions. He notes the challenges of maintaining a pool of highly qualified personnel while also meeting diversity goals.

International Reactions and Implications

Regarding international reactions, Baker notes that most world leaders offered standard condemnations of political violence. He suggests that groups like jihadists might view the incident as revealing vulnerabilities in U.S. security measures. He also discusses how the incident, coupled with concerns about President Biden's capabilities, might be perceived by rival nations as signs of American weakness or internal strife.

Media Coverage and Public Perception

The podcast touches on the role of media in shaping public perception of political events. Baker discusses the concept of "common knowledge" - the idea that it's not enough for individuals to know something, but they need to know that others know it too. He relates this to the recent presidential debate and how it seemingly revealed Biden's cognitive issues to a broader audience, despite these concerns being long-discussed in certain circles.

Baker criticizes some media outlets and political figures for their apparent about-face in acknowledging Biden's issues after long downplaying or denying them. He sees this as part of a broader pattern of rapid pivots in political messaging, often with little accountability.

Looking Ahead to the Election

As the conversation wraps up, Baker speculates on how this incident might influence the upcoming election. He suggests that while it's unlikely to result in a landslide victory for Trump, it could sway some undecided voters. He emphasizes the power of imagery in political campaigns, noting how the stark contrast between Trump's response to the shooting and recent portrayals of Biden could impact voter perceptions.

He advises the Trump campaign to be measured in their approach, focusing on policy issues rather than overtly capitalizing on the incident. He also discusses the challenges facing the Biden campaign in light of ongoing concerns about the President's capabilities.


The podcast concludes with Baker reflecting on the professionalism of the photographers at the scene, who managed to capture powerful images despite the chaos. He also mentions the heroic actions of a bystander who reportedly shielded his family from gunfire, drawing parallels to similar acts of bravery in past mass shooting incidents.


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