Dana White: UFC, Fighting, Khabib, Conor, Tyson, Ali, Rogan, Elon & Zuck | Lex Fridman Podcast #421

Added: Mar 26, 2024

In this podcast episode, Dana White, the president of the UFC, shares his journey and insights. He recalls his first experience with fighting, watching an Ali fight at his grandmother's house. White admires Muhammad Ali not just for his boxing skills but also for his impact as a human being. He emphasizes Ali's courage to stand up against the norms of his time.

Key takeaways


White's journey into the world of combat sports began with his fascination for boxing, sparked by iconic matches like Hagler vs. Leonard.


White's successful partnership with Lorenzo Fertitta was crucial in shaping the UFC's growth, with their complementary personalities and unwavering commitment to the organization.


White considers Jon Jones as the greatest UFC fighter of all time, praising his dominance in multiple weight classes, unbeaten record, and longevity in the sport.


Conor McGregor is hailed by White as a key figure in the UFC's success, with his willingness to take on tough opponents and dedication to the sport.


White's perspective on fighting transcends the octagon, seeing it as a universal language that reflects human nature and brings people together.

Falling in Love with Fighting

White fell in love with boxing after watching the Hagler vs. Leonard fight in 1987. He was drawn to the battle and artistry of the sport. He also mentions watching USA's Tuesday night fights religiously, which influenced his love for combat sports. White's passion for boxing eventually led him to explore other forms of fighting, including Jiu-Jitsu.

The Origin Story of the UFC

The UFC's origin story began with White, Lorenzo Fertita, and Frank Fertita meeting John Lewis, a Jiu-Jitsu practitioner. They started training with Lewis, which sparked their interest in martial arts. White was intrigued by the Jiu-Jitsu style showcased by fighters like Royce Gracie in the early UFC events. This exposure to different fighting styles and meeting fighters with diverse backgrounds inspired White to present the sport to a wider audience.

White and the Fertita brothers saw an opportunity to buy the struggling UFC from its previous owner, Bob Meyrowitz, for two million dollars. They believed in the potential of the sport and the fighters, despite the negative stigma attached to MMA at the time. White's vision and passion for the UFC drove him to build a team and create a successful business model. He emphasizes the importance of having a clear vision and building a team that can bring that vision to life.

Challenges and Successes

White faced numerous challenges in the early days of building the UFC, including dealing with corrupt individuals in the industry and navigating through a competitive and sometimes dangerous environment. He recalls instances of threats and conflicts with other promoters, highlighting the intense nature of the fight business. Despite the obstacles, his passion, consistency, and dedication to the sport helped him overcome challenges and achieve success.

White attributes his success to his leadership style, which involves being hands-on, passionate, and consistent. He emphasizes the importance of loving what you do and being fully committed to the business. Building a strong team that shares the same vision and values is crucial for success.

Importance of Joe Rogan

White praises Joe Rogan for his contributions to the UFC and the sport of MMA. He recalls how he first discovered Rogan's passion for fighting during an interview on a talk show. He admires Rogan's ability to articulate the intricacies of the sport and engage viewers with his commentary. He credits Rogan for helping to educate audiences about the ground game and enhance the viewing experience of UFC events.

Partnership with Lorenzo Fertitta

White reflects on his successful partnership with Lorenzo Fertitta, highlighting their complementary personalities and strengths. He describes Fertitta as a level-headed counterpart to his more dynamic approach, emphasizing their ability to balance each other out. He credits Fertitta for his support during challenging times in the UFC's history, noting his unwavering commitment to the organization. He acknowledges Fertitta's role in the UFC's turnaround and growth, underscoring the importance of their partnership in shaping the company's success.

Legends in the UFC

White discusses the concept of legends in the UFC and what makes a fighter great. He emphasizes the importance of fighters facing tough challenges and tough opponents to solidify their legacy. He highlights the significance of matchups like Dustin Poirier vs. Khabib Nurmagomedov in creating legendary moments and building stars in the sport. He acknowledges the role of adversity and competition in shaping fighters' careers and elevating them to legendary status.

Greatest of All Time

White shares his perspective on the greatest UFC fighter of all time, citing Jon Jones as the undisputed champion. He praises Jones for his unbeaten record, dominance in multiple weight classes, and longevity in the sport. He emphasizes the significance of Jones' achievements and his impact on the UFC's history. He also acknowledges Khabib Nurmagomedov as contender for the title of the greatest of all time.

Relationship with Conor McGregor

White reflects on his relationship with Conor McGregor, describing the Irish fighter as a great partner and a key figure in the UFC's success. He praises McGregor for his willingness to take on tough opponents and his dedication to the sport. He acknowledges McGregor's impact on the UFC's popularity and global reach, highlighting his role in opening up new markets and attracting new fans. He dismisses criticisms of McGregor and emphasizes his positive contributions to the sport.

Friendship with Donald Trump

White shares anecdotes about his friendship with Donald Trump, highlighting the former president's love for fighting and his support for the UFC. He recalls Trump's involvement in UFC events and their interactions over the years. He praises Trump for his resilience and strength in the face of adversity, noting his unwavering support for the sport and its athletes.

Political Landscape

White discusses the political landscape and the upcoming presidential election, expressing uncertainty about the outcome. He acknowledges the challenges and complexities of politics, describing it as a dirty and unpredictable arena. He shares his support for Trump and his hopes for the former president's success in the election. He reflects on the influence of politics on various aspects of society and the importance of staying informed and engaged in current events.


White shares his experiences with gambling, mentioning his biggest wins and losses. He shares how he won a million dollar hand one night and that he beat Caesar's Palace for $12 million throughout a summer. He also talks about a gambling night where had also been drinking and ended with a significant loss of $80,000, only to find out the next day that he actually lost $3 million.

Favorite Movies

When asked about his favorite movie about Vegas, White mentions "Casino" as his top choice. The film captures the essence of the city and its vibrant yet dark underbelly, resonating with White's experiences in the world of gambling. He also reflects on the movie "Vision Quest" as a film that had a profound impact on his life. The story of a young wrestler striving for greatness resonated with White, inspiring him to pursue his own goals and dreams with determination and resilience.

Gratitude and Motivation

Despite the challenges and setbacks he faces, White approaches life with a sense of gratitude and motivation. He thrives in chaotic situations, viewing each day as an opportunity to overcome obstacles and achieve greatness. He finds inspiration in problem-solving and building brands, embracing the highs and lows of his journey. He shares his perspective on life and death, expressing a lack of fear towards the latter. He values each moment and strives to make the most out of his life, embracing challenges and opportunities with enthusiasm and determination.

Impact of Fighting on Human Nature

Through his extensive experience in the fighting world, White has observed that fighting is a universal language that unites people from all walks of life. He believes that fighting is a fundamental aspect of human nature, evoking a range of emotions and reactions in individuals.


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