An Alternative to Western Nihilism | His Excellency Saeed Al Nazari | EP 400

An Alternative to Western Nihilism | His Excellency Saeed Al Nazari | EP 400 thumbnail

Added: Nov 28, 2023

In this podcast episode, His Excellency Saeed Al Nazari discusses the origins and development of the United Arab Emirates (UAE). He sheds light on the country's unique vision, strong values, and the factors that have contributed to its remarkable growth and success.

The UAE, established in 1971, emerged from a region characterized by instability, harsh climate, and limited infrastructure. However, under the leadership of the late Sheikh Zayed, the country's founding father, a vision of unity and progress was cultivated. This vision aimed to create hope and build a nation that represented the values, culture, and traditions of its people.

Despite being an oil-rich nation, the UAE has been proactive in diversifying its economy. Dubai, for example, derives only 5% of its GDP from oil, with a focus on trade, education, and entrepreneurship. The country has attracted numerous international companies and investors, who have relocated their businesses and families to the UAE. This is due to the trust they have in the system, the government, and the environment that has been designed to foster growth and prosperity.

One of the key aspects of the UAE's success is its ability to maintain a safe and secure environment while also promoting creativity and innovation. The country has become a hub for diverse talents and ideas, with people from over 200 nationalities coexisting in a harmonious and secure setting. The UAE has also hosted events like Expo 2020, where creativity and innovation were showcased on a global scale, attracting millions of visitors without compromising safety.

Another subject of the podcast is the emphasis on values that have contributed to the stability and prosperity of the UAE. Al Nazari highlights the importance of tolerance, acceptance, and generosity as foundational values in Arabic culture. He emphasizes the significance of character building and the importance of instilling these values in the younger generation. Al Nazari also discusses the strong family values in the UAE, citing a low divorce rate and a commitment to maintaining traditional family structures.

The podcast also delves into the UAE's approach to women's rights, with Al Nazari highlighting the country's efforts to promote gender balance and empower women. He points to the high representation of women in the UAE workforce and the government's policies to support women in various aspects of life, including education, marriage, and career growth.

In addition to internal developments, the podcast explores the UAE's relationships with its neighbors and its role in promoting peace and tolerance in the region. Al Nazari discusses the UAE's positive relationships with other countries and its commitment to humanitarian efforts and foreign aid. He also touches on the significance of the Abraham Accords and the country's relationship with Israel, emphasizing the importance of fostering peace and dialogue in the region.

A major focus of the conversation is the UAE's initiatives to promote religious tolerance and dialogue, including the establishment of the Abrahamic Family House. Al Nazari highlights the significance of this initiative, which brings together a mosque, a church, and a synagogue on the same site, symbolizing the country's commitment to promoting diversity and understanding among different faiths.

Al Nazari continues by sharing a personal anecdote about how he was inspired by the leadership and vision of the UAE. He recounts sending an email to the Prime Minister expressing his desire to be part of the country's purpose and to help others. To his surprise, he received a personal response from the Prime Minister, encouraging him to work hard and believe in the vision of the country. This interaction left a lasting impression on Al Nazari and motivated him to become involved in youth empowerment initiatives and policies.

One of the key initiatives discussed is the UAE's focus on youth empowerment. Al Nazari explains that the country has implemented policies and projects that prioritize young people and their input. For example, the UAE has established youth councils in various institutions and companies, allowing young people to have a direct influence on decision-making processes. Additionally, the government has allocated seats for young people on various boards, ensuring that their voices are heard at the highest levels of governance.

Al Nazari emphasizes the importance of providing role models for young people, citing the example of the UAE's successful space program. He notes that young Emiratis now aspire to become astronauts, inspired by the achievements of their predecessors. This focus on creating tangible role models and opportunities for young people has contributed to a sense of hope and optimism for the future.

The conversation also touches on the challenges facing the UAE, including the impact of social media and the need to preserve cultural values in the face of rapid technological advancements. Al Nazari highlights the importance of instilling core values in the community and ensuring that future generations uphold these principles. He shares an example of a social experiment conducted to measure the willingness of young Emiratis to help others, demonstrating the strong sense of community and hospitality that is ingrained in the culture.

In response to the challenges, Al Nazari expresses his commitment to promoting positive values and experiences for young people. He discusses the UAE's efforts to recognize and reward hidden gems in fields such as science, technology, and medicine, with the aim of inspiring future generations to pursue similar paths.

The conversation concludes with an invitation from Peterson to Al Nazari to participate in the Alliance for Responsible Citizenship conference in London. The alliance aims to formulate a positive vision for the future and foster cooperation across different regions. Al Nazari expresses his enthusiasm for the collaboration and emphasizes the importance of sharing positive narratives and experiences with the world.


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