Prophecy, Revelation, & the Spiritual Battle | John Rich | EP 470

Added: Aug 10, 2024

In this podcast episode, Jordan Peterson converses with musician John Rich, focusing on Rich's new song "Revelation." The discussion delves into the song's inspiration, its spiritual implications, and Rich's personal journey as an artist navigating the complexities of faith, creativity, and the music industry.

The Inspiration Behind "Revelation"

John Rich shares that the song "Revelation" came to him unexpectedly, describing the experience as a powerful revelation. He likens it to a wave hitting him from behind, where both the melody and lyrics seemed to download into his mind. This experience was markedly different from his usual songwriting process, which often involved targeting commercial success and adhering to industry trends. Rich explains that he has written over 2,000 songs throughout his career, typically aiming for hit songs that resonate with the current market. However, "Revelation" emerged spontaneously, compelling him to capture its essence immediately.

Rich recounts how he felt a strong urge to write down the song, which he did in a quiet room, feeling a sense of urgency and inspiration. He describes the process of recording a work tape on his iPhone, listening to it repeatedly, and feeling a profound connection to the message. This song, he believes, is not just a hit but a calling to share a deeper spiritual truth with the world.

The Shift to Independence

The conversation shifts to Rich's decision to move away from the traditional music industry model. He explains that for many years, he played the game dictated by record labels, which often involved compromising his artistic integrity and personal beliefs. He felt constrained by the expectations of the industry, which dictated what he could say and do, often leading to a conflict between his artistic vision and commercial viability.

As he reflects on his journey, Rich acknowledges that his two sons were a significant factor in his decision to break free from the industry's constraints. He realized that he was setting a poor example for them by prioritizing superficial success over authenticity. This realization prompted him to reevaluate his career and ultimately led him to embrace independence as an artist. He emphasizes that this newfound freedom has allowed him to create music that is true to his beliefs and values, unencumbered by the pressures of the industry.

The Role of Faith in Creativity

Rich's faith plays a crucial role in his creative process and decision-making. He discusses the importance of yielding to a higher power, specifically Jesus Christ, and how this surrender has transformed his life. He believes that true discernment comes from a relationship with God, which guides him in navigating the complexities of life and creativity. Rich emphasizes that he does not view himself as religious in the traditional sense; rather, he sees his faith as a personal and direct connection to God.

The conversation touches on the concept of repentance, which Rich describes as a profound turning point in one's life. He uses the metaphor of a driver and a passenger to illustrate the idea of yielding control to God, allowing Him to guide one's path. This surrender, he argues, is essential for living a life aligned with truth and purpose.

The Spiritual Battle

Rich and Peterson delve into the theme of spiritual warfare, a central element of the song "Revelation." Rich describes the video for the song as depicting the battle between good and evil, illustrating the unseen forces at play in the world. He believes that many people are awakening to the reality of this spiritual battle, recognizing the lies and deceptions that permeate society.

Rich emphasizes that the truth will ultimately prevail, and he feels a responsibility to share this message through his music. He believes that the current cultural climate has created a hunger for authenticity and truth, and he aims to fulfill that need through his work. The conversation highlights the importance of standing firm in one's beliefs, even in the face of adversity and criticism.

The Impact of "Revelation"

As the discussion progresses, Rich reflects on the reception of "Revelation" and the overwhelming support he has received from his audience. He notes that the song has resonated with many people, leading to millions of views and widespread engagement. Rich attributes this success to the authenticity of his message and the connection he has established with his audience.

He believes that people are drawn to his music because they sense his sincerity and commitment to truth. Rich argues that the current societal landscape has created a desire for genuine expression, and he feels privileged to be able to provide that through his art. The conversation underscores the idea that when artists are true to themselves and their beliefs, they can create a powerful impact on their audience.

The Nature of Belief and Faith

Throughout the episode, Rich and Peterson explore the nature of belief and faith, emphasizing that mere intellectual assent is not enough. Rich argues that true faith involves a deep, personal relationship with God, one that requires surrender and trust. He challenges the notion that one can simply declare belief without a corresponding change in behavior and attitude.

Rich's perspective on faith is rooted in his own experiences, including the struggles he faced while navigating the music industry. He emphasizes that the journey of faith is not always easy, but it is essential for living a fulfilling and purposeful life. The conversation highlights the transformative power of faith and the importance of aligning one's actions with one's beliefs.


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