Becky G ON Coming To Terms With Her Identity and Radical Authenticity

Becky G ON Coming To Terms With Her Identity and Radical Authenticity thumbnail

Added: Sep 19, 2023

Becky G, a singer, actress, and activist, discusses her journey of self-discovery and embracing her identity in a podcast interview. She reflects on the challenges and triumphs she has experienced as a young artist in the public eye and shares insights into her personal growth and the importance of authenticity.

Becky G acknowledges the pressure she felt to conform and fit into societal expectations as a young artist. She describes the mindset of "put your head down and get it done" that she adopted early in her career. However, as she grew older, she realized the need to embrace her true self and not compromise her identity to be accepted in different spaces.

She introduces the concept of the "200," which is the idea that she doesn't have to choose between her different cultural backgrounds. Instead, she embraces her intersectionality and celebrates her mixed ethnicity. Becky G shares her experiences of feeling caught between different identities and the journey of rewriting her narrative to accept and embrace all aspects of herself.

The interview delves into the inspiration behind her album "Esquinas," which is dedicated to her grandfather. She emphasizes the importance of family and the influence her grandparents have had on her life. Becky G expresses gratitude for her roots and the strength she derives from her family's history of overcoming challenges and making something out of nothing.

She discusses the pros and cons of growing up in the public eye. While she initially found it exciting and cool, she later realized the exposure and criticism that came with it. Becky G reflects on the pressure to please others and the struggle to find her authentic self amidst societal expectations.

Becky G highlights the importance of quality connections over quantity. She defines a quality connection as a space where she feels safe to be her true self. She shares examples of meaningful interactions with strangers and the impact they have had on her. She emphasizes the need for genuine connections and the value of authenticity in relationships.

The interview explores Becky G's journey of self-discovery and the work she has done in therapy. She discusses the three-legged table concept, which represents the mind, body, and soul. She emphasizes the importance of taking care of all three aspects and shares her daily routines for mental, spiritual, and physical well-being.

Becky G opens up about her struggles with people-pleasing tendencies and the impact it has had on her mental health. She discusses the need to prioritize her own well-being and set boundaries. She shares her experiences of ignoring her inner compass and the lessons she has learned about the importance of being true to oneself.

The interview continues with Becky G discussing her journey of self-acceptance and the work she has done in therapy to address childhood issues and develop empathy and compassion for herself. She emphasizes the importance of self-reflection and taking inventory of one's life and relationships.

Becky G continues by reflecting on the uniqueness of each individual's perspective and the importance of understanding and empathizing with others' experiences. She highlights the diversity within her own family, despite growing up in the same environment, and emphasizes the need for compassion and empathy in relationships.

The guest then delves into the process of taking inventory of her memories and experiences, particularly in the context of her family dynamics. She discusses the transformative power of revisiting these memories and engaging in open conversations with her siblings, which has allowed them to deepen their understanding and support for one another.

Becky G also explores the concept of "parts work," which involves recognizing and acknowledging different aspects of oneself. She shares her own experiences of embracing both her vulnerable and empowered sides, and how this has contributed to her personal and professional growth.

The guest emphasizes the importance of allowing oneself to feel emotions fully and somatically, rather than intellectualizing them. She discusses her own practice of intentionally creating space for emotional release, such as crying, and how this contributes to her overall well-being.

In the podcast, Becky G also reflects on the nature of romantic relationships and their impact on personal healing. She acknowledges that romantic relationships can be both challenging and transformative, as they reveal aspects of oneself that may need healing or growth. She emphasizes the need for open communication, self-reflection, and setting boundaries in these relationships.

The guest shares her personal journey of healing and growth, particularly in relation to her childhood experiences. She discusses the loss of her family home during a recession and the impact it had on her perception of stability and the transience of good things. Despite these challenges, she credits her strong spirit and determination for pursuing her dreams of becoming an actress and singer.

Becky G also discusses her evolving perspective on spirituality and faith. She shares her experiences of growing up in a religious family and the importance of finding her own spiritual path. She emphasizes the power of personal connection with a higher source and the role of faith in providing comfort and guidance.

Throughout the podcast, the guest emphasizes the importance of maintaining an open mindset, embracing change, and finding balance in life. She encourages listeners to challenge black-and-white thinking, embrace the complexities of life, and recognize that everything happens for a reason.

Becky G emphasizes the power of the mind and how it is designed to protect us. However, she also acknowledges that our spirit needs growth and transformation, which often requires letting go of certain aspects of ourselves. She believes that shedding old layers and embracing change is a beautiful and necessary process.

The artist reflects on her personal growth and the changes she has undergone, acknowledging that some people may perceive these changes negatively. However, she firmly believes that change is not a bad thing and that it is essential for personal development.

Becky G also discusses the concept of people-pleasing and how it is deeply ingrained in her due to her upbringing in the entertainment industry. She shares that she is currently trying to unlearn this behavior and prioritize her own feelings and well-being. She emphasizes that not everyone needs to participate in her journey and that it is important to recognize that others' reactions may have more to do with themselves than with her.

When asked about something she used to value but no longer finds important, Becky G mentions the optics of being in the limelight. She explains that she now values her personal peace more than anything else and no longer feels the need to constantly seek validation from others.

In response to a question about the one law she would create for everyone to follow, Becky G expresses her desire for everyone to have access to some form of therapy. She believes that safe spaces and resources for mental health are crucial for personal growth and well-being.

Throughout the episode, Becky G's presence, openness, and vulnerability shine through. She encourages listeners to embrace their true selves, prioritize their own happiness, and seek therapy as a means of self-discovery and healing.


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