How AI Will DISRUPT The Entire World In 3 Years (Prepare Now While Others Panic) | Emad Mostaque

According to Mostaque, the next three to five years will be disruptive due to the advancements in AI technology. He argues that people are unprepared for the changes that AI will bring, particularly in the job market. AI has the potential to replace certain jobs, especially in sectors such as healthcare and education. However, the impact of AI will not be limited to these areas alone. It will affect almost every aspect of society, ranging from productivity enhancements to potential existential threats. One of the key consequences of AI's disruption is the augmentation or replacement of job functions. Mostaque predicts that the disruption will trickle down to any work done in front of a computer. As AI becomes more advanced, the expectations for quality will also increase. This may create a crisis of meaning and emotional devastation for individuals who find their jobs replaced by AI. Mostaque suggests that the government may try to regulate AI to protect jobs. He also raises concerns about the impact of AI on children, who may face an existential crisis about their future in a world dominated by AI. Industries like movies may be heavily affected by AI, potentially leading to the erasure of the industry. Mostaque also highlights the crisis of meaning and uncertainty about the future that AI brings, which affects individuals, communities, and societies as a whole. To address these concerns, Mostaque emphasizes the need to broaden the conversation and involve more people in the discussion about AI. He believes that more points of view and regulation are necessary to ensure that AI is used responsibly. Mostaque acknowledges that there are real dangers and harms associated with AI, and a laissez-faire approach is not sufficient to mitigate them. The podcast also delves into the potential dangers of AI and the need for regulation. Mostaque shares an example of a study conducted by Facebook, where they tried to make users sadder by showing them sad content. He warns about the dangers of generative AI and hyper-targeting, which can manipulate individuals, particularly children, who have malleable minds. Mostaque argues that such practices are undesirable and may lead to undesirable outcomes. The conversation then shifts to the potential of AI in pattern recognition and creativity. Mostaque explains how AI can recognize patterns and generate art that surpasses human capabilities. He highlights the ability of AI to understand aesthetics and create more aesthetic images. However, he also questions the nature of true art and media, suggesting that much of it is already manufactured and by the numbers. Mostaque and the host discuss the implications of AI's pattern recognition abilities and its potential impact on society. They explore the idea that AI can predict the next great idea and understand individuals at a deep level, which can lead to a dystopian future. They also touch upon the social control aspects of AI, such as social credit scores, and the potential for complete surveillance and manipulation. The podcast concludes with a discussion on the challenges and opportunities presented by AI. Mostaque acknowledges the crisis of confidence that many people may face due to job losses and competition with AI. He predicts a shift in the global order, with the global South being the fastest adopters of AI and leveraging its potential for value creation. However, he emphasizes the need to navigate the complexities and ensure that AI is used to solve the world's problems responsibly. Overall, the podcast explores the disruptive potential of AI and the need for regulation and responsible use. It raises important questions about the impact of AI on jobs, industries, and society as a whole, while also highlighting the opportunities that AI presents. Mostaque encourages individuals to embrace AI and become knowledgeable about its capabilities in order to navigate the changes it will bring. He suggests that those who are thoughtful and proactive can find opportunities for personal growth and success. However, he also acknowledges the potential risks and challenges associated with AI, such as bias and alignment with human values.