Petr Čech: Why I Left Chelsea, Arsène Wenger & That Injury

Added: Feb 12, 2024

In this podcast episode, Petr Čech, a former professional football goalkeeper, shares his insights on what high performance means to him. He emphasizes that high performance is about executing actions at a high level consistently, regardless of the field one is in. Čech highlights the importance of consistency in achieving success, noting that it requires discipline and commitment. He argues that commitment cannot be partial; one is either fully committed or not, and this total commitment is crucial for maintaining high performance over time.

Key takeaways


High performance requires consistent execution at a high level, driven by discipline and total commitment.


Effective communication, especially in team sports like football, plays a pivotal role in success and fosters better understanding among teammates.


Building a winning culture involves maintaining high standards of performance, fostering competitiveness, and learning from both successes and failures.


Overcoming challenges and maintaining focus necessitate staying in the moment, self-reflection, and addressing performance issues directly.


Resilience, mental fortitude, and adaptability are crucial for athletes to navigate adversities, managerial changes, and transitions in their careers.

Overcoming Challenges and Maintaining Focus

Čech recounts his personal experiences of facing challenges, including playing with injuries and under the pressure of high expectations. He shares a pivotal moment in his career when he decided to view every game with the same level of importance, whether it was a preseason friendly or a Champions League final. This mindset helped him maintain focus and perform consistently, regardless of the external circumstances. He also discusses the importance of staying in the moment and not dwelling on past mistakes, as this can detract from focusing on the next action.

The Role of Communication in Team Success

Communication is highlighted as a key factor in team success, especially in a sport as dynamic as football. Čech talks about the challenges of communicating with teammates from different nationalities and how he took the initiative to learn specific words in their languages to improve on-pitch communication. This approach not only enhanced team performance but also fostered a better understanding and relationship among teammates.

Working with José Mourinho

Čech reflects on his time working with José Mourinho, a period marked by significant success for Chelsea. He describes Mourinho's confidence and winning mentality, which were infectious and contributed to the team's strong performance. Mourinho's philosophy of preferring to lose in pursuit of a win rather than settling for a draw instilled a proactive, aggressive approach in the team. This mindset, according to Čech, was crucial in building a team that was not only talented but also mentally tough and consistently striving for victory.

Building a Winning Culture

The conversation shifts to the importance of building a winning culture within a team. Čech shares insights into how high standards of performance were established and maintained at Chelsea. He notes that the intensity and competitiveness of training sessions were akin to actual games, creating an environment where players continuously pushed each other to improve.

The Importance of Review and Self-Reflection

Čech discusses the process of reviewing performances, both individually and as a team. He stresses the importance of acknowledging both the good and bad aspects of one's performance, as focusing solely on mistakes can be detrimental. By reviewing all actions, one can maintain a balanced perspective and learn from both successes and failures. This process of self-reflection and review is crucial for continuous improvement and maintaining high performance over time.

He emphasizes that when a player's performance drops significantly, it's crucial for the manager to address this directly, highlighting the gap between the expected and actual performance levels. Čech points out that if a teammate outperforms you consistently, earning accolades like 'man of the match,' it's a clear indicator of where the standard lies, leaving no room for complaints. This approach fosters a culture of accountability and self-improvement among players.

Addressing Performance Issues

When dealing with underperformance, Čech believes in the importance of understanding the root causes behind a player's struggles. Direct communication and honest feedback play a critical role in this process. He argues that acknowledging effort and dedication is crucial, but it's also necessary to confront players with the reality of their performance. This approach helps in identifying areas for improvement and setting clear expectations.

Mental Health and Resilience

Čech touches on the evolving conversation around mental health in sports. He contrasts the current understanding and support for mental health issues with past attitudes where showing vulnerability was often stigmatized. He suggests that while it's essential to address mental health, there's also a need to balance this with fostering resilience among players. He advocates for open communication about personal struggles, which was less common in the past, to ensure players receive the support they need without fear of judgment.

Overcoming Adversity

Čech shares a personal story of resilience following a severe head injury on the football pitch that led to a significant memory loss and a challenging recovery process. He describes the confusion and fear associated with not being able to recall basic personal information but also the determination that drove his recovery.

Managerial Changes and Team Dynamics

Čech reflects on his career at Chelsea, a period marked by numerous managerial changes and the constant challenge of proving oneself to new leadership. He emphasizes the importance of self-competition and preparation, advocating for a mindset focused on being the best version of oneself. This attitude, Čech argues, is crucial in navigating the uncertainties that come with changes in management and maintaining a high level of performance regardless of external circumstances.

The Journey to Champions League Victory

The conversation shifts to Čech's experience with Chelsea's 2012 Champions League victory. He recounts the team's persistent challenges and near-misses in previous seasons, leading up to the triumphant win against Bayern Munich. Čech highlights the adversity faced by the team, including injuries and tactical uncertainties, which made their eventual victory even more remarkable.

Playing with Pain

Čech shares his experiences of playing through pain and the mental fortitude required to perform at the highest level. He recounts a period where he played with broken shoulders, emphasizing the fine line between bravery and recklessness.

Moving from Chelsea to Arsenal

Čech reflects on his decision to leave Chelsea and join Arsenal, citing the desire to stay in the Premier League and compete with the best as motivating factors. He discusses the dynamics of leaving a club at its peak and the sense of injustice that can arise from such decisions.

Working with Arsène Wenger

Čech praises Arsène Wenger for his belief in players' talents and his approach to allowing players to express themselves on the field. He acknowledges Wenger's impact on Arsenal's playing style and success during his tenure at the club.

Transition from Player to Leadership Role

Čech discusses the swift change in his career trajectory post-retirement and the circumstances that led him to take up a senior management role at Chelsea. He reflects on the challenges and learning curves of moving into management, underscoring the satisfaction derived from contributing to the team's success from behind the scenes.

Working with Managers and the Dynamics of Leadership

The conversation further explores Čech's interactions with various managers during his tenure in a leadership role, particularly focusing on his relationships with Frank Lampard and Thomas Tuchel. He sheds light on the dynamics of communication and support between the management team and the coaching staff, emphasizing the importance of mutual respect and understanding.

Reflections on Winning the Champions League and the Role of Support Staff

Winning the Champions League as a player and then in a leadership role offers Čech a dual perspective on success. He expresses a deeper sense of satisfaction in his off-field role, acknowledging the contributions of the numerous individuals working behind the scenes.

Departure from Chelsea and Future Aspirations

Discussing his decision to leave Chelsea, Čech touches on the challenges posed by ownership changes and the need for alignment with the club's vision and management style. His departure, driven by a desire for the club to have the freedom to build a new team, showcases Čech's self-awareness and commitment to the club's long-term success. Looking ahead, he expresses a keen interest in coaching, fueled by his passion for football strategy and his desire to share his knowledge and experience.

Core Values and Advice for Aspiring Athletes

Čech emphasizes the importance of effort, commitment, and attitude as non-negotiable behaviors for success. He advises aspiring athletes to make the most of every day, highlighting the importance of dedication and purposeful action in achieving one's goals. Reflecting on his career, Čech expresses contentment with his journey, cherishing the highs and learning from the lows. His greatest strength, consistency, is cited as the key to his success, underscoring the value of discipline and mental resilience in leading a high-performance life.


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