21 Years in Prison for the Heathrow Heist - Old School London Gangster John Twomey Tells His Story

21 Years in Prison for the Heathrow Heist - Old School London Gangster John Twomey Tells His Story thumbnail

Added: Nov 10, 2023

In this podcast episode, John Twomey, a former criminal, shares his life story, revealing a tumultuous upbringing and a life of crime. Born in Cork, Ireland, Twomey's childhood was marred by tragedy when his mother passed away at a young age. His father, an alcoholic, struggled to care for his nine children, leading to a chaotic and unstable home life.

After moving to England, Twomey's life took a turn for the worse when he and his siblings were forced to live in a basement with no electricity or food. The traumatic experiences during this time led to a life of crime, including shoplifting and breaking into shops and factories to survive.

At the age of 13, Twomey was placed in a juvenile detention center, where he witnessed and experienced abuse. Despite the harsh conditions, he found a sense of structure and camaraderie, which he had never experienced before. However, the loneliness of not having any visitors during his time in detention left a lasting impact on him.

Upon his release, Twomey pursued a career in bricklaying and construction, but the allure of easy money and the thrill of criminal activities drew him back into a life of crime. He engaged in various illegal activities, including robbing security vans and stealing from parking meters, leading to multiple arrests and convictions.

Twomey's life took a dramatic turn when he was falsely accused and convicted of crimes he did not commit. Despite his innocence, he faced numerous trials and spent time in prison, fighting to clear his name. His experiences with corrupt law enforcement and unjust treatment left a deep impression on him, leading to a deep distrust of the authorities.

Twomey was acquitted of five robberies but was later convicted of possessing fake banknotes. He served time in prison and eventually turned his life around, getting involved in coaching kids' football teams and staying out of trouble. However, his stepson got involved in criminal activities and was sentenced to prison, which prompted Twomey to speak out about his experiences.

He discusses the corruption within the police force, citing instances where officers planted evidence and manipulated trials to secure convictions. He also highlights the lack of fairness in the justice system, where judges and police officers colluded to ensure convictions, even going as far as to prevent him from appealing his sentence.

Twomey's experience also sheds light on the prison system and the challenges faced by inmates. He discusses the difficulty of losing loved ones while in prison and the impact of being separated from family. His story highlights the selfish mindset that often accompanies a life of crime, as well as the realization of the pain caused by past actions.

The podcast also touches on the concept of karma, with Twomey expressing his belief in the idea. He discusses the practice of meditation and the importance of gratitude, as well as the impact of karma on individuals. His experience serves as a reminder of the consequences of one's actions and the importance of taking responsibility for them.

Twomey's story also highlights the potential for change and redemption. He acknowledges the genuine efforts of individuals who have turned their lives around and made positive changes. He emphasizes the importance of recognizing and supporting those who are genuinely seeking to make a positive change in their lives.

Despite his past, John is now focused on doing the right thing and making a positive impact. He is involved with the AP Foundation, an organization dedicated to preventing individuals from entering the criminal justice system. John's commitment to helping others avoid the same mistakes he made is a testament to his desire for positive change.

Throughout the interview, John emphasizes the importance of staying away from a life of crime. He warns against the allure of the criminal world, highlighting the harsh reality of prison and the long-term consequences of criminal activities. He urges individuals to steer clear of criminal activities and to prioritize family and making positive choices.


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