Faith, Fame, and Adventure: The Reality Stranger Than Fiction | Willie & Korie Robertson | EP 385

Faith, Fame, and Adventure: The Reality Stranger Than Fiction | Willie & Korie Robertson | EP 385 thumbnail

Added: Sep 29, 2023

In this podcast episode, Jordan Peterson interviews Willie and Korie Robertson, authors, entrepreneurs, and stars of the hit reality TV show Duck Dynasty. They discuss the success of the show, the impact it had on viewers, and the balance between reality and fiction that was captured on the show.

The conversation begins with Peterson asking why Duck Dynasty struck a chord with people so deeply and why it was able to maintain its popularity for 11 seasons. Willie and Korie attribute the show's success to several factors. Firstly, people saw parts of their own families in the Robertson family, which resonated across generations. Many viewers could relate to having a similar dynamic with their own family members. Secondly, the show was funny and provided a source of laughter and fun for viewers. Lastly, the faith aspect of the show, particularly the prayer at the end of each episode, added a wholesome and relatable element that resonated with viewers.

The conversation then delves into the role of faith in Duck Dynasty and how it played a significant role in the show's impact. Willie and Korie explain that the prayer at the end of each episode was not overtly religious, but rather a reflection of their family's tradition of giving thanks before meals. This simple act of gratitude had a profound impact on viewers, with many commenting on how it inspired them to incorporate similar practices into their own families. The prayer and the emphasis on faith added a sense of nostalgia and a return to traditional family values, which resonated with viewers who longed for a similar sense of togetherness and gratitude in their own lives.

Peterson then explores the balance between reality and fiction on Duck Dynasty. Willie and Korie explain that while the show was scripted to some extent, it still captured the genuine dynamics and personalities of their family. They describe it as "guided reality," where they played themselves but also had a narrative structure to follow. The show was shot like a sitcom, with planned scenes and storylines, but the interactions and dialogue were often spontaneous and improvised. This combination of scripting and spontaneity allowed the show to be funny and entertaining while still reflecting the authenticity of their family.

They also discuss the portrayal of Willie's father, Phil, on the show. They note that Phil was not portrayed as a buffoon or a typical sitcom dad, but rather as a strong and opinionated patriarch. Phil's character was true to who he was in real life, and his authenticity resonated with viewers. Despite not fully understanding the show or its purpose, Phil went along with it because he trusted his family and believed in their ability to share their faith and values with a larger audience.

Throughout the conversation, Willie and Korie touch on various themes, including the importance of the family table, the role of humor and playfulness in maintaining strong family bonds, and the positive impact of faith and traditional values in a society that is increasingly disconnected and fragmented. They also discuss the cultural significance of shows like Duck Dynasty, which provide a counter-narrative to the prevailing trends of impulsive hedonism and the breakdown of the family unit.

The conversation continues with Willie and Korie discussing how their family's journey into reality TV started. Willie explains that his father, Phil Robertson, had the idea to film their hunting adventures back in the 80s. They started by making videos and selling them locally, but it wasn't until Walmart started carrying their duck calls and videos that their business took off. The exposure in Walmart stores across the country led to a surge in popularity and eventually led to the creation of the hit TV show Duck Dynasty.

The Robertson family's success on Duck Dynasty allowed them to travel and experience new things, but they always remained rooted in their hometown. They emphasize the importance of family and community, and how staying connected to their roots helped them navigate the challenges of fame. They also discuss the unique blend of traditional values and rebellious spirit that is characteristic of American culture, which resonated with their audience.

The conversation then shifts to the topic of entrepreneurship and risk-taking. Willie and Korie credit their family's entrepreneurial spirit for their success. They explain that their family had a history of starting businesses, some of which failed, but they always saw failure as a learning opportunity. They also highlight the importance of being open to new opportunities and not being afraid to take risks. They believe that their faith played a role in their willingness to take risks, as they knew that even if they failed, they would still have their family and their faith to fall back on.

Willie and Korie also discuss the concept of failure and how it is often misunderstood. They explain that failure is not the end, but rather a stepping stone to success. They emphasize the importance of being all-in and fully committed to a venture, as it allows for growth and learning, even if the outcome is not what was initially expected. They also stress the importance of gratitude and appreciating what they have, regardless of their level of success.

The conversation continues with Willie and Korie sharing their definition of success, which they believe is rooted in faithfulness. They emphasize the importance of a healthy marriage, a loving family, and strong friendships as the key components of success. They also highlight the role of their religious faith in guiding their actions and decisions.

Willie and Korie explain that their faith in God provides them with the freedom to experiment and try new things, knowing that as long as their core values and relationships are intact, they can navigate through any challenges. They mention that their faith is not explicitly preached on their show, but it shines through in their actions and interactions with others.

The couple discusses how their faith helps them maintain a sense of perspective and gratitude. They acknowledge that no matter how difficult life may seem, it is important to remember that things could always be worse. They also mention that their faith allows them to find joy and laughter in life, even during tough times.

Peterson raises the question of how their religious faith specifically helps them stay grounded and true to themselves while navigating the ups and downs of fame. Willie and Korie explain that their faith is reflected in the way they live their lives and treat others. They strive to embody the fruits of the spirit, such as love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, gentleness, goodness, and self-control. They also mention that their faith helps them avoid taking themselves too seriously and becoming egotistical, as they recognize that they are part of something greater than themselves.

The conversation then shifts to the upcoming film, "The Blind," produced by Willie and Korie's production company, Tread Lively Productions. The film tells the story of Phil and Kay Robertson's early years of marriage, highlighting the struggles they faced and how their faith ultimately transformed their lives. Willie and Korie express their excitement about the film and the positive impact they hope it will have on viewers.

They also discuss the challenges they faced in finding distributors for the film, particularly due to its faith-based nature. However, they express their gratitude for the opportunity to release the film through Fathom, a company that specializes in distributing faith-based films. They mention that the early response to the film has been positive, and they are proud of how it turned out.

Towards the end of the podcast, Peterson reflects on the importance of flawed characters in biblical stories and literature in general. He emphasizes that flaws do not necessarily prevent individuals from finding redemption and making a positive impact. Willie and Korie agree, highlighting the transformative power of faith and the hope it offers to everyone, regardless of their past mistakes.

The podcast concludes with Peterson and the Robertsons discussing how they initially connected. They share that their first contact was through email, and they eventually met in person at a corporate event. They express their mutual admiration and respect for each other's work.


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